Usage of files in this directory and its subdirectories, and of CISO Assistant PRO and Enterprise features, is governed by the terms set forth in the Intuitem Commercial License below. A valid license from Intuitem is required for any authorized use.
Access to files in this directory and its subdirectories does not constitute permission to use this code. The full terms of the Intuitem Commercial License are detailed herein.
Copyright (c) 2024 intuitem SARL.
This license governs the use of the CISO Assistant source code located in the "enterprise"
directory (the "Software"). These components are not part of the Community Edition and are subject to the following terms.
- Production Use: The Software may only be used in production with a valid subscription for the appropriate number of users.
- Testing and Contributions:
- You may modify the Software solely for testing purposes.
- Modifications may be submitted to Intuitem as pull requests (PRs) for possible inclusion in the Software.
- Prohibited Actions: The Software may not be used in production, copied, modified, distributed, sublicensed, or sold without authorization, except as expressly permitted above.
- This license applies to the content of the
directory. - Binaries for CISO Assistant located directly under the
namespace are also released under this Intuitem Commercial License. - Third-party components incorporated into the Software are licensed under their respective original licenses.
For a non-AGPLv3 license of the Community Edition, please contact Intuitem.
The Software is provided "AS IS," without any warranties. Intuitem and its licensors are not liable for damages arising from its use.
For licensing inquiries, subscriptions, or more information, please contact or visit