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ijp edited this page Nov 23, 2012 · 4 revisions

-*- org -*-


  • if package doesn’t exist, a message should be printed saying so
[ian@Kagami ∼]$ guild show this_is_not_a_package
[ian@Kagami ∼]$ 

list packages

maybe include documentation about what the various letter mean?


FOUND bad hooks

spells-foreign will fail, but worse it poisons guild itself so you have to delete it by hand(not hard, but shouldn’t be necessary)

FIXED no package

[ian@Kagami ∼]$ guild install fazgabda
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
 170: 11 [catch #t #<catch−closure 9485410> ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 10 [catch−closure]
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
  62: 9 [call−with−prompt prompt0 ...]
In module/ice−9/eval.scm:
 389: 8 [eval # #]
In /usr/local/bin/guile−tools:
  68: 7 [main ("/usr/local/bin/guild" "install" "fazgabda")]
In scripts/install.scm:
  95: 6 [main "fazgabda"]
In unknown file:
   ?: 5 [with−fluids⋆ (#<fluid 24>) (#) ...]
In sigil/database.scm:
 252: 4 [call−with−database # #<procedure a3b3c48 at sigil/cli/db.scm:73:8 (db)>]
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
 184: 3 [with−throw−handler #t ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 2 [with−fluids⋆ (#<fluid 25>) (#<procedure a3b3c00 args>) ...]
In scripts/install.scm:
 105: 1 [loop−procedure ("fazgabda") ()]
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
 119: 0 [#<procedure a3adcf8 at module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:110:6 (thrown−k . args)> r6rs:exception ...]

module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:119:20: In procedure #<procedure a3adcf8 at module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:110:6 (thrown−k . args)>:
module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:119:20: ERROR: R6RS exception:
  1. &fatal−error
  2. &message: "could not find any package matching `fazgabda'"
[ian@Kagami ∼]$ 

FOUND no file

[ian@Kagami pfds]$ guild install -b /tmp/o.tar.gz pfds
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
 170: 19 [catch #t #<catch−closure 9416410> ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 18 [catch−closure]
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
  62: 17 [call−with−prompt prompt0 ...]
In module/ice−9/eval.scm:
 389: 16 [eval # #]
In /usr/local/bin/guile−tools:
  68: 15 [main ("/usr/local/bin/guild" "install" "−b" "/tmp/o.tar.gz" "pfds")]
In scripts/install.scm:
  95: 14 [main "−b" "/tmp/o.tar.gz" "pfds"]
In unknown file:
   ?: 13 [with−fluids⋆ (#<fluid 24>) (#) ...]
In sigil/database.scm:
 252: 12 [call−with−database # #<procedure a3012d0 at sigil/cli/db.scm:73:8 (db)>]
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
 184: 11 [with−throw−handler #t ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 10 [with−fluids⋆ (#<fluid 25>) (#<procedure a301288 args>) ...]
In scripts/install.scm:
 104: 9 [#<procedure 9ae17f8 at scripts/install.scm:103:4 (packages config db)> # ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 8 [loop−procedure ("/tmp/o.tar.gz")]
In sigil/database.scm:
 380: 7 [database−add−bundle! #<r6rs:record:database> "/tmp/o.tar.gz"]
In sigil/bundle.scm:
 216: 6 [open−zip−input−bundle "/tmp/o.tar.gz" #<r6rs:record:enum−set>]
In module/rnrs/io/ports.scm:
 308: 5 [open−file−input−port "/tmp/o.tar.gz" #<r6rs:record:enum−set> block #f]
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
 184: 4 [with−throw−handler system−error #<procedure 9595f60 ()> ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 3 [#<procedure 9595f60 ()>]
   ?: 2 [open "/tmp/o.tar.gz" 0 #<undefined>]
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
 115: 1 [#<procedure a322cd0 at module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:110:6 (thrown−k . args)> system−error ...]
 119: 0 [#<procedure a322cf8 at module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:110:6 (thrown−k . args)> r6rs:exception ...]

module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:119:20: In procedure #<procedure a322cf8 at module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:110:6 (thrown−k . args)>:
module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:119:20: ERROR: R6RS exception:
  1. &i/o−file−does−not−exist: "/tmp/o.tar.gz"
[ian@Kagami pfds]$ guild install -b /tmp/o.tar.gz pfds

suggested fix

modify database-add-bundles! to include a ‘guard’ in the loop OR write a database-add-bundles!/guarded for use in ui, since ‘install’, ‘show’, and ‘list-packages’ all use it

Perhaps just quit, like yum does

Loaded plugins: etckeeper, langpacks, presto, refresh−packagekit

Error getting repository data for lskdfjkla, repository not found

not a zip

[ian@Kagami pfds]$ guild install -b 28.pdf pfds
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
 170: 19 [catch #t #<catch−closure 9803410> ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 18 [catch−closure]
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
  62: 17 [call−with−prompt prompt0 ...]
In module/ice−9/eval.scm:
 389: 16 [eval # #]
In /usr/local/bin/guile−tools:
  68: 15 [main ("/usr/local/bin/guild" "install" "−b" "28.pdf" "pfds")]
In scripts/install.scm:
  95: 14 [main "−b" "28.pdf" "pfds"]
In unknown file:
   ?: 13 [with−fluids⋆ (#<fluid 24>) (#) ...]
In sigil/database.scm:
 252: 12 [call−with−database # #<procedure a3cbba0 at sigil/cli/db.scm:73:8 (db)>]
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
 184: 11 [with−throw−handler #t ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 10 [with−fluids⋆ (#<fluid 25>) (#<procedure a3cbb58 args>) ...]
In scripts/install.scm:
 104: 9 [#<procedure 9ed1768 at scripts/install.scm:103:4 (packages config db)> # ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 8 [loop−procedure ("28.pdf")]
In sigil/database.scm:
 380: 7 [database−add−bundle! #<r6rs:record:database> "28.pdf"]
In sigil/bundle.scm:
 216: 6 [open−zip−input−bundle "28.pdf" #<r6rs:record:enum−set>]
In module/rnrs/io/ports.scm:
 308: 5 [open−file−input−port "28.pdf" #<r6rs:record:enum−set> block #f]
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
 184: 4 [with−throw−handler system−error #<procedure 99708c0 ()> ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 3 [#<procedure 99708c0 ()>]
   ?: 2 [open "28.pdf" 0 #<undefined>]
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
 115: 1 [#<procedure a3c5cd0 at module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:110:6 (thrown−k . args)> system−error ...]
 119: 0 [#<procedure a3c5cf8 at module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:110:6 (thrown−k . args)> r6rs:exception ...]

module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:119:20: In procedure #<procedure a3c5cf8 at module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:110:6 (thrown−k . args)>:
module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:119:20: ERROR: R6RS exception:
  1. &i/o−file−does−not−exist: "28.pdf"
[ian@Kagami pfds]$ guild install -b /tmp/28.pdf pfds
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
 170: 17 [catch #t #<catch−closure 9716410> ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 16 [catch−closure]
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
  62: 15 [call−with−prompt prompt0 ...]
In module/ice−9/eval.scm:
 389: 14 [eval # #]
In /usr/local/bin/guile−tools:
  68: 13 [main ("/usr/local/bin/guild" "install" "−b" "/tmp/28.pdf" "pfds")]
In scripts/install.scm:
  95: 12 [main "−b" "/tmp/28.pdf" "pfds"]
In unknown file:
   ?: 11 [with−fluids⋆ (#<fluid 24>) (#) ...]
In sigil/database.scm:
 252: 10 [call−with−database # #<procedure 9ee1588 at sigil/cli/db.scm:73:8 (db)>]
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
 184: 9 [with−throw−handler #t ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 8 [with−fluids⋆ (#<fluid 25>) (#<procedure 9ee1540 args>) ...]
In scripts/install.scm:
 104: 7 [#<procedure 9ddc5e8 at scripts/install.scm:103:4 (packages config db)> # ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 6 [loop−procedure ("/tmp/28.pdf")]
In sigil/database.scm:
 380: 5 [database−add−bundle! #<r6rs:record:database> "/tmp/28.pdf"]
In sigil/bundle.scm:
 216: 4 [open−zip−input−bundle "/tmp/28.pdf" #<r6rs:record:enum−set>]
In sigil/private/zip.scm:
  40: 3 [zip−port−>inventory #<input: /tmp/28.pdf 144>]
In sigil/weinholt/compression/zip.scm:
 354: 2 [get−central−directory #<input: /tmp/28.pdf 144>]
 346: 1 [get−all−zip−records #<input: /tmp/28.pdf 144>]
In module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:
 119: 0 [#<procedure 9f2dc08 at module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:110:6 (thrown−k . args)> r6rs:exception ...]

module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:119:20: In procedure #<procedure 9f2dc08 at module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:110:6 (thrown−k . args)>:
module/ice−9/boot−9.scm:119:20: ERROR: R6RS exception:
  1. &unsupported−error
  2. &who: get−zip−record
  3. &message: "unknown header signature"
  4. &irritants: 1178882085
[ian@Kagami pfds]$ 


should mention if something isn’t a bundle


needs documentation, even just usage


does dir affect installation? (No)

[ian@Kagami pfds]$ guild create-bundle . --output=/tmp/
Creating /tmp/
[ian@Kagami pfds]$ diff /tmp/ 
Binary files /tmp/ and differ
[ian@Kagami pfds]$ unzip -l /tmp/ 
Archive:  /tmp/
  Length      Date    Time    Name
−−−−−−−−−  −−−−−−−−−− −−−−−   −−−−
      380  09−04−2011 02:18   o/pkg−list.scm
     2910  09−03−2011 00:47   o/queues.sls
     2221  09−03−2011 00:49   o/tests.scm
−−−−−−−−−                     −−−−−−−
     5511                     3 files
[ian@Kagami pfds]$ unzip -l 
  Length      Date    Time    Name
−−−−−−−−−  −−−−−−−−−− −−−−−   −−−−
     2910  09−03−2011 00:47   pfds_0/queues.sls
     2221  09−03−2011 00:49   pfds_0/tests.scm
      380  09−04−2011 02:18   pfds_0/pkg−list.scm
       57  09−03−2011 23:28   pfds_0/README
−−−−−−−−−                     −−−−−−−
     5568                     4 files
[ian@Kagami pfds]$ git add README 
[ian@Kagami pfds]$ unzip -l 
  Length      Date    Time    Name
−−−−−−−−−  −−−−−−−−−− −−−−−   −−−−
     2910  09−03−2011 00:47   pfds_0/queues.sls
     2221  09−03−2011 00:49   pfds_0/tests.scm
      380  09−04−2011 02:18   pfds_0/pkg−list.scm
       57  09−03−2011 23:28   pfds_0/README
−−−−−−−−−                     −−−−−−−
     5568                     4 files
[ian@Kagami pfds]$ guild create-bundle . --output=/tmp/
Creating /tmp/
[ian@Kagami pfds]$ diff /tmp/ 
Binary files /tmp/ and differ
[ian@Kagami pfds]$ guild create-bundle . 
[ian@Kagami pfds]$ diff /tmp/ 
Binary files /tmp/ and differ
[ian@Kagami pfds]$ unzip 
  inflating: pfds_0/README           
  inflating: pfds_0/pkg−list.scm     
  inflating: pfds_0/queues.sls       
  inflating: pfds_0/tests.scm        
[ian@Kagami pfds]$ unzip /tmp/ 
Archive:  /tmp/
  inflating: o/README                
  inflating: o/pkg−list.scm          
  inflating: o/queues.sls            
  inflating: o/tests.scm             
[ian@Kagami pfds]$ 

real ui


mistake in ? for remove

[ian@Kagami ∼]$ guild remove wak-irregex
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  conjure{a} spells{a} wak−irregex
Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/o/?] ?
The following choices are available:
  y: accept this solution
  n: Try to find another solution
  q: quit the operation
  o: toggle between the contents of the solution andan explanation of the solution
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  conjure{a} spells{a} wak−irregex
Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/o/?] 

“o” is confusing

  q: quit the operation
  o: toggle between the contents of the solution andan explanation of the solution
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  conjure{a} spells{a} wak−irregex
Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/o/?] o
spells 0.1.0−20110103 depends upon wak−irregex
 −> Removing spells
conjure 0.1.0−20110103 depends upon wak−irregex
 −> Removing conjure
Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/o/?] 

dependency not satisfied

This could use a nicer message

[ian@Kagami pfds]$ guild install -b pfds
The following packages have been kept back:
Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/o/?] y

‘o’ is nearly right, but not quite

Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/o/?] o
pfds 0 depends upon package−that−does−not−exist
 −> Removing pfds
Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/o/?] 

things i like

–no-depends works like a treat :-) guild create-bundle . –append-version=88 does modify the version in pkg-list.scm