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Command list

Module: Administration

This module contains commands which help administer guilds and automate some actions.

Group: actionhistory

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Manages action history entries. Action history is a log of all actions performed in the guild and can be queried to get detailed list of all the actions performed on a given user. Action history can be enabled using the config actionhistory command.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: View audit log

Aliases: history, ah

Overload 1:

  • [user]: User

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!actionhistory @User

actionhistory add

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Adds a new custom note entry to the action history for the given user and note.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: View audit log

Aliases: register, reg, a, +, +=, <<, <, <-, <=

Overload 0:

  • [user]: User
  • [string...]: Reason for the action


!actionhistory add @User Reason

Group: actionhistory delete

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Manages removal of action history entries. Group call removes all entries for given user(s).

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: View audit log

Aliases: remove, rm, del, d, -, -=, >, >>

Overload 0:

  • [user...]: User(s)


!actionhistory delete @User

actionhistory delete after

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Removes all action history entries which were recorded after the specified time.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: View audit log

Aliases: aft, a

Overload 0:

  • [date and time]: When?


!actionhistory delete after 13.10.2000

actionhistory delete before

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Removes all action history entries which were recorded before the specified time.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: View audit log

Aliases: due, b

Overload 0:

  • [date and time]: When?


!actionhistory delete before 13.10.2000

actionhistory delete users

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Removes all action history entries for given user(s).

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: View audit log

Aliases: members, member, mem, user, usr, m, u

Overload 0:

  • [user...]: User(s)


!actionhistory delete users @User

actionhistory deleteall

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Removes all action history entries for this guild.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: View audit log

Aliases: removeall, rmrf, rma, clearall, clear, delall, da, cl, -a, --, >>>

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!actionhistory deleteall

actionhistory list

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Lists all action history entries for this guild or only those matching the specified user if the user is provided.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: View audit log

Aliases: print, show, view, ls, l, p

Overload 1:

  • [user]: User

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!actionhistory list
!actionhistory list @User

Group: automaticroles

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Automatic roles commands. Automatic roles are automatically granted to a new member of the guild. Group call lists all automatic roles for the guild. Group call with an arbitrary amount of roles will add those roles to the automatic roles list for the guild, effective immediately.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: autoassignroles, autoassign, autoroles, autorole, aroles, arole, arl, ar, aar

Overload 1:

No arguments.

Overload 0:

  • [role...]: Roles to add


!automaticroles @Role RoleName

automaticroles add

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Registers given role(s) as automatic.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: register, reg, a, +, +=, <<, <, <-, <=

Overload 0:

  • [role...]: Roles to add


!automaticroles add @Role RoleName

automaticroles delete

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Removes given automatic role(s).

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: unregister, remove, rm, del, d, -, -=, >, >>, ->, =>

Overload 0:

  • [role...]: Roles to remove


!automaticroles delete @Role RoleName

automaticroles deleteall

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Removes all automatic roles.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: removeall, rmrf, rma, clearall, clear, delall, da, cl, -a, --, >>>

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!automaticroles deleteall

automaticroles list

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Lists all automatic roles.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: print, show, view, ls, l, p

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!automaticroles list

Group: channel

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Channel administration commands. Group call prints channel information.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: channels, chn, ch, c

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel to view (def: None)


!channel #my-text-channel

Group: channel add

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Channel creation commands.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: create, cr, new, a, +, +=, <<, <, <-, <=

channel add category

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Creates a new channel category.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: addcategory, cat, c, cc, +category, +cat, +c, <c, <<c

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Category name


!channel add category My Category

channel add text

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Creates a new text channel with option to specify parent, user limit and NSFW flag.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: addtext, addtxt, txt, ctxt, ct, +, +txt, +t, <t, <<t

Overload 2:

  • [string]: Channel name
  • (optional) [channel]: Parent category (def: None)
  • (optional) [boolean]: NSFW? (def: False)

Overload 1:

  • [string]: Channel name
  • (optional) [boolean]: NSFW? (def: False)
  • (optional) [channel]: Parent category (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [channel]: Parent category
  • [string]: Channel name
  • (optional) [boolean]: NSFW? (def: False)


!channel add text #my-text-channel
!channel add text #my-text-channel My Category
!channel add text My Category #my-text-channel
!channel add text #my-text-channel My Category Yes/No
!channel add text My Category #my-text-channel Yes/No
!channel add text #my-text-channel My Category Yes/No

channel add voice

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Creates a new voice channel with option to specify channel parent, user limit and bitrate.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: addvoice, addv, cvoice, cv, +voice, +v, <v, <<v

Overload 2:

  • [string]: Voice channel name
  • (optional) [channel]: Parent category (def: None)
  • (optional) [int]: User limit (def: None)
  • (optional) [int]: Channel bitrate [8-128] (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [string]: Voice channel name
  • (optional) [int]: User limit (def: None)
  • (optional) [int]: Channel bitrate [8-128] (def: None)
  • (optional) [channel]: Parent category (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [channel]: Parent category
  • [string]: Voice channel name
  • (optional) [int]: User limit (def: None)
  • (optional) [int]: Channel bitrate [8-128] (def: None)


!channel add voice My Voice Channel
!channel add voice My Voice Channel My Category
!channel add voice My Category My Voice Channel
!channel add voice My Voice Channel My Category 10
!channel add voice My Category My Voice Channel 10
!channel add voice My Voice Channel My Category 10 128

channel bitrate

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Modifies voice channel bitrate.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: setbr, setbitr, setbrate, setb, br, setbitrate, bitr, brate

Overload 2:

  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [int]: Bitrate
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [int]: Bitrate
  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel to modify (def: None)


!channel bitrate My Voice Channel 128
!channel bitrate 128 My Voice Channel Because I can!

channel clone

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Clones an existing channel (current one if channel is not provided) with an optional new name.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: copy, cp, cln

Overload 1:

  • [channel]: Channel to clone
  • (optional) [string...]: Channel to clone (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [string...]: Channel to clone (def: None)


!channel clone #my-text-channel
!channel clone My Voice Channel
!channel clone #my-text-channel #my-text-channel
!channel clone #my-text-channel My Voice Channel

channel delete

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Delete a channel/category with optional reason for the action. If a channel is not specified, deletes the current channel.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: remove, rm, del, d, -, -=, >, >>, ->, =>

Overload 1:

  • [channel]: Channel to delete
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Reason for the action


!channel delete #my-text-channel
!channel delete My Voice Channel
!channel delete #my-text-channel Because I can!

channel info

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Shows detailed channel information. If a channel is not specified, uses the current channel.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: information, details, about, i

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel to view (def: None)


!channel info
!channel info #my-text-channel
!channel info My Voice Channel
!channel info #my-text-channel Because I can!

Group: channel modify

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Channel modification commands.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: edit, mod, m, e, set, change

channel modify bitrate

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Modifies voice channel bitrate.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: br, bitr, brate, b

Overload 1:

  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [int]: Bitrate
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [int]: Bitrate
  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!channel modify bitrate My Voice Channel 128
!channel modify bitrate 128 My Voice Channel Because I can!

channel modify name

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Modifies channel name.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: title, nm, n

Overload 2:

  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [string]: Name
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [string]: Name
  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Reason for the action


!channel modify name new_name
!channel modify name #my-text-channel new_name
!channel modify name My Voice Channel SampleName
!channel modify name new_name #my-text-channel Because I can!

channel modify nsfw

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Modifies channel's NSFW flag.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Overload 2:

  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [boolean]: Name
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Name
  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [boolean]: Reason for the action
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!channel modify nsfw Yes/No
!channel modify nsfw #my-text-channel Yes/No
!channel modify nsfw Yes/No #my-text-channel Because I can!

channel modify parent

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Modifies channel's parent category.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: par

Overload 1:

  • [channel...]: Channels to reorganize, including exactly one category to set as the parent

Overload 0:

  • [string]: Reason for the action
  • [channel...]: Channels to reorganize, including exactly one category to set as the parent


!channel modify parent #my-text-channel My Category

channel modify position

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Modifies channel's position.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: pos, p, order

Overload 2:

  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [int]: Position
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [int]: Position
  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [int]: Position
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!channel modify position #my-text-channel 10
!channel modify position 10 My Voice Channel Because I can!

channel modify slowmode

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Modifies channel's slowmode settings.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: rlimit, rl, ratel, rate, ratelimit, slow, sm, smode

Overload 2:

  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [int]: Slowmode value, from set: [0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120]
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [int]: Slowmode value, from set: [0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120]
  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [int]: Slowmode value, from set: [0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120]
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!channel modify slowmode #my-text-channel 10
!channel modify slowmode 10 #my-text-channel Because I can!

channel modify topic

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Modifies channel's topic.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: t, desc, description

Overload 2:

  • [string]: Reason for the action
  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [string...]: Channel topic

Overload 1:

  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [string...]: Channel topic

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Channel topic


!channel modify topic My channel topic!
!channel modify topic #my-text-channel My channel topic!
!channel modify topic My channel topic! #my-text-channel Because I can!

channel modify userlimit

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Modifies voice channel user limit.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: ul, ulimit, limit, l

Overload 1:

  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [int]: User limit
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [int]: User limit
  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!channel modify userlimit My Voice Channel 10
!channel modify userlimit 10 My Voice Channel Because I can!

channel nsfw

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Modifies channel's NSFW flag.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: setnsfw

Overload 3:

  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [boolean]: Name
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 2:

  • [boolean]: Name
  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Reason for the action
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel to modify (def: None)


!channel nsfw Yes/No
!channel nsfw #my-text-channel Yes/No
!channel nsfw Yes/No #my-text-channel Because I can!

channel rename

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Modifies channel name.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: settitle, setname, changename, rn, rnm, name, mv

Overload 2:

  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [string]: Name
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [string]: Name
  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Reason for the action


!channel rename new_name
!channel rename #my-text-channel new_name
!channel rename My Voice Channel SampleName
!channel rename new_name #my-text-channel Because I can!

channel setparent

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Modifies channel's parent category.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: setpar, parent, par

Overload 1:

  • [channel...]: Channels to reorganize, including exactly one category to set as the parent

Overload 0:

  • [string]: Reason for the action
  • [channel...]: Channels to reorganize, including exactly one category to set as the parent


!channel setparent #my-text-channel My Category

channel setposition

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Modifies channel's position.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: setpos, setp, order, setorder, position, pos

Overload 2:

  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [int]: Position
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [int]: Position
  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [int]: Position
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!channel setposition #my-text-channel 10
!channel setposition 10 My Voice Channel Because I can!

channel slowmode

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Modifies channel's slowmode settings.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: setratel, setrl, setrate, setratelimit, setslow, setslowmode, slow, sm, setsmode, smode

Overload 3:

  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [int]: Slowmode value, from set: [0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120]
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 2:

  • [int]: Slowmode value, from set: [0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120]
  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [int]: Slowmode value, from set: [0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120]
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel to modify (def: None)


!channel slowmode #my-text-channel 10
!channel slowmode 10 My Voice Channel Because I can!

channel topic

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Gets or sets the channel topic.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: t, settopic, sett, desc, setdesc, description, setdescription

Overload 3:

  • [string]: Reason for the action
  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [string...]: Channel topic

Overload 2:

  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [string...]: Channel topic

Overload 1:

  • [string...]: Channel topic

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!channel topic My channel topic!
!channel topic #my-text-channel My channel topic!
!channel topic My channel topic! #my-text-channel Because I can!

channel userlimit

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Modifies voice channel user limit.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels

Aliases: setul, setulimit, setlimit, setl, setuserlimit, ul, ulimig, userl

Overload 2:

  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [int]: User limit
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [int]: User limit
  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel to modify (def: None)


!channel userlimit My Voice Channel 10
!channel userlimit 10 My Voice Channel Because I can!

channel viewperms

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Shows permissions for member/role in a given channel.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage channels Requires bot permissions: Administrator

Aliases: perms, permsfor, testperms, listperms, permissions

Overload 3:

  • (optional) [member]: Member (def: None)
  • (optional) [channel]: Channel to modify (def: None)

Overload 2:

  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • (optional) [member]: Member (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [role]: Role
  • (optional) [channel]: Channel to modify (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [channel]: Channel to modify
  • [role]: Role


!channel viewperms #my-text-channel Member
!channel viewperms @Role #my-text-channel

Group: commandrules

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Bot command rule management (allowing or forbiding certain commands). Group call shows active command rules in specified channel or globally if the channel is not specified.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Administrator

Aliases: cmdrules, crules, cr

Overload 1:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel in which to search for active rules (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Command/Group full name


!commandrules sample command
!commandrules #my-text-channel

commandrules allow

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Allows command execution only in specified channel(s), or globally if they are not specified.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Administrator

Aliases: only, register, reg, a, +, +=, <<, <, <-, <=

Overload 1:

  • [channel]: Channel(s) affected by this action
  • [string...]: Command or group to allow

Overload 0:

  • [string]: Command or group to allow
  • [channel...]: Channel(s) affected by this action


!commandrules allow sample command
!commandrules allow #my-text-channel sample command
!commandrules allow sample command #my-text-channel #other-text-channel

commandrules deleteall

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Remove all command rules.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Administrator

Aliases: reset, removeall, rmrf, rma, clearall, clear, delall, da, cl, -a, --, >>>

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!commandrules deleteall

commandrules forbid

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Forbids command execution in specified channel(s), or globally if they are not specified.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Administrator

Aliases: f, deny, unregister, remove, rm, del, d, -, -=, >, >>, ->, =>

Overload 0:

  • [string]: Command or group to forbid
  • [channel...]: Channel(s) affected by this action

Overload 0:

  • [channel]: Channel(s) affected by this action
  • [string]: Command or group to forbid


!commandrules forbid sample command
!commandrules forbid #my-text-channel sample command
!commandrules forbid sample command #my-text-channel #other-text-channel

commandrules list

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Lists active command rules in specified channel or globally if the channel is not specified.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Administrator

Aliases: print, show, view, ls, l, p

Overload 1:

  • [string...]: Command/Group full name

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel in which to search for active rules (def: None)


!commandrules list
!commandrules list sample command
!commandrules list #my-text-channel

Group: config

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Manage bot configuration for this guild. Group call lists current guild configuration.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: configuration, configure, settings, cfg

Overload 0:

No arguments.



config actionhistory

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Views or toggles moderation action recording.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: history, ah

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable action history?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config actionhistory
!config actionhistory Yes/No

Group: config antiflood

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Punishes guild flooders/raiders. Executes punishment action when more than specified amount of users (sensitivity) enter the guild within a given time window (cooldown).

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: antiraid, ar, af

Overload 5:

  • [boolean]: Enable?
  • [short]: Sensitivity
  • (optional) [Action]: Punishment action (def: Kick)
  • (optional) [time span]: Cooldown timespan (def: None)

Overload 4:

  • [boolean]: Enable?
  • [Action]: Punishment action
  • (optional) [short]: Sensitivity (def: 5)
  • (optional) [time span]: Cooldown timespan (def: None)

Overload 3:

  • [boolean]: Enable?
  • [Action]: Punishment action
  • (optional) [time span]: Cooldown timespan (def: None)
  • (optional) [short]: Sensitivity (def: 5)

Overload 2:

  • [boolean]: Enable?
  • [time span]: Cooldown timespan
  • (optional) [Action]: Punishment action (def: Kick)
  • (optional) [short]: Sensitivity (def: 5)

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config antiflood
!config antiflood Yes/No
!config antiflood Yes/No 5 Kick 10s
!config antiflood Yes/No Kick 5 10s
!config antiflood Yes/No 10s 5 Kick

config antiflood action

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Gets or sets the antiflood action.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: setaction, setact, act, a

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [Nullable1\]: *Punishment action* (def: None`)


!config antiflood action
!config antiflood action Kick

config antiflood cooldown

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Gets or sets the antiflood cooldown.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: setcooldown, setcool, cd, c

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [time span]: Cooldown timespan (def: None)


!config antiflood cooldown
!config antiflood cooldown 10s

config antiflood reset

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Reverts antiflood configuration to default values.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: default, def, s, rr

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config antiflood reset

config antiflood sensitivity

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Gets or sets the antiflood sensitivity.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: setsensitivity, setsens, sens, s

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [short]: Sensitivity (def: None)


!config antiflood sensitivity
!config antiflood sensitivity 5

Group: config antimention

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Punishes users that send more than specified amount mentions (sensitivity) in a message.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: am

Overload 3:

  • [boolean]: Enable?
  • [short]: Sensitivity
  • (optional) [Action]: Punishment action (def: TemporaryMute)

Overload 2:

  • [boolean]: Enable?
  • [Action]: Punishment action
  • (optional) [short]: Sensitivity (def: 5)

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config antimention
!config antimention Yes/No
!config antimention Yes/No 5 Kick
!config antimention Yes/No Kick 5

config antimention action

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Gets or sets the anti-mention action.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: setaction, setact, act, a

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [Nullable1\]: *Punishment action* (def: None`)


!config antimention action
!config antimention action Kick

config antimention exempt

Expand for additional information

Disable anti-mention for specified users, channels or roles.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: ex, exc

Overload 2:

  • [member...]: User(s) to exempt

Overload 1:

  • [role...]: Role(s) to exempt

Overload 0:

  • [channel...]: Channel(s) to exempt


!config antimention exempt @User
!config antimention exempt @Role
!config antimention exempt #my-text-channel

config antimention reset

Expand for additional information

Reverts anti-mention configuration to default values.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: default, def, s, rr

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config antimention reset

config antimention sensitivity

Expand for additional information

Gets or sets the anti-mention sensitivity.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: setsensitivity, setsens, sens, s

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [short]: Sensitivity (def: None)


!config antimention sensitivity
!config antimention sensitivity 5

config antimention unexempt

Expand for additional information

Removes anti-mention exemptions.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: unex, uex

Overload 2:

  • [member...]: User(s) to unexempt

Overload 1:

  • [role...]: Role(s) to unexempt

Overload 0:

  • [channel...]: Channel(s) to unexempt


!config antimention unexempt @User
!config antimention unexempt @Role
!config antimention unexempt #my-text-channel

Group: config antispam

Expand for additional information

Punishes users that send the same message atleast specified amount of times (sensitivity).

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: as

Overload 3:

  • [boolean]: Enable?
  • [short]: Sensitivity
  • (optional) [Action]: Punishment action (def: TemporaryMute)

Overload 2:

  • [boolean]: Enable?
  • [Action]: Punishment action
  • (optional) [short]: Sensitivity (def: 5)

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config antispam
!config antispam Yes/No
!config antispam Yes/No 5 Kick
!config antispam Yes/No Kick 5

config antispam action

Expand for additional information

Gets or sets the antispam action.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: setaction, setact, act, a

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [Nullable1\]: *Punishment action* (def: None`)


!config antispam action
!config antispam action Kick

config antispam exempt

Expand for additional information

Disable antispam for specified users, channels or roles.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: ex, exc

Overload 2:

  • [member...]: User(s) to exempt

Overload 1:

  • [role...]: Role(s) to exempt

Overload 0:

  • [channel...]: Channel(s) to exempt


!config antispam exempt @User
!config antispam exempt @Role
!config antispam exempt #my-text-channel

config antispam reset

Expand for additional information

Reverts antispam configuration to default values.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: default, def, s, rr

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config antispam reset

config antispam sensitivity

Expand for additional information

Gets or sets the antispam sensitivity.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: setsensitivity, setsens, sens, s

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [short]: Sensitivity (def: None)


!config antispam sensitivity
!config antispam sensitivity 5

config antispam unexempt

Expand for additional information

Removes antispam exemptions.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: unex, uex

Overload 2:

  • [member...]: User(s) to unexempt

Overload 1:

  • [role...]: Role(s) to unexempt

Overload 0:

  • [channel...]: Channel(s) to unexempt


!config antispam unexempt @User
!config antispam unexempt @Role
!config antispam unexempt #my-text-channel

Group: config backup

Expand for additional information

Manages real-time backup of messages sent in guild channels.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: bk, bak

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config backup
!config backup Yes/No

config backup download

Expand for additional information

Download compressed backup.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Administrator, Manage guild

Aliases: dl, get, zip

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config backup download

config backup exempt

Expand for additional information

Disable real-time backup for specified channels.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: ex, exc

Overload 0:

  • [channel...]: Channel(s) to exempt


!config backup exempt #my-text-channel

config backup unexempt

Expand for additional information

Removes real-time backup exemptions.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: unex, uex

Overload 0:

  • [channel...]: Channel(s) to unexempt


!config backup unexempt #my-text-channel

config currency

Expand for additional information

Gets or sets guild currency.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: setcurrency, curr, $, $$, $$$

Overload 1:

  • [string]: New currency

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config currency
!config currency Some string here
!config currency :emoji:

Group: config instantleave

Expand for additional information

Punishes users that join the guild and instantly leave it. This is a method used to spam ads if users join with ads in name and Discord/bots welcome them.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: il

Overload 2:

  • [boolean]: Enable?
  • [short]: Sensitivity

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config instantleave
!config instantleave Yes/No
!config instantleave Yes/No 5

config instantleave cooldown

Expand for additional information

Gets or sets the instantleave cooldown.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: setcooldown, setcool, cd, c

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [short]: Sensitivity (def: None)


!config instantleave cooldown
!config instantleave cooldown 10s

config instantleave reset

Expand for additional information

Reverts instantleave configuration to default values.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: default, def, s, rr

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config instantleave reset

Group: config leave

Expand for additional information

Configures member leave messages.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: quit, lv, lm, l

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable leave messages?
  • (optional) [channel]: Channel where to send leave messages (def: None)

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config leave
!config leave Yes/No #my-text-channel

config leave channel

Expand for additional information

Enables leave messages in specified channel.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: chn, ch, c

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel where to send leave messages (def: None)


!config leave channel #my-text-channel

config leave message

Expand for additional information

Customizes leave message.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: msg, m

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Leave message


!config leave message #my-text-channel

config levelup

Expand for additional information

Configures member levelup notifications.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: lvlup, lvl

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable silent level ups?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config levelup
!config levelup Yes/No

Group: config linkfilter

Expand for additional information

Linkfilter configuration. Group call prints current configuration, or enables/disables linkfilter.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: lf

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config linkfilter

config linkfilter booters

Expand for additional information

Gets or sets DDoS/Booter website link filtering.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: ddos, boot, dos

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config linkfilter booters Yes/No

config linkfilter invites

Expand for additional information

Gets or sets Discord invite link filtering.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: invite, inv, i

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config linkfilter invites Yes/No

config linkfilter iploggers

Expand for additional information

Gets or sets IP logging website link filtering.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: ip, loggers

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config linkfilter iploggers Yes/No

config linkfilter shocksites

Expand for additional information

Gets or sets Shock/Gore website link filtering.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: disturbingsites, shock, disturbing, gore

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config linkfilter shocksites Yes/No

config linkfilter shorteners

Expand for additional information

Gets or sets URL shortener website link filtering.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: urlshort, shortenurl, urlshorteners

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config linkfilter shorteners Yes/No

Group: config localization

Expand for additional information

Configures the bot locale (language and date formats) for this guild. Group call shows current guild locale.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: locale, language, lang, region

Overload 1:

  • [string]: New locale

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config localization
!config localization en-GB

config localization list

Expand for additional information

Lists all available locales (language and date formats).

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: print, show, view, ls, l, p

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config localization list

config localization set

Expand for additional information

Changes the bot locale (language and date formats) for this guild.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: change

Overload 0:

  • [string]: New locale


!config localization set en-GB

Group: config logging

Expand for additional information

Configures event logging for this guild.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: log, modlog

Overload 3:

  • [boolean]: Enable?
  • [channel]: New locale

Overload 2:

  • [channel]: New locale

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config logging
!config logging #my-text-channel
!config logging Yes/No #my-text-channel

config logging exempt

Expand for additional information

Disable action logging for specified users, channels or roles.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: ex, exc

Overload 2:

  • [member...]: User(s) to exempt

Overload 1:

  • [role...]: Role(s) to exempt

Overload 0:

  • [channel...]: Channel(s) to exempt


!config logging exempt @User
!config logging exempt @Role
!config logging exempt #my-text-channel

config logging unexempt

Expand for additional information

Removes action logging exemptions.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: unex, uex

Overload 2:

  • [member...]: User(s) to unexempt

Overload 1:

  • [role...]: Role(s) to unexempt

Overload 0:

  • [channel...]: Channel(s) to unexempt


!config logging unexempt @User
!config logging unexempt @Role
!config logging unexempt #my-text-channel

config muterole

Expand for additional information

Views or changes the mute role for the guild.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: mr, muterl, mrl

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [role]: New mute role (def: None)


!config muterole
!config muterole @Role

Group: config ratelimit

Expand for additional information

Punishes users that send more than specified amount of messages (sensitivity) in 5s.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: rl

Overload 3:

  • [boolean]: Enable?
  • [short]: Sensitivity
  • (optional) [Action]: Punishment action (def: TemporaryMute)

Overload 2:

  • [boolean]: Enable?
  • [Action]: Punishment action
  • (optional) [short]: Sensitivity (def: 5)

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config ratelimit
!config ratelimit Yes/No
!config ratelimit Yes/No 5 Kick
!config ratelimit Yes/No Kick 5

config ratelimit action

Expand for additional information

Gets or sets the ratelimit action.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: setaction, setact, act, a

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [Nullable1\]: *Punishment action* (def: None`)


!config ratelimit action
!config ratelimit action Kick

config ratelimit exempt

Expand for additional information

Disable ratelimit watch for specified users, channels or roles.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: ex, exc

Overload 2:

  • [member...]: User(s) to exempt

Overload 1:

  • [role...]: Role(s) to exempt

Overload 0:

  • [channel...]: Channel(s) to exempt


!config ratelimit exempt @User
!config ratelimit exempt @Role
!config ratelimit exempt #my-text-channel

config ratelimit reset

Expand for additional information

Reverts ratelimit configuration to default values.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: default, def, s, rr

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config ratelimit reset

config ratelimit sensitivity

Expand for additional information

Gets or sets the ratelimit sensitivity.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: setsensitivity, setsens, sens, s

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [short]: Sensitivity (def: None)


!config ratelimit sensitivity
!config ratelimit sensitivity 5

config ratelimit unexempt

Expand for additional information

Removes antispam exemptions.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: unex, uex

Overload 2:

  • [member...]: User(s) to unexempt

Overload 1:

  • [role...]: Role(s) to unexempt

Overload 0:

  • [channel...]: Channel(s) to unexempt


!config ratelimit unexempt @User
!config ratelimit unexempt @Role
!config ratelimit unexempt #my-text-channel

config reset

Expand for additional information

Resets guild config to default values.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: default, def, s, rr

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config reset

config setup

Expand for additional information

Starts an interactive wizard for configuring the guild settings.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: wizard

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel where to execute the setup (def: None)


!config setup
!config setup #my-text-channel

config silent

Expand for additional information

Views or toggles silent reaction replies to command execution.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: reactionresponse, silentresponse, s, rr

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable silent replies?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config silent
!config silent Yes/No

config suggestions

Expand for additional information

Views or toggles command suggestion setting when command name is not found.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: suggestion, cmdsug, sugg, sug, help

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable command suggestions?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config suggestions
!config suggestions Yes/No

config tempban

Expand for additional information

Gets or sets the temporary ban cooldown time.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: tb, tban, tmpban, tmpb

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [time span]: Cooldown timespan (def: None)


!config tempban
!config tempban 10s

config tempmute

Expand for additional information

Gets or sets the temporary mute cooldown time.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: tm, tmute, tmpmute, tmpm

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [time span]: Cooldown timespan (def: None)


!config tempmute
!config tempmute 10s

Group: config timezone

Expand for additional information

Gets or sets current guild time zone.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: tz

Overload 1:

No arguments.

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: IANA/Windows/Rails timezone ID


!config timezone
!config timezone CET

config timezone current

Expand for additional information

Prints current guild time zone.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: curr, active

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config timezone current

config timezone info

Expand for additional information

Prints information about given time zone.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: i, information

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [string...]: IANA/Windows/Rails timezone ID (def: None)


!config timezone info
!config timezone info CET

config timezone list

Expand for additional information

Lists all available time zones.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: print, show, view, ls, l, p

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config timezone list

config timezone reset

Expand for additional information

Resets guild time zone information to the default value.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: default, def, rr

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config timezone reset

config timezone set

Expand for additional information

Modifies current guild time zone.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: s

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: IANA/Windows/Rails timezone ID


!config timezone set CET

config verbose

Expand for additional information

Views or toggles verbose replies to command execution.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: fullresponse, verboseresponse, v, vr

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable verbose replies?

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config verbose
!config verbose Yes/No

Group: config welcome

Expand for additional information

Configures member welcome messages.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: enter, join, wlc, wm, w

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable welcome messages?
  • (optional) [channel]: Channel where to send welcome messages (def: None)

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!config welcome
!config welcome Yes/No #my-text-channel

config welcome channel

Expand for additional information

Enables welcome messages in specified channel.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: chn, ch, c

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel where to send welcome messages (def: None)


!config welcome channel #my-text-channel

config welcome message

Expand for additional information

Customizes welcome message.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: msg, m

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Welcome message


!config welcome message #my-text-channel

Group: emoji

Expand for additional information

Guild emoji administration. Group call lists all guild emoji or prints information about a given emoji.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage emoji and stickers

Aliases: emojis, e

Overload 1:

No arguments.

Overload 0:

  • [emoji]: Emoji to view


!emoji :emoji:
!emoji emoji_name

emoji add

Expand for additional information

Add emoji specified via URL/attachment, or from another guild.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage emoji and stickers

Aliases: create, install, register, reg, a, +, +=, <<, <, <-, <=

Overload 3:

  • [string]: Name for the emoji
  • (optional) [URL]: Emoji URL (def: None)

Overload 2:

  • [URL]: Emoji URL
  • [string]: Name for the emoji

Overload 1:

  • [string]: Name for the emoji
  • [emoji]: Emoji from another guild

Overload 0:

  • [emoji]: Emoji from another guild
  • (optional) [string]: Name for the emoji (def: None)


!emoji add emoji_name
!emoji add emoji_name http://some-emoji-image/url

emoji delete

Expand for additional information

Remove guild emoji. Note: Bots can only delete emojis they created!

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage emoji and stickers

Aliases: unregister, uninstall, remove, rm, del, d, -, -=, >, >>, ->, =>

Overload 0:

  • [emoji]: Emoji to delete
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!emoji delete emoji_name
!emoji delete emoji_name Because I can!

emoji info

Expand for additional information

Prints information for given guild emoji.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage emoji and stickers

Aliases: information, details, about, i

Overload 0:

  • [emoji]: Emoji to view


!emoji info
!emoji info :emoji:
!emoji info emoji_name

emoji list

Expand for additional information

List all emojis for this guild.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage emoji and stickers

Aliases: print, show, view, ls, l, p

Overload 0:

No arguments.

emoji modify

Expand for additional information

Edit name of an existing guild emoji.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage emoji and stickers

Aliases: edit, mod, e, m, rename, mv, setname

Overload 1:

  • [emoji]: Emoji to modify
  • [string]: Name
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [string]: Name
  • [emoji]: Emoji to modify
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!emoji modify :emoji: new_name

Group: filter

Expand for additional information

Message filtering administration. Group call either lists all filters or adds a new filter for given regular expression(s) and an optional action to perform when this filter (group) matches a message.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: f, filters, autodel

Overload 2:

  • [Action]: Punishment action
  • [string...]: Filter patterns (regular expressions, case insensitive)

Overload 1:

  • [string...]: Filter patterns (regular expressions, case insensitive)

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!filter regex?pattern+
!filter Sanitize regex?pattern+

filter add

Expand for additional information

Adds a new filter for given regular expression(s) and an optional action to perform when this filter (group) matches a message.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: register, reg, a, +, +=, <<, <, <-, <=

Overload 1:

  • [Action]: Punishment action
  • [string...]: Filter patterns (regular expressions, case insensitive)

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Filter patterns (regular expressions, case insensitive)


!filter add regex?pattern+
!filter add Sanitize regex?pattern+

Group: filter delete

Expand for additional information

Removes filter(s) by ID, pattern or by string matching.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: remove, rm, del, d, -, -=, >, >>

Overload 1:

  • [int...]: IDs of filters to remove

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Filters to remove


!filter delete 12345
!filter delete regex?pattern+

filter deleteall

Expand for additional information

Removes all guild filters.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: removeall, rmrf, rma, clearall, clear, delall, da, cl, -a, --, >>>

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!filter deleteall

filter list

Expand for additional information

Lists all filters for this guild.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: print, show, view, ls, l, p

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!filter list

Group: forbiddennames

Expand for additional information

Forbidden name administration. Group call shows all registered forbidden names for this guild or adds a new forbidden name pattern if it has been provided.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage nicknames Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: forbiddenname, forbiddennicknames, disallowednames, fnames, fname, fn

Overload 1:

No arguments.

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Forbidden name patterns (regular expressions, case insensitive)


!forbiddennames regex?pattern+

forbiddennames add

Expand for additional information

Registers new forbidden name patterns.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage nicknames Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: register, reg, a, +, +=, <<, <, <-, <=

Overload 2:

  • [Action]: Punishment action
  • [string...]: Forbidden name patterns (regular expressions, case insensitive)

Overload 1:

  • [string]: Forbidden name pattern (regular expression, case insensitive)
  • (optional) [Nullable1\]: *Punishment action* (def: None`)

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Forbidden name patterns (regular expressions, case insensitive)


!forbiddennames add regex?pattern+
!forbiddennames add Kick regex?pattern+
!forbiddennames add regex?pattern+ regex?pattern+

Group: forbiddennames delete

Expand for additional information

Removes forbidden name by ID, pattern or matching string.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage nicknames Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: remove, rm, del, d, -, -=, >, >>

Overload 1:

  • [int...]: IDs of forbidden names to remove

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Forbidden names to remove


!forbiddennames delete 12345
!forbiddennames delete regex?pattern+

forbiddennames deleteall

Expand for additional information

Removes all guild forbidden names.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage nicknames Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: removeall, rmrf, rma, clearall, clear, delall, da, cl, -a, --, >>>

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!forbiddennames deleteall

forbiddennames list

Expand for additional information

Lists all forbidden names for this guild.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage nicknames Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: print, show, view, ls, l, p

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!forbiddennames list

Group: guild

Expand for additional information

Guild control commands. Group call prints guild information.

Guild only.

Aliases: server, gld, svr, g

Overload 0:

No arguments.



guild bans

Expand for additional information

Shows guild ban list.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: View audit log

Aliases: banlist, viewbanlist, getbanlist, getbans, viewbans

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!guild bans

guild icon

Expand for additional information

Gets or sets guild icon.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: seticon, si

Overload 1:

  • [URL]: Icon URL

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!guild icon
!guild icon

guild info

Expand for additional information

Shows guild information.

Guild only.

Aliases: i, information

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!guild info

guild log

Expand for additional information

Shows guild audit log.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: View audit log

Aliases: auditlog, viewlog, getlog, getlogs, logs

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [int]: Amount of log entries to fetch (def: 10)
  • (optional) [member]: Filter by member (def: None)


!guild log
!guild log 10

guild memberlist

Expand for additional information

Shows all guild members.

Guild only.

Aliases: listmembers, members

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!guild memberlist

guild prune

Expand for additional information

Removes guild members who weren't active in the given amount of days.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Kick members Requires user permissions: Administrator

Aliases: p, clean, purge

Overload 6:

  • [int]: Days of inactivity
  • [string]: Reason for the action
  • [role...]: Additional roles to prune

Overload 5:

  • [string]: Reason for the action
  • [int]: Days of inactivity
  • [role...]: Additional roles to prune

Overload 4:

  • [string]: Reason for the action
  • [role...]: Additional roles to prune

Overload 3:

  • [int]: Days of inactivity
  • [role...]: Additional roles to prune

Overload 2:

  • [int]: Days of inactivity
  • [role]: Additional roles to prune
  • [string...]: Reason for the action

Overload 1:

  • [int]: Days of inactivity
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!guild prune
!guild prune 5 Because I can!
!guild prune 5 @Role

guild rename

Expand for additional information

Renames the current guild.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: r, name, setname, mv

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: New name


!guild rename SampleName

Group: levelroles

Expand for additional information

Level roles management. Level roles are granted to a member of the guild upon gaining a specified XP rank. Group call lists all level roles for the guild. Group call adds a role to the level roles list for the specific rank, effective immediately.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild Requires bot permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: lr, levelrole, lvlroles, levelrl, lvlrole, lvlr, lvlrl, lrole

Overload 2:

  • [short]: Rank
  • [role]: Role to grant

Overload 1:

  • [role]: Role to grant
  • [short]: Rank

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!levelroles @Role 5
!levelroles 5 @Role

levelroles add

Expand for additional information

Registers given role as a level role for the specified rank.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild Requires bot permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: register, reg, a, +, +=, <<, <, <-, <=

Overload 1:

  • [role]: Role to grant
  • [short]: Rank

Overload 0:

  • [short]: Rank
  • [role]: Role to grant


!levelroles add @Role 5
!levelroles add 5 @Role

levelroles delete

Expand for additional information

Removes given level role(s) by rank or role.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild Requires bot permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: unregister, remove, rm, del, d, -, -=, >, >>, ->, =>

Overload 1:

  • [role...]: Roles to remove

Overload 1:

  • [short...]: Ranks


!levelroles delete @Role RoleName
!levelroles delete 5 10

levelroles deleteall

Expand for additional information

Removes all level roles.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild Requires bot permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: removeall, rmrf, rma, clearall, clear, delall, da, cl, -a, --, >>>

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!levelroles deleteall

levelroles list

Expand for additional information

Lists all level roles.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild Requires bot permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: print, show, view, ls, l, p

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!levelroles list

Group: message

Expand for additional information

Message control commands.

Aliases: m, msg, msgs, messages

message attachments

Expand for additional information

View all message attachments. If the message is not provided, scans the last sent message before command invocation.

Requires permissions: Read message history

Aliases: a, files, la

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [message]: Discord message (def: None)


!message attachments
!message attachments 361119455792594954

Group: message delete

Expand for additional information

Deletes messages from the current channel. Group call deletes given amount of most recent messages.

Requires permissions: Manage messages Requires user permissions: Administrator

Aliases: -, prune, del, d

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [int]: Amount of messages to delete (def: 1)
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!message delete
!message delete 10
!message delete 10 Because I can!

message delete after

Expand for additional information

Deletes given amount messages after a specified message.

Requires permissions: Manage messages Requires user permissions: Administrator

Aliases: aft, af

Overload 0:

  • [message]: Discord message
  • (optional) [int]: Amount of messages to delete (def: 1)
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!message delete after 361119455792594954 10

message delete before

Expand for additional information

Deletes given amount messages before a specified message.

Requires permissions: Manage messages Requires user permissions: Administrator

Aliases: bef, bf

Overload 0:

  • [message]: Discord message
  • (optional) [int]: Amount of messages to delete (def: 1)
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!message delete before 361119455792594954 10

message delete from

Expand for additional information

Deletes given amount of most recent messages sent by the given member.

Requires permissions: Manage messages Requires user permissions: Administrator

Aliases: f, frm

Overload 1:

  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [int]: Amount of messages to delete (def: 1)
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [int]: Amount of messages to delete
  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!message delete from @User 10
!message delete from 10 @User

message delete reactions

Expand for additional information

Deletes all message reactions.

Requires permissions: Manage messages Requires user permissions: Administrator

Aliases: react, re

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [message]: Discord message (def: None)
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!message delete reactions 361119455792594954

message delete regex

Expand for additional information

Deletes given amount of most-recent messages that match a given regular expression.

Requires permissions: Manage messages Requires user permissions: Administrator

Aliases: r, rgx, regexp, reg

Overload 1:

  • [string]: Pattern (regular expression)
  • (optional) [int]: Amount of messages to delete (def: 5)
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [int]: Amount of messages to delete
  • [string]: Pattern (regular expression)
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!message delete regex regex?pattern+
!message delete regex regex?pattern+ 10

message flag

Expand for additional information

Flags the message given by ID for deletion vote. If the message is not provided, flags the last sent message before command invocation.

Requires permissions: Read message history Requires bot permissions: Manage messages

Aliases: f

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [message]: Discord message (def: None)
  • (optional) [time span]: Voting timespan (def: None)


!message flag
!message flag 361119455792594954

message listpinned

Expand for additional information

List pinned messages in a given channel. If the channel is not provided, uses the current one.

Aliases: lp, listpins, listpin, pinned

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel which pins to view (def: None)


!message listpinned
!message listpinned #my-text-channel

message pin

Expand for additional information

Pins the given message. If the message is not provided, uses the last message before command invocation.

Requires permissions: Manage messages

Aliases: p

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [message]: Discord message (def: None)


!message pin
!message pin 361119455792594954

message unpin

Expand for additional information

Unpins the message by index (starting from 1) or message ID. If the index is not given, unpins the most recent one.

Requires permissions: Manage messages

Aliases: up

Overload 1:

  • [message]: Discord message

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [int]: Index (starting from 1) (def: 1)


!message unpin 361119455792594954
!message unpin 5

message unpinall

Expand for additional information

Unpins all pinned messages in given channel. If the channel is not provided, uses the current one.

Requires permissions: Manage messages

Aliases: upa

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel which pins to remove (def: None)


!message unpinall
!message unpinall #my-text-channel

Group: reactionroles

Expand for additional information

Reaction roles management. Reaction roles are granted to a member of the guild when the member reacts to a message with the special emoji. Group call lists all reaction roles for the guild. Group call adds a role to the reaction roles list triggered by given emoji, effective immediately.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild Requires bot permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: rr, reactionrole, reactroles, reactionrl, reactrole, reactr, reactrl, rrole

Overload 2:

  • [message]: Message on which to monitor reactions
  • [emoji]: Emoji
  • [role]: Role to grant

Overload 2:

  • [emoji]: Emoji
  • [message]: Message on which to monitor reactions
  • [role]: Role to grant

Overload 2:

  • [emoji]: Emoji
  • [role]: Role to grant
  • (optional) [message]: Message on which to monitor reactions (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [message]: Message on which to monitor reactions
  • [role]: Role to grant
  • [emoji]: Emoji

Overload 1:

  • [role]: Role to grant
  • [message]: Message on which to monitor reactions
  • [emoji]: Emoji

Overload 1:

  • [role]: Role to grant
  • [emoji]: Emoji
  • (optional) [message]: Message on which to monitor reactions (def: None)

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!reactionroles @Role :emoji:
!reactionroles :emoji: @Role
!reactionroles @Role :emoji: 361119455792594954
!reactionroles :emoji: @Role 361119455792594954
!reactionroles 361119455792594954 @Role :emoji:
!reactionroles 361119455792594954 :emoji: @Role

reactionroles add

Expand for additional information

Registers given role as a reaction role for the specified emoji.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild Requires bot permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: register, reg, a, +, +=, <<, <, <-, <=

Overload 5:

  • [message]: Message on which to monitor reactions
  • [role]: Role to grant
  • [emoji]: Emoji

Overload 4:

  • [message]: Message on which to monitor reactions
  • [emoji]: Emoji
  • [role]: Role to grant

Overload 3:

  • [role]: Role to grant
  • [message]: Message on which to monitor reactions
  • [emoji]: Emoji

Overload 2:

  • [emoji]: Emoji
  • [message]: Message on which to monitor reactions
  • [role]: Role to grant

Overload 1:

  • [role]: Role to grant
  • [emoji]: Emoji
  • (optional) [message]: Message on which to monitor reactions (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [emoji]: Emoji
  • [role]: Role to grant
  • (optional) [message]: Message on which to monitor reactions (def: None)


!reactionroles add @Role :emoji:
!reactionroles add :emoji: @Role
!reactionroles add @Role :emoji: 361119455792594954
!reactionroles add :emoji: @Role 361119455792594954
!reactionroles add 361119455792594954 @Role :emoji:
!reactionroles add 361119455792594954 :emoji: @Role

reactionroles delete

Expand for additional information

Removes given reaction role(s) by emoji or role.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild Requires bot permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: unregister, remove, rm, del, d, -, -=, >, >>, ->, =>

Overload 3:

  • [role...]: Roles to remove

Overload 2:

  • [emoji...]: Emojis

Overload 1:

  • [message...]: Discord message

Overload 0:

  • [channel...]: Channel


!reactionroles delete @Role RoleName
!reactionroles delete :emoji: emoji_name
!reactionroles delete Sample message
!reactionroles delete #my-text-channel

reactionroles deleteall

Expand for additional information

Removes all reaction roles.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild Requires bot permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: removeall, rmrf, rma, clearall, clear, delall, da, cl, -a, --, >>>

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!reactionroles deleteall

reactionroles list

Expand for additional information

Lists all reaction roles.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild Requires bot permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: print, show, view, ls, l, p

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!reactionroles list

Group: role

Expand for additional information

Role control commands. Group call lists all the roles in this guild or prints information about a given role.

Guild only.

Aliases: roles, rl

Overload 1:

  • [role]: Role

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!role @Role

role create

Expand for additional information

Creates a new role.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: new, add, a, +, +=, <<, <, <-, <=

Overload 1:

  • [string]: New name
  • (optional) [color]: Color (hex or RGB) (def: None)
  • (optional) [boolean]: Hoisted (visible in online list)? (def: False)
  • (optional) [boolean]: Mentionable? (def: False)
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [color]: Color (hex or RGB)
  • [string...]: New name


!role create RoleName
!role create RoleName #ff00ff
!role create RoleName #ff00ff Yes/No

role delete

Expand for additional information

Deletes specified role.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: remove, rm, del, d, -, -=, >, >>

Overload 0:

  • [role]: Role
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!role delete @Role

role info

Expand for additional information

Prints details for given role.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: i

Overload 0:

  • [role]: Role


!role info @Role

role list

Expand for additional information

Lists all guild roles.

Guild only.

Aliases: print, show, view, ls, l, p

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!role list
!role list @Role

role mention

Expand for additional information

Mention the given role. This will bypass the mentionable status for the given role.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Administrator Requires bot permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: mentionall, @, ma

Overload 0:

  • [role]: Role


!role mention @Role

role setcolor

Expand for additional information

Sets the role color.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: clr, c, sc, setc

Overload 1:

  • [role]: Role
  • [color]: Color (hex or RGB)
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [color]: Color (hex or RGB)
  • [role]: Role
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!role setcolor @Role #ff00ff
!role setcolor #ff00ff @Role

role setmentionable

Expand for additional information

Allows or forbids the role to be mentionable.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: mentionable, m, setm

Overload 1:

  • [role]: Role
  • (optional) [boolean]: Mentionable? (def: True)
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [boolean]: Mentionable?
  • [role]: Role
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!role setmentionable @Role
!role setmentionable SampleName @Role

role setname

Expand for additional information

Sets the role name.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: name, rename, n, mv

Overload 1:

  • [string]: New name
  • [role]: Role
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [role]: Role
  • [string...]: New name


!role setname @Role SampleName
!role setname SampleName @Role

role setvisibility

Expand for additional information

Allows or forbids the role to be hoisted (grouped in online list).

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: setvisible, separate, h, seth, hoist, sethoist

Overload 1:

  • [role]: Role
  • (optional) [boolean]: Hoisted (visible in online list)? (def: True)
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [boolean]: Hoisted (visible in online list)?
  • [role]: Role
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!role setvisibility @Role
!role setvisibility SampleName @Role

Group: selfassignableroles

Expand for additional information

Self-assignable roles commands. Self-assignable roles can be granted to members by themselves using the give command. Group call lists all self-assignable roles for the guild. Group call with an arbitrary amount of roles will add those roles to the self-assignable roles list for the guild, effective immediately.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: sar, selfassignablerole, selfroles, selfrole, sr, srl, srole

Overload 1:

No arguments.

Overload 0:

  • [role...]: Roles to add


!selfassignableroles @Role RoleName

selfassignableroles add

Expand for additional information

Registers given role(s) as self-assignable.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: register, reg, a, +, +=, <<, <, <-, <=

Overload 0:

  • [role...]: Roles to add


!selfassignableroles add @Role RoleName

selfassignableroles delete

Expand for additional information

Removes given roles from self-assignable role list.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: unregister, remove, rm, del, d, -, -=, >, >>, ->, =>

Overload 0:

  • [role...]: Roles to remove


!selfassignableroles delete @Role RoleName

selfassignableroles deleteall

Expand for additional information

Removes all self-assignable roles.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: removeall, rmrf, rma, clearall, clear, delall, da, cl, -a, --, >>>

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!selfassignableroles deleteall

selfassignableroles list

Expand for additional information

Lists all self-assignable roles.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: print, show, view, ls, l, p

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!selfassignableroles list

Group: user

Expand for additional information

User administration commands. Group call prints information about given user or guild member.

Aliases: users, u, usr, member, mem

Overload 1:

  • (optional) [member]: Member (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [user]: User (def: None)


!user @User

user avatar

Expand for additional information

Shows user avatar in full size.

Aliases: a, pic, profilepic

Overload 0:

  • [user]: User


!user avatar @User

user ban

Expand for additional information

Bans member from the guild.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Ban members

Aliases: b

Overload 3:

  • [user]: User
  • [int]: Delete messages in past number of days
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 2:

  • [member]: Member
  • [int]: Delete messages in past number of days
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [user]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!user ban @User
!user ban @User Because I can!
!user ban @User 5 Because I can!

user deafen

Expand for additional information

Deafens a member.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Deafen voice chat members

Aliases: deaf, d, df

Overload 0:

  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!user deafen @User

user grantrole

Expand for additional information

Grants specified role(s) to specified user.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: +role, +r, <r, <<r, ar, addr, +roles, addroles, giverole, giveroles, addrole, grantroles, gr

Overload 1:

  • [member]: Member
  • [role...]: Roles to add

Overload 0:

  • [role]: Role
  • [member]: Member


!user grantrole @User @Role
!user grantrole @Role @User

user info

Expand for additional information

Prints user/member information.

Aliases: i, information

Overload 1:

  • (optional) [member]: Member (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [user]: User (def: None)


!user info @User

user kick

Expand for additional information

Kicks member from the guild.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Kick members

Aliases: k

Overload 0:

  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!user kick @User

user kickvoice

Expand for additional information

Kicks member from the voice channels.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Mute voice chat members

Aliases: kv

Overload 0:

  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!user kickvoice @User

user mute

Expand for additional information

Mutes member by assigning a mute role.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: m

Overload 2:

  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [time span]: Time span
  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [member]: User
  • [time span]: Time span
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!user mute @User
!user mute @User 1d
!user mute 1d @User

user mutevoice

Expand for additional information

Mutes member in the voice channels.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Mute voice chat members

Aliases: mv, voicemute, vmute, mutev, vm, gag

Overload 0:

  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!user mutevoice @User

user revokeallroles

Expand for additional information

Revokes all roles from specified user.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: --roles, --r, >>>r, rar, removeallr, remallr, removeallroles, takeallroles, revallroles, tar

Overload 0:

  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!user revokeallroles @User

user revokerole

Expand for additional information

Revokes specified role(s) from specified user.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: -role, -r, >r, >>r, rr, remover, remr, -roles, removeroles, removerole, revokeroles, takeroles, revrole, revroles, tr

Overload 1:

  • [member]: Member
  • [role...]: Roles to remove

Overload 0:

  • [role]: Role
  • [member]: Member


!user revokerole @User @Role
!user revokerole @Role @User

user setname

Expand for additional information

Sets a nickname for the specified member in the current guild.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage nicknames

Aliases: nick, newname, name, rename, nickname

Overload 0:

  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: New name (def: None)


!user setname @User SampleName

user softban

Expand for additional information

Bans a member and then immediately unbans him.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Ban members

Aliases: sb, sban

Overload 1:

  • [member]: Member
  • [int]: Delete messages in past number of days
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!user softban @User
!user softban @User Because I can!

user tempban

Expand for additional information

Bans a member and unbans him after given timespan.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Ban members

Aliases: tb, tban, tmpban, tmpb

Overload 3:

  • [time span]: Time span
  • [user]: User
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 2:

  • [member]: Member
  • [time span]: Time span
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [time span]: Time span
  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [user]: User
  • [time span]: Time span
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!user tempban @User 1d
!user tempban 1d @User

user tempmute

Expand for additional information

Mutes a member and unmutes him after given timespan.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: tm, tmute, tmpmute, tmpm

Overload 1:

  • [time span]: Time span
  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [member]: User
  • [time span]: Time span
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!user tempmute @User 1d
!user tempmute 1d @User

user unban

Expand for additional information

Unbans a user.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Ban members

Aliases: ub, removeban, revokeban, rb

Overload 1:

  • [user]: User
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!user unban @User

user undeafen

Expand for additional information

Undeafens a member.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Deafen voice chat members

Aliases: undeaf, ud, udf

Overload 0:

  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!user undeafen @User

user unmute

Expand for additional information

Unmutes a member by revoking mute role.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Mute voice chat members

Aliases: um

Overload 0:

  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!user unmute @User

user unmutevoice

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Unmutes a member in voice channels.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Mute voice chat members

Aliases: umv, voiceunmute, vunmute, unmutev, vum

Overload 0:

  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)


!user unmutevoice @User

user warn

Expand for additional information

Warns a member by a direct message with a given warning text.

Requires permissions: Administrator

Aliases: w

Overload 0:

  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Warning message (def: None)


!user warn @User
!user warn @User This is a warning!

Group: webhook

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Webhook management commands. Group call lists webhooks for a given channel.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage webhooks

Aliases: wh, webhooks, whook

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel whose webhooks to show (def: None)


!webhook #my-text-channel

webhook add

Expand for additional information

Creates a webhook.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage webhooks

Aliases: create, c, register, reg, a, +, +=, <<, <, <-, <=

Overload 6:

  • [URL]: Avatar URL
  • [channel]: Channel where to add the webhook
  • [string]: Webhook name
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 5:

  • [URL]: Avatar URL
  • [string]: Webhook name
  • [channel]: Channel where to add the webhook
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 4:

  • [channel]: Channel where to add the webhook
  • [URL]: Avatar URL
  • [string]: Webhook name
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 3:

  • [channel]: Channel where to add the webhook
  • [string]: Webhook name
  • [URL]: Avatar URL
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 2:

  • [string]: Webhook name
  • [URL]: Avatar URL
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [URL]: Avatar URL
  • [string]: Webhook name
  • (optional) [string...]: Reason for the action (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Webhook name


!webhook add
!webhook add #my-text-channel SampleName

webhook delete

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Deletes a webhook by it's name or ID.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage webhooks

Aliases: remove, rm, del, d, -, -=, >, >>, ->, =>

Overload 3:

  • [channel]: Channel whose webhooks to delete
  • [string...]: Webhook name

Overload 2:

  • [channel]: Channel whose webhooks to delete
  • [unsigned long]: ID

Overload 1:

  • [string]: Webhook name
  • (optional) [channel]: Channel whose webhooks to delete (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [unsigned long]: ID
  • (optional) [channel]: Channel whose webhooks to delete (def: None)


!webhook delete 361119455792594954
!webhook delete MyWebhookName
!webhook delete #my-text-channel MyWebhookName
!webhook delete #my-text-channel 361119455792594954

webhook deleteall

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Deletes all webhooks in a given channel list.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage webhooks

Aliases: removeall, rmrf, rma, clearall, clear, delall, da, cl, -a, --, >>>

Overload 1:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel whose webhooks to delete (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [channel...]: Channel whose webhooks to delete


!webhook deleteall
!webhook deleteall #my-text-channel

webhook list

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Shows webhooks for a given channel.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage webhooks

Aliases: l, ls, show, s, print

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel whose webhooks to show (def: None)


!webhook list
!webhook list #my-text-channel

webhook listall

Expand for additional information

Shows webhooks for the entire guild.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Manage webhooks

Aliases: la, lsa, showall, printall

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!webhook listall