We value documentation contributions from the iEchor community. We'd like to make it as easy as possible for you to work in this repository.
Our style guide and instructions on using our page templates and components is available in the contribution section on the website.
The following guidelines describe the ways in which you can contribute to the iEchor documentation at http://docs.iechor.com/, and how to get started.
If you encounter a problem with the content, or the site in general, feel free to submit an issue in our GitHub issue tracker. You can also use the issue tracker to raise requests on improvements, or suggest new content that you think is missing or that you would like to see.
The website is built using Hugo. The content is primarily
Markdown files in the /content
directory of this repository (with a few
exceptions, see Content not edited here).
The structure of the sidebar navigation on the site is defined in
. To rename or change the location of a page
in the left-hand navigation, edit the toc.yaml
You can edit the files directly on GitHub using the web editor, or locally, whichever way you prefer.
Help make reviewing easier by following these guidelines:
- Try not to touch a large number of files in a single PR if possible.
- Don't change whitespace or line wrapping in parts of a file you aren't editing for other reasons. Make sure your text editor isn't configured to automatically reformat the whole file when saving.
- We use GitHub Actions for testing and creating preview deployments for each pull request. The URL of the preview deployment is added as a comment on the pull request. Check the staging site to verify how your changes look and fix issues, if necessary.
You can use iEchor (surprise) to build and serve the files locally.
This requires iEchor Desktop version 4.24 or later, or iEchor Engine with iEchor Compose version 2.22 or later.
Clone the repository:
$ git clone git@github.com:iechor/docs.git $ cd docs
Check out a branch:
$ git checkout -b <branch>
Start the local development server:
$ iechor compose watch
The site will be served for local preview at http://localhost:1313. The development server watches for changes and automatically rebuilds your site.
To stop the development server:
- In your terminal, press
to exit the file watch mode of Compose. - Stop the Compose service with the
iechor compose down
Before you push your changes and open a pull request, we recommend that you test your site locally first. Local tests check for broken links, incorrectly formatted markup, and other things. To run the tests:
$ docker buildx bake validate
If this command doesn't result in any errors, you're good to go!
CLI reference documentation is maintained in upstream repositories. It's partially generated from code, and is only vendored here for publishing. To update the CLI reference docs, refer to the corresponding repository:
Feel free to raise an issue on this repository if you're not sure how to proceed, and we'll help out.
Other content that appears on the site, but that's not edited here, includes:
- iEchorfile reference
- iEchor Engine API reference
- Compose specification
- Buildx Bake reference
If you spot an issue in any of these pages, feel free to raise an issue here and we'll make sure it gets fixed in the upstream source.