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The Nottingham Forest

A mock e-commerce website for BUSI4493 22-23

This is a mock website for a fictitious company that specialises in delivering trees and plants to its customers. We have named it ‘The Nottingham Forest’ because what else would it be called?

Use-case Analysis

Rich Picture

Interface Design

Colour palette

Colour Palette The bright and attention-grabbing #AFFF50 was selected to represent growth and renewal, while the natural and earthy #365216 complements the brighter green hue. The medium grey #6D6D6D provides contrast for text and design elements, and the light grey #C4C4C4 creates a feeling of openness and space as a background or border element.


The font Finlandica was chosen for its compatibility with the forestry theme of the website. With its bold and rustic appearance, it evokes a sense of nature and earthiness that aligns perfectly with the website's purpose.


index.php search.php product.php data_entry.php


Database schema

Database Schema The Nottingham Forest database was created to efficiently store and manage data on products, customers, and orders. The categories table is connected to the products table by a foreign key, allowing each product to be assigned to a certain category. The product traits and product trait values databases were designed to hold extra product information that may differ between products, whilst the customers table contains information about each registered customer. Orders and order item tables are connected to the customers and products tables, allowing orders to be placed and tracked for each client. The design provides for quick data access and processing, making it ideal for an e-commerce website.

Key queries

Search query

The search bar and side bar traits are used to retrieve a list of products that match the keywords and selected traits.

SELECT products.product_id, products.product_name, products.price, products.image_url, GROUP_CONCAT(product_traits.trait_id, ':', product_trait_values.value SEPARATOR ', ') AS traits
FROM products
JOIN product_trait_values ON products.product_id = product_trait_values.product_id
JOIN product_traits ON product_trait_values.trait_id = product_traits.trait_id
JOIN categories ON products.category_id = categories.category_id

# Keyword search from the search bar
	products.product_name LIKE '%search_keyword%'
	OR products.description LIKE '%search_keyword%'
	OR categories.category_name LIKE '%search_keyword%'
	OR product_trait_values.value LIKE '%search_keyword%'
GROUP BY products.product_id

# Trait selections from the side bar
	(traits LIKE "%trait1:value1%")
	AND (traits LIKE "%trait2:value1%" OR traits LIKE "%trait2:value2%") ...

Related products query

Retrieves a list of 5 products that have the most matching traits.

SELECT products.product_id, products.product_name, products.price, products.image_url
FROM products
INNER JOIN product_trait_values ptv ON products.product_id = ptv.product_id
INNER JOIN product_trait_values ptv2 ON ptv.trait_id = ptv2.trait_id AND ptv.value = ptv2.value
WHERE products.product_id <> $pid
AND ptv2.product_id = $pid
GROUP BY products.product_id

Best sellers query

Retrieves a list of 5 products with highest sale numbers.

SELECT products.product_id, products.product_name, products.price, products.image_url, SUM(order_items.quantity) as total_sales
FROM order_items
JOIN products ON order_items.product_id = products.product_id
GROUP BY products.product_id
ORDER BY total_sales DESC

New product query

Add new product to the database.

INSERT INTO products (product_name, category_id, description, price, image_url)
VALUES ('Basil', 2, 'A popular herb used in cooking and for medicinal purposes.', 2.99, './images/product_photos/basil.png');

SET @product_id = LAST_INSERT_ID();

INSERT INTO product_trait_values (product_id, trait_id, value)
(@product_id, 2, 'Edible'),
(@product_id, 3, 'Fast'),

Product update query

Update product details and trait values on existing products.

UPDATE products
SET product_name = '$product_name', category_id = $category_id, description = '$description', price = $price, image_url = '$image_url'
WHERE product_id = $pid;

# Delete all previous traits related to the product
DELETE FROM product_trait_values WHERE product_id = $pid;

# Insert new trait values
INSERT INTO product_trait_values (product_id, trait_id, value)
(@product_id, 2, 'Edible'),
(@product_id, 3, 'Fast'),