Releases: ign-argentina/argenmap
Releases Β· ign-argentina/argenmap
β¨ Improvements
- Leaflet.Draw "Clean All" only removes geometries, not layers.
- Validate if app.strings exists before accessing an object property.
- Show custom message if fetch fails when adding a WMS service.
- When Elevation Profile layer is hidden, it no longer persists in drawItems.
βοΈ Changes
- Reduce Elevation Profile modal shadow.
- Change line, marker and chart color in Elevation Profile.
- Change the marker to a circleMarker in Elevation Profile.
- Change the language of the menu options from graphic to Spanish in Elevation Profile.
- Change the size of the Elevation Profile chart to improve visualization.
π Bug fixes
- Elevation Profile no longer allows deleting the line using the contextMenu options.
- Contours no longer allows you to remove its rectangle and curves with the contextMenu options.
- When uploading a layer from file that has markers with custom styles, they are not resized.
- Elevation Profile Chart Modal doesn't close when dragged.
- When adding WMS, it failed if the reported projection was not cross: 84.
β¨ Improvements
- Name prefixes of process layers are read when the process object is instantiated
- Improved style of elevation profile modal
βοΈ Changes
- Elevation profile input line can't be modified after is processed
- Contour lines input rectangle can't be modified after is processed
π Bug fixes
- Active layers counter crash when a geometry is deleted from context menu
- Delete drawn layers crash when is loaded a layer from file
- When a editable label is deleted another takes its name
β¨ Improvements
- Delete markers from right click menu
- Right click menu 'Zoom to' option now supports editable labels
- Unused plugins removed
- Right click menu 'Measure' option now supports editable labels with centroid
- Editable labels supports custom style from right click 'Edit style'
- Style improved for add label tool
π Bug fixes
- Error on closing elevation profile wrapper window
- Print doesn't show backgrounds of div over the map
- Enabled layers counter doesn't update on deleting layers from files
- Delete process layers from menu throws an error
v1.4.1 βββ
β¨ Improvements
- Warning about dense geometries when is tried to edit them
- Active layers counter now includes those coming from files, WMS and processes
- Imagery basemap info dialog style same as rest of the app
- Responsive style improvements
- Process modal can be opened and closed from its control button
π Bug fixes
- Fixed turf.buffer is not a function error
- Red line style on contour lines remained after a height layer is processed
- Search layer executes even if the typed string is less than 3 characters
- Print doesn't include drawings, layers form process or layers from files
- Measure and fullscreen tools are kept behind map on fullscreen
- 'sidebar-toolbar-icon-left' doesn't hide all the buttons
- Editable label tool keep creating labels on every click
- When deleting one editable label, another one is deleted too
π Features
- 3 New Geoprocess:
- Height level
- Elevation profile
- Buffer
- Geometry measurements from right click menu
- Deactivate all layers button
- Add label tool
- Zoom to layer (vector)
β¨ Improvements
- Geoprocessing library updated
- Fonts normalization
- New default font
- Logo updated
- Tools controls relocation (zoom & geocoder)
- Basemap legends within (i) button
- Mobile style improvements
- Unused code removed
π Bug fixes
- Multiple bug fixes in geoprocess tool and layers menu
Full Changelog: v1.3.4...v1.4.0
π Features
- Localities finder
- Layer legend
- Zoom to layer
- Hillshade Overlay
- Add layers from KML, GPX, Shapefile, WKT, TopoJSON files
- Add layers manually from a WMS service
- Geoprocesses:
- Contour Lines
- Geometry drawing tool
- Zoom range indicator for base maps
- Right click menu:
- Open location in external app
- Check the place in the localities finder (More info)
- Esri imagery metadata
- Download data table to GeoJSON y CSV
β οΈ Breaking changes
- Files and directories reorganization
- Config moved to new two JSON files
- Code from templates integrated
- Templates directory removed
π Features
- Added charts from layer data
- Added GeoJSON files support
- New right click context menu adding:
- Download drawn geometries with style attributes
- Change geometries style
- Add marker
- Copy coordinates
- Remove drawn geometries
- Query active layers elements by WFS using polygon geometries as filters
- Load many layers as basemap item
- New map screenshot
- Added hide / show option for map tools
β¨ Improvements
- Loading optimization
- Code & config cleaning
- Default config
- New & smaller loading image (SVG)
- New messages component
- New basemap zoom levels tooltip
- Map zoom limited by active basemap zoom levels
- New config parameters:
- Exclude plugins
- Google Analytics ID
- Initial map view
- Min and max zoom & native zoom for basemaps
π Bug fixes
- Double basemap loading