item | status |
Development | Done |
Production | In operation, Stable, under active testing |
Web API | Django + Django Rest Framework |
DB | MySQL |
Background tasks | Celery Beat |
Deployment | Nginx + Gunicorn on a EC2 T2 Medium instance |
Performance | On avg about 16-17ms to retrieve travel options for a single time slot (online service) |
Updater not scalable. It uses a bring-all-in-then-update-sequentially scheme.
- about 1 sec to update Parade & OTP options for a single entry
- about 1.5 sec to update Uber options for a single entry
dev and production env not configurable
deployment should be completely automated
the map from timezone to city (otp router) won't work if there are multiple cities within one timezone
Make Updater scalable (multiple celery workers, request_future, Amazon Lambda)
Make dev and production env configurable and automated
Automate deployment/Wrap everything into virtual env
Visualize performance data with Periscope
support for Jenkins/Travis?
Category | Tasks |
Scale Updater | Look into how to scale celery tasks |
Scale Updater | Support query travel option entries by range of slot id in API |