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Workshop 3 - Beautiful

Today we are going to make our app beautiful. Fetching data from the internet is only the first step toward making a successful app. We need to make sure our app is pleasing to look at - that's what we'll be focussing on today by adding images.


1. Alternating row colors

  1. Remember that our cell is defined as a Prototype Cell in our Main.storyboard. This is the quickest way to add a UITableViewCell into a table and we are going to use it to customize our cell.

  2. In order to customize our cell, let's pull it out of the storyboard into it's own file. First, create a new Cocoa Touch Class:

    Create a new Cocoa Touch Class
  3. Name the file ArticleCell, make it a Subclass of UITableViewCell. Make sure to disable the checkbox to Also create XIB file.

    Configures a new Cocoa Touch Class
  4. Tap next and pick then Create. Make sure the news-reader checkbox is checked under Targets.

    Create the file
  5. Now we have the new file added to our project - ArticleCell.swift

  6. The next step is to configure our prototype cell in Storyboard to use the newly added ArticleCell class. Open the storyboard file and select our prototype cell.

    ArticleCell selected
  7. All we need to do now is set the Class under the Custom Clss section. Tap on the Identity Inspector button and type ArticleCell under Class.

    Cell Custom Class
  8. Now we can fire up the app and see our custom cell!

    ArticleCell is working
  9. Let's try alternating the cell backgrounds so we can more easily tell them apart. We do this by setting the backgroundColor depending on indexPath.row:

    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        cell.detailTextLabel?.text = article.description
        cell.detailTextLabel?.numberOfLines = 0
        // Divide the row's index by 2 and if there's a remainder of 1, we have an odd index
        if indexPath.row % 2 == 1 {
            cell.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0.95, alpha: 1.0)
        return cell
  10. Run the app and scroll up and down. What is going on now?

    Second cell has light gray background
  11. This issue appears because of cell reuse. Recall in workshop 1 we explained how UITableViewCells are reused for memory efficiency. In this case, our light gray cell is being reused, so we need to ensure that we reset it each time it's reused. Luckily, there's a method for that in UITableViewCell:

    class ArticleCell: UITableViewCell {
        override func prepareForReuse() {
            backgroundColor = .white
  12. Now run the app and marvel at our custom ArticleCell with alternating background colors. 🎉

    Cells have alternating colors

2. Adding an Image

  1. Let's start by adding an image to each cell. Eventually we'll fetch an appropriate image from, but for now a static image will do.

  2. Download placeholder-image.png to your computer. We use this format as pdfs can be scaled without losing quality. Note that iOS doesn't actually render these images as pdf, Xcode converts them to png first.

  3. Now open the Assets.xcassets folder in Xcode and drop the image into the large gray area:

    Animation showing an image being dragged from downloads and dropped into Assets.xcassets on Xcode

  4. The next part is tricky. In order to add a UIImageView to our custom ArticleCell, we need to change it's type from Subtitle to Custom. First go to the Main.storyboard. Select the ArticleCell and tap on the Attributes Inspector button. Then, change the cell style from Subtitle to Custom.

    Setting a custom style to ArticleCell
  5. But when we do this, we lose our Title and Subtitle labels!! ☹️

  6. This means we need to recreate our view piece by piece. Let's do this by adding a vertical UIStackView filling our entire cell:

    Animation showing a vertical UIStackView being added to our custom cell, and constrained to each edge

  7. Next we can re-add title and subtitle UIlabels to the stack view. The UIStackView takes care of all our layout automatically! 😀

    Animation showing addition of two UILabels to a UIStackView

  8. Note that Xcode notifies us that there is an issue with our layout. Let's make Xcode fix this for us.

    Animation showing how Xcode can fix some layout issues

  9. Xcode changed the Content hugging priority of the first Label to a value of 250. Setting this value indicates that the first label may grow larger than its content. Those properties are necessary so Auto Layout can correctly calculate the size of our components based on the content they host.

  10. We're not quite there yet. We forgot to hook up our new labels as IBOutlets. We can also override the methods that return textLabel & detailTextLabel so that we don't need to change the code in ViewController. 🆒

    class ArticleCell: UITableViewCell {
        @IBOutlet weak var articleTitle: UILabel!
        @IBOutlet weak var articleDescription: UILabel!
        override var textLabel: UILabel? {
            return articleTitle
        override var detailTextLabel: UILabel? {
            return articleDescription
        override func prepareForReuse() {
            backgroundColor = .white
  11. Let's run the app and see how it looks now!

    UIStackView showing labels without spacing
  12. See how white space can really affect the look of an app? We can tweak a few fields on the UIStackView inside ArticleCell.xib to give it more white space:

    • Set Spacing property to 5
    Update  UIStackView constraints
    • Set the Trailing & Leading constraint constants to 15
    • Set the Bottom & Top constraint constants to 8
    Update  UIStackView constraints
  13. Notice that our label are now getting cut. This only happens in the storyboard, so let's just increase the height of our cell. Select the ArticleCell and set its Row Height to 60.

    Update  UIStackView constraints
  14. Let's check how that looks:

    UIStackView showing labels with nice spacing
  15. Now let's add a UIImageView to the stack view between title and subtitle. Ensure the UIImageView is configured as:

    • Set Image property to placeholder-image
    • Set Content Mode to Aspect Fill

    Animation showing addition of UIImageView to a UIStackView

  16. How is this looking in the simulator?

    Cell showing large image
  17. We're showing the image, but it doesn't look beautiful. Let's make it smaller so it fits more evenly with the text. First, change the Height of the ArticleCell from 60 to 180, so we can have some room to design our cell. Next, Add a Height constraint with a constant vaue of 100.

    Animation showing addition of height constraint to UIImageView

  18. It's also easy to round the corners of our image, so let's do that for a more polished look. First we need to connect the image to an IBOutlet in ArticleCell.swift.

  19. Next we set the cornerRadius & masksToBounds properties on the view's layer:

    class ArticleCell: UITableViewCell {
        @IBOutlet weak var articleTitle: UILabel!
        @IBOutlet weak var articleImage: UIImageView! {
            didSet {
                articleImage.layer.cornerRadius = 12.0
                articleImage.layer.masksToBounds = true
        @IBOutlet weak var articleDescription: UILabel!
  20. Run the app now to see each article with our beautiful placeholder image!!

    Cell showing image with rounded corners

3. Downloading an Image

  1. Showing a placeholder image is a good start, but now let's download the image associated with each article from the Like we did in workshop 2, we need to add the name of the field exactly as per the api. Here's a snippet from the home page:

         "status": "ok",
         "totalResults": 1053,
         "articles": [
                 "title": "Where does the Apple Watch go next?",
                 "description": "Apple is widely expected to announce the latest iteration of the Apple Watch at its upcoming iPhone event.",
                 "url": "",
                 "urlToImage": "",
                 "publishedAt": "2019-09-08T14:00:00Z",
  2. Add the field urlToImage to our NewsItem in NewsFetching.swift. We make it optional just in case returns a null URL (unfortunately this is possible):

    struct NewsItem: Decodable {
        let title: String
        let description: String
        let url: URL
        let urlToImage: URL?
  3. Before we go further, let's modify our code so that we navigate to the article image when we tap on a cell:

    extension ViewController: UITableViewDelegate {
        func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
            // Create a new screen for loading Web Content using SFSafariViewController
            // Temporarily change this to urlToImage to test that URL is being parsed correctly
            let articleViewController = SFSafariViewController(url: selectedArticle.urlToImage)
  4. Run the app and check that when you tap on a cell, you see the article's image!

  5. Now revert the UITableViewDelegate to again load url instead of urlToImage. And remove the corresponding comment!

    extension ViewController: UITableViewDelegate {
        func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
            // Create a new screen for loading Web Content using SFSafariViewController
            let articleViewController = SFSafariViewController(url: selectedArticle.url)
  6. Good, we're successfully fetching the URL of the image associated with each news article. Next we need to download it asynchronously and place it in our UIImageView. In order to do this, download ImageDownloading.swift and drag it into your Xcode project.

  7. ImageDownloading.swift contains a simple class for downloading an image for a given URL. It's quite similar to NewsFetcher, so feel free to have a look after the workshop.

  8. Now we need to add a function to ArticleCell that will load an image for us:

    func loadImage(at url: URL) {
        ImageDownloader().downloadImage(url: url) { result in
            switch result {
            case .success(let image):
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    self.articleImage.image = image
            case .failure(let error):
  9. Now we have all the pieces, it's simple to update our UITableViewDataSource inside ViewController.swift:

    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        // This always fetches a cell of type UITableViewCell, even if we are using a custom subclass
        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "ArticleCell", for: indexPath)
        if indexPath.row % 2 == 1 {
            cell.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0.95, alpha: 1.0)
        // We need to ensure that we actually have a cell of type ArticleCell
        guard let articleCell = cell as? ArticleCell else {
            return cell
        if let imageUrl = article.urlToImage {
            articleCell.loadImage(at: imageUrl)
        return articleCell
  10. Note that we have to unwrap our cell as an ArticleCell. This is possible because ArticleCell subclasses UITableViewCell. That is, we can treat cell as a UITableViewCell or an ArticleCell. Since tableView.dequeueReusableCell() always returns the superclass UITableViewCell, we need to use a guard unwrap to get a strongly typed ArticleCell.

  11. Run the app in the simulator and watch as the images appear! Now quickly scroll up and down, then stop. What is going on? The images are flickering! 😧

    Animation showing a user scrolling quickly up and down. Old images appear, then are overridden by new images
  12. The issue here, once again, is cell reuse. We're recycling existing cells that already have an image. So rather than seeing the placeholder for a recycled cell, we see the last image that was downloaded. There is an easy fix for this in ArticleCell.swift:

    override func prepareForReuse() {
        backgroundColor = .white
        articleImage.image = UIImage(named: "placeholder-image")
  13. Let's try again. Launch the app again and slowly scroll up and down. Now we see the placeholder when an image is being downloaded. What happens if we scroll quickly again? There are still flickering images! 😭

    Animation showing a user scrolling quickly up and down. Placeholder image appears, then wrong image, then correct image
  14. Now we're dealing with an even trickier issue. This behaviour is because of our asynchronous downloading. What's actually happening is:

    1. Cell A is shown at position 0 with placeholder image
    2. Cell A requests to start downloading image 0
    3. User quickly scrolls down so that Cell A is now being reused at position 15
    4. Cell A is shown at position 15 with placeholder image
    5. Cell A start downloading image 15
    6. Download of image 0 completes, so Cell A is updated with image 0
    7. User briefly sees image 0 alongside article 15
    8. Download of image 15 completes, so Cell A is updated with image 15
    9. User now sees image 15 alongside article 15
  15. The solution now is to ensure that we cancel any image downloads when we reuse a cell. In order to do this we need to save any image download task, and cancel it during prepareForReuse():

    class ArticleCell: UITableViewCell { 
        var imageDownloadTask: URLSessionDataTask?
        override func prepareForReuse() {
            backgroundColor = .white
            articleImage.image = UIImage(named: "placeholder-image")
  16. Start the app and try again! Is it fixed now?

  17. Oops. No. We forgot to save the imageDownloadTask in our loadImage function inside ArticleCell:

    func loadImage(at url: URL) {
        imageDownloadTask = ImageDownloader().downloadImage(url: url) { result in
            switch result {
            case .success(let image):
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    self.articleImage.image = image
            case .failure(let error):
  18. Let's run the app again. Isn't it beautiful? ☺️ It's getting there. Next workshop we'll make it delightful!!

    News reader with cells showing downloaded images