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QUBO and HOBO of Railway Rescheduling for Quantum Computing

Source code utilized for Quadratic and Higher-Order Unconstrained Binary Optimization of Railway Rescheduling for Quantum Computing.

Dependency installation

Anaconda distribution can be downloaded from To install

conda env create -f rail-hobo.yml

To activate this environment, use

conda activate rail-hobo

To deactivate an active environment, use

conda deactivate

Results reproduction

To reproduce the Figure.[6] and Figure.[7] in the article one need to run


the figures are saved in the plots folder.

Generating new data

Generating data contains the following steps

Generating Q-matrix:

To generate the Q-matrix one needs to run


the matrix is saved on files for

(1) files/Qfile.npz for default setting and, (2) files/Qfile_r.npz for rerouted setting, (3) files/Qfile_enlarged.npz for 4 trains, 2 stations model and, (4) files/Qfile_5_trains.npz for 5 trains, 5 stations model.

Getting a solution:

To solve the Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization problem on D-Wave's Advantage QPU and hybrid solver or simulated annealer one needs to do the following

python Qfile_solve.npy 'annealer_type' 'num_reads' 'annealing_time' 'method'

For more details on the solvers see: The 'method' denotes the model we want to consider for solving. The available models are as follows

'default'  --> For default setting,
'rerouted' --> For rerouted setting,
'enlarged' --> For 4 trains, 2 stations setting,
'5trains'  --> For 5 trains, 5 stations setting.

The data produced in the paper using the following specifications

python Qfile_solve.npy 'simulated' 0 0 'default'

for simulated annealer with default model and

python Qfile_solve.npy 'quantum' 3996 250 'enlarged'

for quantum annealer with 4 trains, 2 stations model and finally

python Qfile_solve.npy 'hybrid' 0 0 'rerouted'

for hybrid solver with rerouted model.

NOTE: For 'hybrid' and 'simulated' annealer the annealing_time and num_reads can be set arbitrarily.

Saved Data

The newly generated data containing solution to the problem using the hybrid solver is saved in


whereas the folder


contains the outcome for quantum annealer.

NOTE: For a particular model and for each annealing run two data files are saved in the following form

Qfile_complete.. --> Contains the whole D-Wave outcome, in the form of a dictionary,
Qfile_samples..  --> Contains just the solutions and corresponding energies, in the form of a list.


One can simply run the following code the generate and save the plot (similar to Figure.[6] and Figure.[7] in the article)


which are saved in files/plots folder.

Timetable and output analysis

To get analysis of D-Wave output, and particular trains timetables run:

Citing this work

K Domino, A Kundu, Ö Salehi, K Krawiec, Quadratic and Higher-Order Unconstrained Binary Optimization of Railway Rescheduling for Quantum Computing Quantum Information Processing, vol. 21, Article number: 337 (2022)

The research was supported by:

  • the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) under grant number TEAM NET POIR.04.04.00-00-17C1/18-00
  • the National Science Centre (NCN), Poland, under project number 2019/33/B/ST6/02011