= ActiveMerchantPay2go CHANGELOG
== Version 0.2.0 (Feb 6, 2017)
- change pay2go API endpoint to new namespace
- Fix travis ci build errors
- Add ruby-2.4.0 to travis
== Version 0.1.6 (Oct 8, 2016)
- update activemerchant version to from '
> 1.50' to '> 1.60' - update bundler version to from '
> 1.10' to '> 1.13' - update rake version to from '
> 10.0' to '> 11.2' - update rails version to from '>= 3.2.6', '< 5' to '>= 3.2.6', '< 6'
- Helper FIELDS: add ExpireTime
- Notification PARAMS_FIELDS: add RedAmt
- Notification PARAMS_FIELDS: add ExpireTime