[Fix] avoid being fooled by a Symbol.toStringTag
[Fix] avoid being fooled by a
[Fix] quoteStyle
: properly escape only the containing quotes
: properly escape only the containing quotes[Dev Deps] update error-cause
, has-tostringtag
, tape
[Dev Deps] update
, has-tostringtag
, tape
[Fix] in IE 8, global can !== window despite them being prototypes of…
[Fix] in IE 8, global can !== window despite them being prototypes of…
[New] add special handling for the global object
[New] add special handling for the global object
Force push
[New] add special handling for the global object
[New] add special handling for the global object
Force push
[New] add special handling for the global object
[New] add special handling for the global object
Force push
[New] add special handling for the global object
[New] add special handling for the global object
[Dev Deps] pin jackspeak
since 2.1.2+ depends on npm aliases, which…
[Dev Deps] pin
since 2.1.2+ depends on npm aliases, which…Force push
[Dev Deps] pin jackspeak
since 2.1.2+ depends on npm aliases, which…
[Dev Deps] pin
since 2.1.2+ depends on npm aliases, which…Force push
[Dev Deps] pin jackspeak
since 2.1.2+ depends on npm aliases, which…
[Dev Deps] pin
since 2.1.2+ depends on npm aliases, which…