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Releases: ivan-hc/AM

"AM" 7.8.1

21 Aug 20:33
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Refactoring and little improvements

Improved functions to detect apps installed with scripts having a different name, about/-a and sync/-s above all.

Also, option about/-a has colors now.

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And also the option --sandbox has been improved, by @Samueru-sama allowing you to sandbox/unsandbox more AppImages at same time.

Also done a massive code refactoring and lightweighting of *.am modules.

Full Changelog: 7.8...7.8.1

"AM" 7.8

18 Aug 21:10
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Goodbye "libfuse2"!

Improved the option nolibfuse, usage:

am nolibfuse $PROGRAM


appman nolibfuse $PROGRAM

thanks to the new appimagetool implementation (at now it is possible to convert ALL old AppImage packages still requiring the EOL "libfuse2" library!

Just one shot! No second chance!

In this example, I'll convert Libreoffice and Kdenlive:


As you can see, the file sizes are also smaller than before.

This process only works for old AppImages that still depend on "libfuse2", other files will be ignored.

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The original AppImage will be extracted using the --appimage-extract option, and then repackaged using appimagetool from

Updating converted AppImages

The nolibfuse option adds the following lines at the end of the AM-updater script

echo y | am nolibfuse $APP
notify-send "$APP has been converted too! "


echo y | appman nolibfuse $APP
notify-send "$APP has been converted too! "

so if an update happens through "comparison" of versions, the converted AppImage will be replaced by the upstream version and then the nolibfuse option will automatically start the conversion (prolonging the update time, depending on the size of the AppImage).

In this example, I update all the apps, including the original Avidemux, that is an old Type2 AppImage:


Instead, if the installed AppImage can be updated via zsync, this may no longer be updatable, anyway a solution may be the use of appimageupdatetool, at .


New improvements for updates will be added in the next releases, thanks to the amazing work of @Samueru-sama : STAY TUNED!

Improved options to remove the applications

Added colors and reduced messages during the removal of applications, in -r or remove...


...and -R


Among other changes

Refactoring and size reduction in the "" module, responsible for the above mentioned nolibfuse, -r/remove and -R options, but also responsible of the -b/backup, -o/overwrite, downgrade/--rollback, lock and unlock options.

Thanks to @Samueru-sama for testing nolibfuse in AppMan and on sistems where desktop-file-validate is not installed.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 7.7...7.8

"AM" 7.7

15 Aug 19:13
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Suspicious applications? Report them!

The installation process will take into account installation scripts belonging to applications that have little transparency in how they were built, therefore coming from repositories or websites that only publish the app and not the source code.

Each installation script of this type will have, on line 2, this "flag": # spooky

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installation scripts with this branding will be intercepted at installation time.

Anyone among you who is aware of applications of dubious transparency can do a Pull Request by adding the flag above, as shown in the screenshot.

A message will appear to let you choose to install them or not (default "N").

This is the message that will appear:

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And that's the only big change for this release!


What? Do you notice anything different?

Yes, I added color to the installation process. I hope you like it:


Among the other changes, the "" module has been refactored and "SUDOCOMMAND" is about to be changed to "SUDOCMD".

What's Changed

  • Introduce check for spooky scripts, and some refactoring by @Samueru-sama in #849
  • "AM" 7.7: check "spooky" AppImages before installing them, plus "colored installation" by @ivan-hc in #850

Full Changelog: 7.6.2...7.7

"AM" 7.6.2

14 Aug 03:07
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Database transparency, here are the real numbers

From now on the -l or list option will show the total number of "real" applications only, therefore without including the helpers for "kdeutils" and "kdegames" or the reintroduced "adb"/"fastboot" and "npm" (for "platform-tools" and "node" respectively) or web apps.

The change will appear much more noticeable on the catalog, as both "real" apps and "helpers" or "items" will be counted separately.

The purpose of this update is to provide in a clear and detailed way how many applications it is actually possible to install with our package manager:

2120 unique applications, of these 1923 are AppImages. In addition to these, 79 objects are listed, including helpers of real application (for example "kdegames" and "kdeutils") and web apps ("ffwa").

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However, "helpers" and webapps will still be searchable and listed in both the list and queries. The change is only in counting.

For more details, visit

AppImage type name changes

As you may have noticed, already in -f you can see that all AppImages are classified in the same way, that is "appimage". The nomenclatures we used previously, that is "appimage2" and "appimage3", are no longer there.

For those who don't know, we indicated with "appimage2" those that still depended on "libfuse2", while the new generation ones we indicated with "appimage3".

From now on, to distinguish them, it will be necessary to pay attention to the asterisk in -f, those marked, still depend on libfuse2.

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The change was explicitly requested by the creator of AppImage (see #818 and #843).

Future implementations will improve support for all AppImages, and "AM"/"AppMan" will be the first to enhance this.

We're just waiting for a certain pull request to be approved...

Code refactoring

The module has been refactored, simplifying its functions. The APP-MANAGER code has also undergone some changes.

This will make room for new implementations, which will involve updates to individual AppImages and conversion of old ones into new ones.

What's Changed

  • Use "Next Generation AppImage" instead of "Type3" by @ivan-hc in #843
  • "AM" 7.6.2: list only real apps + code refactoring by @ivan-hc in #846

Full Changelog: 7.6.1...7.6.2

"AM" 7.6.1

13 Aug 00:24
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Improved "list" and "query"

A more elegant way to list and query all applications in this database:

Istantanea_2024-08-13_02-34-03 png Istantanea_2024-08-13_02-33-40 png

To recap:

  1. Option -l or list shows the whole list of apps available in this repository. This option uses less to show the list, so to exit its enough to press "Q". If the option -l is followed by --appimages, you will be able to see only the available AppImages.

This new release shows lists with colored item names, removed the invasive message at closing (after you press the "Q" key) and words are not cutted when the line is bigger than the widht of the terminal.

  1. Option -q or query shows search results from the list above. If followed by --appimages, the search results will be only for the available AppImages. If followed by --pkg, all keywords will be listed also if not on the same line. This is good if you are looking for multiple packages.

Same colored items as -l, but with a more compat list to fit search results in the terminal.


What's Changed

Full Changelog: 7.6...7.6.1

"AM" 7.6

12 Aug 00:39
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Support "doas" as an alternative for "sudo", plus other changes...

Now "AM" can use "doas" as alternative to "sudo".

Application list improvements

Now lists can contain more details by default and even more keywords.


this change is useful to improve "categories" on our catalog,

Among these info we can add also whether if an application is Official or Unofficial.

Categories for the catalogue

Thanks to the am2pla-site script and the x86_64-apps list improved, now it is easier to add and improve categories on the webasite.

Here are all new pages added to from this repository:

even more categories will be added in future if you ask for them.

You can help us improving the website's pages by adding more information at x86_64-apps

Other changes

  • refactoring of the "" module
  • fix a bug in -a about sizes of installed libraries
  • options -l and -q will use fold -sw 81 to prevent cutting words in long descriptions
  • removed the helpers "adb" and "fastboot" (for "platform-tools") and "npm" (for "node").

"AM" database statistics

We can divide the installation scripts into "unique programs" (AppImage and other portable formats), "helpers" (keywords to facilitate the installation of metapackages, such as unique programs) and "launchers".

Until today, August 12, 2024, we have 2196 installation sctipts for the x86_64 architecture:

  • 1923 unique AppImages
  • 197 standalone programs and command line utilities
  • 40 helpers for "kdegames"
  • 27 helpers for "kdeutils"
  • 9 launchers (ffwa, FireFox WebApps, or profiles)

Thanks to @Samueru-sama for the "doas" support and for helping me with the application's list!

Full Changelog: 7.5...7.6

"AM" 7.5

09 Aug 00:17
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Allow "-l" and "-q" to show only available AppImages

As you already know, "AM"/"AppMan" installs and manages not just AppImages, but also portable applications.

This release helps the users of AppImages, the ones that only look for AppImages, thanks to the new suboption "--appimages" to be used in "-q" or "query" and "-l" or "list".


am -l --appimages
am -q --appimages ${KEIWORD1} ${KEYWORD2} ${KEYWORD3}


appman -l --appimages
appman -q --appimages ${KEIWORD1} ${KEYWORD2} ${KEYWORD3}

The new lists come from the main ones and only contain unique AppImages, so no helpers for metapackages like "kdeutils" (27) and "kdegames" (40).

"AM" database statistics

We can divide the installation scripts into "unique programs" (AppImage and other portable formats), "helpers" (keywords to facilitate the installation of metapackages, such as unique programs) and "launchers".

Until today, August 09, 20024, this is the situation for the x86_64 architecture:

  • 2119 unique programs, and of these...
    • 1922 are AppImages
    • 197 are standalone programs and command line utilities
  • 40 helpers for "kdegames"
  • 27 helpers for "kdeutils"
  • 2 helpers for "platform-tools" (adb and fastboot)
  • 1 helper for "node" (npm)
  • 9 launchers (ffwa, FireFox WebApps, or profiles)

Among other changes

Option "-f" or "files", add notes on appimage2 and appimage3 usage


The names "appimage2" and "appimage3" will remain in effect until the "fusermount" issue is resolved upstream. See #818 for more details.

Full Changelog: 7.4...7.5

What next?

Now that AppImages can be listed separately from other apps, helpers and launchers, and have a clearer picture of what we actually have in the database... the next release, 7.6, will start working on verifying AppImages that have verified code and unofficial, closed-source ones, to improve security and help you choose more trusted applications.

Stay tuned!

PS: thanks to @probonopd for this imput

"AM" 7.4

04 Aug 16:13
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New common installer for both "AM" and "AppMan"

Added a new installer to speed up the installation of "AM" and "AppMan", named "AM-INSTALLER".

Download and run it using these commands:

wget -q
chmod a+x ./AM-INSTALLER

The installer is based on the existing "AM" and "AppMan" installation methods, already available on the README:

  • "AM" (option 1) will download and run the usual "INSTALL" script;
  • "AppMan" (option 2) will install the "appman" command in ~/.local/bin (and enable this path in $PATH, if it is not already enabled).


The goal of this script is to make users aware that they want to use this CLI, by providing them with an easy installation and a quick choice between a system-wide ("AM", am command) or local-wide ("AppMan", appman command) installation.

Also improved the "INSTALL" script, for "AM"

The "AM" logo has been removed to make room for a more detailed explanation of the processes in place (see the video).


This release does not bring with it major changes in terms of options and functionality, but it informs the user still doubtful and not inclined to reading guides that "AM" can be installed and used locally, without root privileges, but with a different name:

"AppMan", command "appman".

Thanks to @Samueru-sama for contribution

Full Changelog: 7.3...7.4

"AM" 7.3

28 Jul 23:41
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New option to create portable "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" directories for AppImages

The new option -C (uppercased) or --config is a frontend of the inbuilt option --appimage-portable-config that aready exists in all AppImages, as -H (uppercased) or --home is for the other inbuilt option --appimage-portable-home.




appman -C {PROGRAM}

These changes are all made by @Samueru-sama :

  • Add option -C or --config to create a .config directory for AppImages like it is already done for .home.

  • Add check for when the portable config or home directory already exists



In the test, kek simulates a non-installed package and bemoji a non-appimage package, to test that those checks for those cases are working.

Each run of --home or --config is repeated to also test when the directory already exists.

Among other changes:

  • improved option -e or extra from release 7.2

Among apps changes:

  • new AppImages for bottles, gnome-boxes, steam and virtualbox, all based on the excellent "conty"
  • kdeutils apps are now 27 into one appimage
  • appimages for chromium, chromium-rc, chromium-beta and chromium-edge

Statistics on apps available in the database:

  • Installation scripts for x86_64: 2150
  • Metascripts for x86_64: 4 (kdegames 40 apps, kdeutils 27, platform-tools 3, node 2)
  • Unique AppImages (non-metascripts): 1866

Full Changelog: 7.2.1...7.3

"AM" 7.2.1

18 Jul 16:57
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Improved installation of local scripts

  • Fixed a bug that prevented local installation scripts from running from the directory where the SHELL was opened
  • New criteria to distinguish local installation scripts from online ones

See #793

Among other changes

  • Added new environment variable to identify the working directory, "$REALDIR", currently used only for local installation scripts
  • Added more functions in the "" module to distinguish installation modes
  • Fixed a bug where the /usr/local/share/applications directory was not automatically created
  • Fixed a bug in "" where creating installation scripts for creating AppImage packages on the fly required more questions than necessary
  • Improved creation of installation scripts using both URLs and commands for apps hosted on random sites (
  • Cleaned and updated installation scripts for 32-bit / i686 architecture
  • Installation scripts available for x86_64 architecture are 2126

Full Changelog: 7.2...7.2.1


I'm looking for volunteers to maintain and add applications for all other available architectures (ARM64/aarch64, x86/i386/i486/i586/i686... and many others).

We try to bring "AM" and "AppMan" to more architectures and more systems.

For more details, please see #784