Note: Downloading the entire repository is time consuming, so download only the branch you need.
shell$ git clone --depth=1 --branch v2021.1-desktop-1 git://
shell$ cd ZynqMP-FPGA-Ubuntu20.04
shell$ git lfs pull
- target/Ultra96-V2
- boot/
- boot.bin : Stage 1 Boot Loader
- uEnv.txt : U-Boot environment variables for linux boot
- image-5.10.0-xlnx-v2021.1-zynqmp-fpga : Linux Kernel Image (use Git LFS)
- devicetree-5.10.0-xlnx-v2021.1-zynqmp-fpga-ultra96v2.dtb : Linux Device Tree Blob
- devicetree-5.10.0-xlnx-v2021.1-zynqmp-fpga-ultra96v2.dts : Linux Device Tree Source
- boot/
- ubuntu20.04-desktop-rootfs.tgz : Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop Root File System (use Git LFS)
shell# mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/usb1
shell# mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt/usb2
shell# cp target/Ultra96-V2/boot/* /mnt/usb1
shell# tar xfz ubuntu20.04-desktop-rootfs.tgz -C /mnt/usb2
shell# mkdir /mnt/usb2/mnt/boot
shell# cat <<EOT >> /mnt/usb2/etc/fstab
/dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/boot auto defaults 0 0
shell# umount /mnt/usb1
shell# umount /mnt/usb2