Название исследуемой задачи: | Поиск зависимостей биомеханических системах методом CCM |
Тип научной работы: | M1P |
Автор: | Латыпов Ильгам Магданович |
Научный руководитель: | степень, д. ф.м.н. Стрижов Вадим |
Научный консультант(при наличии): | степень, Эдуард Владимиров |
When predicting complex time series that depend on exogenous external factors, it is required to solve the problem of identifying related pairs of series. It is also assumed that the addition of these series to the models improves the quality of the predictions. In this work, it is proposed to use the convergent cross-mapping method and differential neural networks to detect relationships between series.
- Neural Ordinary Differential Equations.
- Neural Controlled Differential Equations for Irregular Time Series.
3. Normalizing Flows. Работы Сугихары:
Датасеты: 1. accelerometry. Presentations at conferences on the topic of research ================================================