diff --git a/docs/customize/look-and-feel/menus.md b/docs/customize/look-and-feel/menus.md
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+++ b/docs/customize/look-and-feel/menus.md
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+# Change Menus/Tabs
+For navigation, InvenioRDM often uses menus or tabs. For example, one such menu is the user-dropdown menu:
+And one such set of tabs is at the top of the user-dashboard:
+In the codebase, menus and sets of tabs like those are referred as *menus*, so we do so here for the remainder of this how-to as well.
+Their options (e.g., "Uploads", "Profile") are referred as *submenus*.
+These *menus* can be configured in the following ways:
+- which submenus to show
+- what title-text to show in those submenus
+- which endpoint to request when clicking them
+- how to dynamically show/hide them (e.g. depending on currently logged-in user)
+## Configurable Properties
+Properties of existing submenus can be overridden,
+properties of newly added submenus can be freely chosen.
+All submenus share the following properties:
+| Name | Example values | Notes |
+| `endpoint` | `"invenio_app_rdm_users.uploads"` | flask-endpoint requested when clicking this submenu |
+| `order` | `1`, `2`, `10`, `-1`, `1.5` | lower ordered submenus are shown further left |
+| `text` | `_("Uploads")`, `_("Communities")` | title-text shown on submenus |
+| `visible_when` | `flask_menu.menu.CONDITION_TRUE` | when to show this submenu
- must be of type `callable[[], bool]`
- `CONDITION_TRUE` is just a named `lambda: True`
- use `CONDITION_FALSE` to hide a submenu |
+| ... | ... | in addtion to the above properties, all arguments for `flask_menu.menu:MenuNode.register` are configurable |
+For example, consider the user-dashboard pictured above.
+Its *Uploads* submenu has the following default configuration:
+ "endpoint": "invenio_app_rdm_users.uploads",
+ "order": 1, # small number as to show this submenu left-most
+ "text": _("Uploads"),
+ "visible_when": flask_menu.menu.CONDITION_TRUE, # always show this submenu
+ ..., # advanced configuration properties omitted for brevity
+## Add new submenus to existing menu
+Existing menus can be extended by custom-configured submenus.
+To add a new submenu to an existing menu:
+1. Get the name of the to-be-added-to menu from the [list of menus](#list-of-menus)
+ For example, the user-dashboard is named `"dashboard"` (most names of menus/submenus are straightforward).
+2. Write a function that registers the new submenu
+ ```python
+ # ext.py # ext.py is commonly used, you may use another file though
+ from flask_menu import current_menu
+ from invenio_i18n import lazy_gettext as _ # for translations
+ def finalize_app():
+ # get the user-dashboard menu via its name "dashboard":
+ user_dashboard_menu = current_menu.submenu("dashboard")
+ # register a new submenu to the user-dashboard:
+ user_dashboard_menu.register(
+ "name-of-submenu",
+ endpoint="my_blueprint.my_endpoint",
+ order=4, # the three already existing submenus have `order` 1 through 3
+ text=_("Title of new Submenu"), # could also use an untranslated bare string
+ # note: could add other properties here, otherwise their default is used
+ # note: `visible_when` defaults to always visible
+ )
+ ... # could .register more submenus here (or do so in another package)
+ ```
+3. Register your function with the `invenio_base.finalize_app` entrypoint.
+ This will make your function be called at the app-finalization build-step.
+ For example, when using setuptools' `setup.cfg` with your python package, add:
+ ```ini
+ # setup.cfg
+ [options.entry_points]
+ invenio_base.finalize_app =
+ my_package_name = my_package_name.ext:finalize_app
+ ```
+!!! info "For entrypoints to take effect"
+ For entrypoint changes to be picked up, you will need to reinstall the python package.
+ *This is necessary even if the package is installed editably!*
+ After entrypoint changes are picked up,
+ you will further need to restart the server for changes to take effect:
+ ```shell
+ invenio-cli run
+ ```
+## Modify existing submenus
+The defaults of submenus' properties are selectively overridable via config-variables.
+To modify an existing submenu's properties:
+1. Find the name of the corresponding override-variable in the [list of menus](#list-of-menus)
+ For example, the override-variable for the user-dashboard is named `USER_DASHBOARD_MENU_OVERRIDES`.
+2. Find the name of the to-be-overridden submenu in that same [list of menus](#list-of-menus)
+ For example, the user-dashboard has a submenu for communities.
+ This submenu is named (obviously enough) `"communities"`.
+3. Add to your `invenio.cfg`:
+ ```python
+ # invenio.cfg
+ from flask_menu.menu import CONDITION_FALSE
+ "communities": {
+ "visible_when": CONDITION_FALSE,
+ # other properties will be left unchanged
+ }
+ # other submenus will be left unchanged
+ }
+ ```
+The above example hides the *Communities* submenu from the user-dashboard menu
+by overriding its `visible_when` property.
+For other overridable properties see [configurable properties](#configurable-properties).
+!!! info "Have you tried to turn it off and on again?"
+ You will need to restart the server for changes to take effect:
+ ```shell
+ invenio-cli run
+ ```
+!!! warning "On overriding user-added submenus: DON'T"
+ Currently, (sub)menu-overrides are adopted at app-finalization.
+ Users adding their own submenus (as described above) is also done at app-finalization.
+ Hence attempting to override submenus added by (other) users depends on
+ loading order of app-finalization entrypoints and might break anytime.
+## List of menus
+The following list of menus is non-exhaustive.
+Not all menus are overridable, but all menus can be extended by additional submenus.
+| Image | Description | Name of menu and its submenus | Name of override-variable |
+|  | Dashboard on user's personal page | `"dashboard"`
+|  | Dashboard on communities page | `"communities"`
└─`"about"` | No associated override-variable |
+|  | User settings menu | `"settings"`
└─`"applications"` | No associated override-variable |