SNS is a fully managed messaging service for both application to application (A2A) and application to person (A2P) communication.
- The event producer only sends a message to one SNS topic at a time
- Many event receivers can be created to listen to an SNS topic notification
- Limits:
- 10,000,000 subscriptions per topic
- 100,000 topics
- Subscriber types:
- HTTP / HTTPS (with delivery retries)
- Lambda
- Emails
- Mobile Notifications
- SMS text messages
- AWS Services can send data directly to SNS for generating notifications:
- CloudWatch (for alarms)
- Auto Scaling Groups
- S3 buckets (for events)
- CloudFormation (for state changes)
- Create a topic
- Create a subscription
- Public to the topic
Publish directly from an application
- Create an endpoint in your application
- Publish to the platform endpoint
- This works with:
- Google GCM
- Apple APNS
- Amazon ADM
- In-flight encryption using HTTPS API
- At-rest encryption using KMS keys
- Client-side encryption if the client wants to perform encryption/decryption itself
Access Controls: IAM policies to regulate access to the SNS API
SNS Access Policies (similar to S3 Bucket policies)
- Useful for multi account access to SNS topics
- Useful for allowing other services to write to an SNS topic