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170 lines (130 loc) · 5.26 KB

Neovim Configuration with Lua

attributes to @Primeagen

inparticular this video but also just inspiring me:

This repository contains my Neovim configuration, written in Lua. The setup leverages modern Neovim plugins to enhance productivity and provide a rich development environment. Below is a summary of the included packages and how they are configured.

Summary of Packages

Package Manager

  • wbthomason/packer.nvim: Plugin manager for Neovim.

Fuzzy Finder

  • nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim: Highly extendable fuzzy finder over lists.
    • nvim-lua/plenary.nvim: Dependency for Telescope.

File Explorer

  • preservim/nerdtree: A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem.
    • ryanoasis/vim-devicons: Optional dependency to add file type icons.

Color Scheme

  • rose-pine/neovim: Elegant color scheme for Neovim.

Linting and Diagnostics

  • folke/trouble.nvim: Pretty diagnostics, references, telescope results, quickfix, and location lists.


  • nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter: Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer.
  • nvim-treesitter/playground: Treesitter playground for inspecting Treesitter's AST.
  • nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-context: Show code context.

Navigation and Refactoring

  • theprimeagen/harpoon: Navigation tool for quick file access.
  • theprimeagen/refactoring.nvim: Refactoring library based on the Treesitter.

Undo Management

  • mbbill/undotree: Visualize your undo tree.

Git Integration

  • tpope/vim-fugitive: A Git wrapper for Neovim.

LSP and Autocompletion

  • VonHeikemen/lsp-zero.nvim: Simplified LSP setup.
    • neovim/nvim-lspconfig: Quickstart configurations for the Nvim LSP client.
    • williamboman/mason.nvim: Portable package manager.
    • williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim: Bridge between mason.nvim and nvim-lspconfig.
    • hrsh7th/nvim-cmp: Autocompletion plugin.
    • hrsh7th/cmp-buffer: Buffer completions for nvim-cmp.
    • hrsh7th/cmp-path: Path completions for nvim-cmp.
    • saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip: Snippet completions for nvim-cmp.
    • hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp: LSP source for nvim-cmp.
    • hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lua: Lua source for nvim-cmp.
    • L3MON4D3/LuaSnip: Snippet engine.
    • rafamadriz/friendly-snippets: Snippet collection.

Productivity and Miscellaneous

  • folke/zen-mode.nvim: Distraction-free coding.
  • github/copilot.vim: GitHub Copilot integration.
  • eandrju/cellular-automaton.nvim: Fun plugin to run cellular automaton patterns.
  • laytan/cloak.nvim: Plugin to hide secrets in code.

Configuration Files

Directory Structure

├── after
│   └── plugin
│       ├── colors.lua
│       ├── fugitive.lua
│       ├── harpoon.lua
│       ├── lsp.lua
│       ├── lualine.lua
│       ├── telescope.lua
│       ├── treesitter.lua
│       └── undotree.lua
├── init.lua
├── lua
│   └── halo
│       ├── init.lua
│       ├── packer.lua
│       └── remap.lua
└── plugin
    └── packer_compiled.lua

Key Configuration Files

  • init.lua: Entry point for the Neovim configuration.
  • lua/halo/packer.lua: Plugin management setup using packer.nvim.
  • lua/halo/remap.lua: Custom key mappings.

Plugin Specific Configuration

  • after/plugin/colors.lua: Configuration for color scheme.
  • after/plugin/fugitive.lua: Git integration settings.
  • after/plugin/harpoon.lua: Settings for Harpoon.
  • after/plugin/lsp.lua: LSP setup and configuration.
  • after/plugin/lualine.lua: Status line configuration.
  • after/plugin/telescope.lua: Telescope settings.
  • after/plugin/treesitter.lua: Treesitter configuration.
  • after/plugin/undotree.lua: Undo tree visualization settings.


  1. Clone this repository to your Neovim configuration directory:

    git clone ~/.config/nvim
  2. Install packer.nvim if it's not already installed:

    git clone --depth 1\
  3. Open Neovim and install the plugins:

    nvim +PackerSync

or use command in nvim:



<leader> = spacebar
<leader> u = undo tree
<leader>t =inspectTree command
:Ex = explore mode

<leader>e (opens nerdtree)
m to open options
a to create child node/new file
append / for folder

<leader> + p + v = see files
% here to create a new file
d create a new folder

<leader> + p  = find file name
<leader> p + s = find in file (grep)
<ctr>  w + o = to close all other windows

h to change to 
<ctrl> z = to go to termional 
fg <number of job> leave blank for last (fg)
<ctrl> e = toggle tree
<ctrl> w = switch between tree and open file
<leader> + a = save file to harpoon list
<ctrl> + e = open harpoon list
<ctrl> + h  + t to switch



This configuration is open-source and available under the MIT License.