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variational channel fidelity estimation

Source code used for variational quantum fidelity estimation for quantum channels.

Quick start

  1. Run to produce a sample of random channels. By default 1000 channels are generated.
  2. Run n, where n is the index of the channel generated in the previous steps.
  3. Run, to generate and save the average error in fidelity estimation with respect to rank of the state.
  4. Run to generate and save the error in fidelity estimation for the lowest error channel. Note to generate the lowest error quantum channel run, which saves the channel number with lowest error.
  5. Run to generate and save the plots.


This repository contains source code for running diagonalization procedure as well as to estimate fidelity (error in fidelity estimation) for 1 and 2 qubit channels.

Code for quantum channels

The main folder contains the following files:

  • for generating random channels. The generated channels are saved in the data subdirectory,

  • contains the main subroutines of the diagonalization and fidelity estimation algorithm as follows

    • cost_func cost function evaluation,
    • eig_info inferred eigenvalues generation and
    • trun_output (truncated fidelity bounds estimation) functions.
  • contains secondary subroutines as follows

    • jamilchoi generates Choi–Jamiołkowski (JC) state of any dimension quantum channel,
    • purity_before_diag gives the purity of the state before diagonalization,
    • maximum_likelihood performs maximum-likelihood to avoid negative eigenvalues.
  • n, where n is the index of the channel generated (if no n provided then the index by default is 0) to run optimization procedure for random quantum channels, by default the optimized angles are saved in data/opt_ang_test subfolder,

  • for finding the average error in fidelity estimation (by default the channel number set to 1000), by default the average error for each channel are saved in data/fid_plot_data_test subfolder,

  • for finding the convergence of fidelity with rank of the state for a particular quantum channel, by default the average error for each channel are saved in data/fid_plot_data_test subfolder,

  • for plotting the results and contains two subroutines as follows

    • average_fidelity returns plot for average fidelity estimation error for a defined total number of channels,
    • single_chan_fidelity returns plot for a single channel depicting truncated fidelity bound in respect with rank of the JC state. Plots are saved in plot subdirectory

Folder text

This folder is a placeholder for the preprint files.


This code can be distributed under the Apache License.

Installation and requirements

Python scripts in this repository have been tested with

  • qiskit (0.18.2)
  • numpy (1.21.2)
  • scipy (1.7.1)

To install the recent version of Qiskit run

!pip install qiskit==0.18.2