diff --git a/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/Compile/Compiler.fs b/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/Compile/Compiler.fs
index 098e33b..3c0b8b3 100644
--- a/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/Compile/Compiler.fs
+++ b/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/Compile/Compiler.fs
@@ -1022,6 +1022,7 @@ module private Utils =
module Compilation =
+ open Feersum.CompilerServices.Syntax.Parse
/// Emit a Bound Expression to .NET
@@ -1214,17 +1215,14 @@ module Compilation =
- let ast, diagnostics =
- let nodes, diagnostics =
- List.map LegacyParse.parseFile sources
- |> List.fold (fun (nodes, diags) (n, d) -> (List.append nodes [ n ], List.append d diags)) ([], [])
+ let result =
+ Seq.map (Parse.parseFile) sources
+ |> Async.Parallel
+ |> Async.RunSynchronously
+ |> ParseResult.fold (fun (progs) (p) -> List.append progs [ p ]) []
- { Location = TextLocation.Missing
- Kind = AstNodeKind.Seq(nodes) },
- diagnostics
- if Diagnostics.hasErrors diagnostics then
- diagnostics
+ if Diagnostics.hasErrors result.Diagnostics then
+ result.Diagnostics
// Open the output streams. We don't use an `Option` directly here for
@@ -1238,7 +1236,7 @@ module Compilation =
| BuildConfiguration.Release -> null
let result =
- compile options outputStream (Path.GetFileName(output)) (symbols |> Option.ofObj) ast
+ compile options outputStream (Path.GetFileName(output)) (symbols |> Option.ofObj) result.Root
if result.Diagnostics.IsEmpty && options.OutputType = OutputType.Exe then
match result.EmittedAssemblyName with
diff --git a/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/Feersum.CompilerServices.fsproj b/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/Feersum.CompilerServices.fsproj
index db75697..676da0c 100644
--- a/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/Feersum.CompilerServices.fsproj
+++ b/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/Feersum.CompilerServices.fsproj
@@ -13,11 +13,9 @@
diff --git a/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/LegacySyntax.fs b/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/LegacySyntax.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index dfef7a5..0000000
--- a/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/LegacySyntax.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-namespace Feersum.CompilerServices.Syntax
-open FParsec
-open System.Globalization
-open System.Text
-open Feersum.CompilerServices.Diagnostics
-open Feersum.CompilerServices.Text
-/// Constant or literal value in the syntax tree
-type SyntaxConstant =
- | Number of double
- | Str of string
- | Boolean of bool
- | Character of char
-/// Type of nodes in our syntax tree
-type AstNodeKind<'t> =
- | Ident of string
- | Constant of SyntaxConstant
- | Dot
- | Form of 't list
- | Seq of 't list
- | Quoted of 't
- | Vector of 't list
- | ByteVector of byte list
- | Error
-/// A node in our syntax tree.
-type AstNode =
- { Kind: AstNodeKind
- Location: TextLocation }
-module private LegacySyntaxDiagnostics =
- let parseError = DiagnosticKind.Create DiagnosticLevel.Error 1 "Parse error"
- let fparsecFailure = DiagnosticKind.Create DiagnosticLevel.Error 2 "FParsec failure"
-/// The parser state. Used to collect
-type State =
- { Diagnostics: DiagnosticBag }
- member s.Emit pos message =
- s.Diagnostics.Emit LegacySyntaxDiagnostics.parseError (TextLocation.Point(pos)) message
- static member Empty = { Diagnostics = DiagnosticBag.Empty }
-module LegacyParse =
- let errorNode =
- { Kind = AstNodeKind.Error
- Location = Point(TextPoint.FromExternal(Position("error", 0L, 0L, 0L))) }
- let expect (parser: Parser<'t, State>) message : Parser<'t option, State> =
- fun stream ->
- let reply = parser stream
- match reply.Status with
- | ReplyStatus.Error ->
- stream.UserState.Emit (TextPoint.FromExternal(stream.Position)) message
- Reply(None)
- | _ -> Reply(reply.Status, Some(reply.Result), reply.Error)
- let skipUnrecognised problem : Parser =
- fun stream ->
- let pos = stream.Position
- let skipped = stream.ReadCharOrNewline()
- if skipped = EOS then
- Reply(ReplyStatus.Error, expected "at end of string")
- else
- stream.UserState.Emit (TextPoint.FromExternal(pos)) (problem skipped)
- Reply(())
- let expectCharWithMessage message chr = expect (skipChar chr) (message chr)
- let expectChar = expectCharWithMessage (sprintf "Expected '%c'")
- let expectCharClosing = expectCharWithMessage (sprintf "Missing closing '%c'")
- let private parseForm, parseFormRef = createParserForwardedToRef ()
- let private spannedNode nodeCons nodeParser =
- getPosition .>>. nodeParser .>>. getPosition
- |>> (fun ((s, i), e) ->
- { Kind = nodeCons (i)
- Location = Span(TextPoint.FromExternal(s), TextPoint.FromExternal(e)) })
- let private spannedNodeOfKind atomKind = spannedNode (fun _ -> atomKind)
- let private comment =
- let singleLine = skipChar ';' >>. skipRestOfLine true
- let datum = skipString "#;" .>> parseForm
- let block, blockRef = createParserForwardedToRef ()
- let blockBody =
- choice
- [ block
- skipMany1 (skipNoneOf "|#")
- attempt (skipChar '|' >>. skipNoneOf "#")
- skipChar '#' ]
- blockRef.Value <- between (skipString "#|") (skipString "|#") (skipMany blockBody)
- singleLine <|> datum <|> block
- let private ws = skipMany (comment <|> unicodeSpaces1)
- let private parseNum = spannedNode (Number >> Constant) pfloat
- let private unescapedChar = noneOf "\"\\"
- let private hexScalarValue =
- let hexUnescape x =
- System.Int32.Parse(x, NumberStyles.HexNumber)
- |> System.Char.ConvertFromUtf32
- |> System.Char.TryParse
- fun (stream: CharStream) ->
- let s = stream.Position
- let r = many1Chars hex stream
- if r.Status = ReplyStatus.Ok then
- match hexUnescape r.Result with
- | (true, ch) -> Reply(ch)
- | (false, _) ->
- stream.UserState.Emit (TextPoint.FromExternal(s)) "Invalid code unit"
- Reply('\uFFFD')
- else
- Reply(r.Status, r.Error)
- let private hexEscape =
- between (skipString "\\x") (expectChar ';') (expect (hexScalarValue) "Expected hex character literal")
- |>> Option.defaultValue '\uFFFD'
- let private escapedChar =
- let inline unescape ch =
- match ch with
- | 'a' -> '\a'
- | 'b' -> '\b'
- | 't' -> '\t'
- | 'n' -> '\n'
- | 'v' -> '\v'
- | 'f' -> '\f'
- | 'r' -> '\r'
- | c -> c
- skipChar '\\' >>. (noneOf "x") |>> unescape
- let private parseStr =
- between (skipChar '"') (expectCharClosing '"') (manyChars (unescapedChar <|> hexEscape <|> escapedChar))
- |> spannedNode (Str >> Constant)
- let private parseVec =
- between (skipString "#(") (expectCharClosing ')') (many parseForm)
- |> spannedNode Vector
- let private parseByteVec =
- between (skipString "#u8(") (expectCharClosing ')') (many (between (ws) (ws) puint8))
- |> spannedNode ByteVector
- let private parseBool =
- stringReturn "#true" true
- <|> stringReturn "#t" true
- <|> stringReturn "#false" false
- <|> stringReturn "#f" false
- |> spannedNode (Boolean >> Constant)
- let private parseChar =
- let namedChar =
- choice
- [ stringReturn "alarm" '\u0007'
- stringReturn "backspace" '\u0008'
- stringReturn "delete" '\u007F'
- stringReturn "escape" '\u001B'
- stringReturn "newline" '\u000A'
- stringReturn "null" '\u0000'
- stringReturn "return" '\u000D'
- stringReturn "space" ' '
- stringReturn "tab" '\u0009' ]
- let hexChar = attempt (skipChar 'x' >>. hexScalarValue)
- spannedNode (Character >> Constant) (skipString @"#\" >>. (namedChar <|> hexChar <|> anyChar))
- let inline private isIdentifierChar c =
- isAsciiLetter c || isDigit c || isAnyOf "!$%&*/:<=>?@^_~+-." c
- let private parseIdent =
- let simpleIdent = many1SatisfyL isIdentifierChar "identifier"
- let identLiteralChar = (manyChars ((noneOf "\\|") <|> hexEscape <|> escapedChar))
- let identLiteral = between (skipChar '|') (expectCharClosing '|') identLiteralChar
- spannedNode Ident (simpleIdent <|> identLiteral)
- let private parseDot =
- (skipChar '.' >>? notFollowedBy (satisfy isIdentifierChar))
- |> spannedNodeOfKind Dot
- let private parseQuoted = skipAnyOf "’'" >>. parseForm |> spannedNode Quoted
- let private parseAtom =
- // The order is important here. Numbers have higher priority than
- // symbols / identifiers. The `.` token must come before identifier.
- choice
- [ parseStr
- parseVec
- parseByteVec
- parseChar
- parseNum
- parseBool
- parseDot
- parseIdent ]
- let private parseApplication =
- between (skipChar '(') (expectCharClosing ')') (many parseForm)
- |> spannedNode Form
- do parseFormRef.Value <- between ws ws (parseApplication <|> parseAtom <|> parseQuoted)
- /// Parse the given string into a syntax tree
- let private parse: Parser =
- let problem = sprintf "unexpected character %c"
- (many (parseForm <|> ((skipUnrecognised problem) >>% errorNode))) .>> eof
- |> spannedNode Seq
- /// Unpack a `ParseResult` into a Plain `Result`
- let private unpack =
- function
- | Success(node, s, _) -> (node, s.Diagnostics.Take)
- | Failure(mess, err, s) ->
- s.Diagnostics.Emit LegacySyntaxDiagnostics.fparsecFailure (Point(TextPoint.FromExternal(err.Position))) mess
- s.Diagnostics.Emit
- LegacySyntaxDiagnostics.fparsecFailure
- (Point(TextPoint.FromExternal(err.Position)))
- "The parser encountered an error that could not be recovered from."
- (errorNode, s.Diagnostics.Take)
- /// Read a single expression from the named input text
- let readExpr1 name line : (AstNode * Diagnostic list) =
- runParserOnString parse State.Empty name line |> unpack
- /// Read a single expression from the input text
- let readExpr = readExpr1 "repl"
- /// Read an expression from source code on disk
- let parseFile path : (AstNode * Diagnostic list) =
- runParserOnFile parse State.Empty path Encoding.UTF8 |> unpack
- /// Read an expression from a stream of source code
- let parseStream name stream : (AstNode * Diagnostic list) =
- runParserOnStream parse State.Empty name stream Encoding.UTF8 |> unpack
diff --git a/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/Syntax/Parse.fs b/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/Syntax/Parse.fs
index bce2d6f..505ce51 100644
--- a/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/Syntax/Parse.fs
+++ b/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/Syntax/Parse.fs
@@ -44,6 +44,13 @@ module ParseResult =
{ Diagnostics = result.Diagnostics
Root = result.Root |> mapper }
+ /// Fold a set of parse results into a signle result
+ let public fold folder seed results =
+ let (state, diags) =
+ Seq.fold (fun (state, diags) r -> (folder state r.Root, List.append diags r.Diagnostics)) (seed, []) results
+ { Diagnostics = diags
+ Root = state }
/// Convert a parser response into a plain result type
/// This drops any tree from the error, but opens up parser responses to
diff --git a/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/Syntax/SyntaxShim.fs b/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/Syntax/SyntaxShim.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index c4f1765..0000000
--- a/src/Feersum.CompilerServices/Syntax/SyntaxShim.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-module Feersum.CompilerServices.Syntax.SyntaxShim
-open Feersum.CompilerServices.Syntax.Tree
-open Feersum.CompilerServices.Text
-type LegacyNode = Feersum.CompilerServices.Syntax.AstNode
-type LegacyNodeKind<'a> = Feersum.CompilerServices.Syntax.AstNodeKind<'a>
-/// Transform a single expression into a legcy AST
-let rec transformExpr (doc: TextDocument) (expr: Expression) : LegacyNode =
- let kind =
- match expr with
- | FormNode f -> f.Body |> Seq.map (transformExpr doc) |> List.ofSeq |> LegacyNodeKind.Form
- | _ ->
- // TODO: All the other node kinds
- LegacyNodeKind.Error
- { Kind = kind
- Location = TextDocument.rangeToLocation doc expr.SyntaxRange }
-/// Transform a program into a legacy AST
-let transformProgram (doc: TextDocument) (prog: Program) : LegacyNode =
- let body =
- prog.Body |> Seq.map (transformExpr doc) |> List.ofSeq |> LegacyNodeKind.Seq
- { Kind = body
- Location = TextDocument.rangeToLocation doc prog.SyntaxRange }