diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 73b966c..3b16211 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ This extension brings back the twitter logo on Twitter.com!
 Disclaimer: This extension is in **ALPHA** so it might not work for some people
 If it doesn't, please dm @pacifiky on twitter.
 ## How to install
-First, download the code as a ZIP.
+### First, download the code as a ZIP.
-Then, extract the zip
+### Then, extract the zip
 ![extract all](https://github.com/infinitypacific/extension/assets/87620151/06cc0d26-3c43-466e-9f6e-35a1a5671b95)
-Then, navigate to the chrome://extensions page and turn on dev mode
+### Then, navigate to the chrome://extensions page and turn on dev mode
-Then, click "Load Unpacked"
+### Then, click "Load Unpacked"
-Then, navigate into your extracted zip, select the folder inside, and press select folder
+### Then, navigate into your extracted zip, select the folder inside, and press select folder
-You can close the tab and navigate to twitter.com now. It should show up with the twitter logo back!
+### You can close the tab and navigate to twitter.com now. It should show up with the twitter logo back!