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Plotting spectra & divide by A0V

Jae-Joon Lee edited this page Mar 23, 2017 · 3 revisions


You can plot spectra using the following command.

For target spectra, it also plots target divided by A0V. A nearby A0V is simply picked. Optionally, you can try to remove intrinsic features of A0V by multiplying a vega model. Note that it is very simple divide and multiply. No correction in wavelength shift and airmass difference is corrected.

> python plot-spec $UTDATE -b K -s 75 -m -i

Interactive mode ('-i' or '--interactive')

Run in interactive Matplotlib mode. If not specified, just png files will be written.

A0V model correction ('-m' or '--multiply-model-a0v')

Multiply the target / a0v with vega model. Default is False.

specify A0V to use ('--a0v_obsid=NUMBER')

Specify the starting obsid to be used as a divisor star. If not specified, a nearby A0V spectra is used.


This is a simple command to produce a output fits spectra which is divided by A0V and multiplied by vega model. Again, this is very simple task and may not appropriate for your science.

specify A0V to use ('--a0v_obsid=NUMBER')

Specifies the starting obsid to be used as a divisor star. If not specified, a nearby A0V spectra is used. The output "spec_a0v.fits" will have a header keyword of "IGR_A0V_BASENAME" indicating which spectra was used as a divisor.