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A Background Management System Implemented Using Flutter.This project for the front end, the corresponding back-end to https://github.com/cairuoyu/flutter_admin_backend
As a template, example and demonstration for developing multi-terminal applications such as Web, Android, IOS, Windows, MacOS and Linux based on Flutter, this project provides a variety of implementation methods in terms of functions and is constantly being improved. With this project, you can learn Flutter efficiently or quickly develop a new cross-end application.
- User Registration
- Login And Logout
- Face detection
- Function Menu
- Dashboard
- Role Management
- User Management
- Menu Management
- Article Management
- upload Picture
- Video Upload
- Personnel Management
- Data Dictionary Management
- Message
- My Information
- Chart
- Globalization
- Language Switch
- Theme Switch
- Font Switch
- Standalone configuration file
- Component packaging
- Import or Export Excle
Name | Technology |
Base | cry |
Routing management | Flutter Navigator 2 |
State management | GetX |
Cache management | GetStorage |
Network request | Dio |
The chart | syncfusion_flutter_charts |
The rich text | flutter_markdown |
Picker | image_picker、video_player、file_picker、flutter_colorpicker |
Face detection | camera、google_ml_kit |
Authentication | JWT |
├─config The configuration file
├─api The service interface
├─common The public class
├─constants Constant class
├─data Data classes
├─enum Enumeration class
├─generated The tool automatically generates the internationalization code
│ └─intl
├─l10n Internationalize the configuration and modify the tool to generate code in the generated folder
├─models Model class
├─pages Page, each folder corresponds to each function
│ ├─common
│ ├─dash
│ ├─dict
│ ├─icon
│ ├─image
│ ├─layout
│ ├─menu
│ ├─message
│ ├─person
│ ├─role
│ ├─subsystem
│ ├─userInfo
│ └─video
└─utils Utility class
flutter pub get
flutter create .
# Web
flutter run -d chrome
# Windows
flutter run -d windows
# Web
flutter build web
# Windows
flutter build windows
# Android
flutter build apk