- Check
, else find out how to havemanpath
recognize it
- Get .mozilla out of HOME somehow and start tracking configuration/profile files
- Maybe I can leave it in HOME but handle with stow organization
- Switch from kitty to alacritty
- Make gitignores if possible in bare repo
- Decide on a consistent way to use and handle submodules
- Are more aliases a bad idea?
- Organization
- Distribute aliases possibly
- Check out a couple dot management programs as alternatives to stow possibly
- Figure out AUR management flow
- Write script to recognize updates
- One already exists, check if paru handles it
- Write script to recognize updates
- Expand functions
- Add completion
- tags?
- Add completion
- Fix prompt
- Find a way to not use named directories except for HOME
- Better adapt to screen size/space
- Fix VCS to just have [repo]: in red instead of VCS program
- Add prompts P2-4
- Keybindings
- Customize menu and completion binds
- Vi-ify even more
- Colors!
- Figure out lsp
- Improve UI
- Customize theme
- Customize status bar
- Add live displays
- latex
- Markdown
- Improve filetype detection
- Add dynamic detection in files without filetype
- Add more filetypes
- Add more detection for current filetypes
- Add more rules for certain filetypes I use
- Makefile tab
- Standardize
- Switch all keybinds to which-key
- yanky
- telescope
- Figure out keys argument for lazy
- Get all plugin args in the same order
- Fix up filesystem
- Everything not in opts goes in config.lua file
- Switch all keybinds to which-key
- Find installation startup problem with lazy
- Fix plugins lazy loading
- Fix whichkey functions
- Add ability to add operators
- completion/
- diagnostics/
- display/
- editing/
- Comment
- yanky
- latex/
- lsp/
- markdown/
- navigation/
- rust/
- telescope/
- ui/
- visual/
- whitespace/
- whichkey/
- Fix whichkey functions
- Switch away from null.nvim
- Decide which alternatives to use
- would lspsaga work?
- Add new filetypes I've waited to set up
- C++
- Decide which alternatives to use
- Set up my own layouts
- Find a better status bar
- Set configuration
- Set my own keybinds
- Set caps lock to something more useful
- Set my own keybinds
- Figure out why the hell it isn't working
- Handle different devices
- Default fallback config
- Can I use logic in hyprland.conf?
- Default fallback config
- Expand binds
- Set modal or prefix binds
- Can you set a single bind that triggers with any keypress?
- hyprland.rs
- xremap
- Set binds for mouse button use
- Improve binds for mouse&keyboard use
- Set modal or prefix binds
- Improve UI
- Figure out the two different schema
- Customize theme
- Add status bar
- Add notifications
- Show keybind modes visually somehow
- borders
- Play with runners
- Add window and workspace rules
- Figure out clipboard
- Keyboard shortcut for keyboard history
- Add login manager