Drop in replacement for TextFormField
that debounces the validation.
While there are other debouncing packages available, this one builds on foundation of Form and validation provided by Flutter.
Just replace your TextFormField
with DebouncedTextFormField
and you are good to go. No extra widgets or builders needed.
decoration: const InputDecoration(
hintText: 'Enter email',
prefixIcon: Icon(Icons.mail),
validator: (value) => _mustBeValidEmail(value),
You can change debounce duration. Default is 1s as that's a good balance since you want to give user time to finish typing.
debounceDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 500),
Special case:
- The validation is run immediately when the field has correct value or when it's empty. This is to provide immediate feedback to the user that his input is valid.
- There is no autovalidateMode parameter from TextFormField, as debouncing is a form of auto-validation.
Maintained by: contact@joe-it-solutions.com