BN-Inception with Squeeze-and-Excitation blocks
Metric | Value |
Type | Classification |
GFLOPs | 4.091 |
MParams | 11.922 |
Source framework | Caffe* |
Metric | Value |
Top 1 | 75.996% |
Top 5 | 92.964% |
Image, name - data
, shape - 1,3,224,224
, format is B,C,H,W
- batch sizeC
- channelH
- heightW
- width
Channel order is BGR
Mean values - [104.0,117.0,123.0].
Image, name - data
, shape - 1,3,224,224
, format is B,C,H,W
- batch sizeC
- channelH
- heightW
- width
Channel order is BGR
Object classifier according to ImageNet classes, name - prob
, shape - 1,1000
, output data format is B,C
- batch sizeC
- Predicted probabilities for each class in [0, 1] range
Object classifier according to ImageNet classes, name - prob
, shape - 1,1000
, output data format is B,C
- batch sizeC
- Predicted probabilities for each class in [0, 1] range
You can download models and if necessary convert them into Inference Engine format using the Model Downloader and other automation tools as shown in the examples below.
An example of using the Model Downloader:
python3 <omz_dir>/tools/downloader/ --name <model_name>
An example of using the Model Converter:
python3 <omz_dir>/tools/downloader/ --name <model_name>
The original model is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. A copy of the license is provided in APACHE-2.0-SENet.txt.