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Selectrum is a better solution for incremental narrowing in Emacs, replacing Helm, Ivy, and Ido.

What is it?

Selectrum provides an interface for selecting items from a list. You can use it to run a command with M-x:

Picking from a
list of commands

You can use it to open a file with C-x C-f (find-file):

Navigating the

Even TRAMP works great out of the box:

Using sudo via

You can switch buffers:

Switching to
another buffer

And every other command in Emacs is automatically enhanced, without the need for any configuration:

libraries, with load-path shadows


Selectrum is available as a package on MELPA. The easiest way to install this package is using straight.el:

(straight-use-package 'selectrum)

However, you may install using any other package manager if you prefer.


To enable Selectrum, simply add to your init-file:

(selectrum-mode +1)

Now all of your favorite Emacs commands will automatically use Selectrum. However, the default sorting and filtering is very basic. It is recommended to use prescient.el to enable more intelligent sorting and filtering. Simply install the selectrum-prescient package from MELPA and add to your init-file:

;; to make sorting and filtering more intelligent
(selectrum-prescient-mode +1)

;; to save your command history on disk, so the sorting gets more
;; intelligent over time
(prescient-persist-mode +1)

User guide

The design philosophy of Selectrum is to be as simple as possible, because selecting an item from a list really doesn't have to be that complicated, and you don't have time to learn all the hottest tricks and keybindings for this. What this means is that Selectrum always prioritizes consistency, simplicity, and understandability over making optimal choices for workflow streamlining. The idea is that when things go wrong, you'll find it easy to understand what happened and how to fix it.


  • To navigate to a candidate: use the standard motion commands (<up>, <down>, C-v, M-v, M-<, M->). If you prefer, you can use C-p and C-n instead of the arrow keys.
  • To accept the currently selected candidate: type RET. (With a prefix argument, accept instead the candidate at that point in the list, counting from one. See selectrum-show-indices. The value zero means to accept exactly what you've typed, as in the next bullet point.) You can also click the left mouse button on a candidate to choose it.
  • To submit what you've typed, even if it's not a candidate: you can use <up> or C-p to select the user input just like a regular candidate, and type RET as usual. (Alternatively, you can type C-j to submit your exact input without selecting it first.)
  • To abort: as per usual, type C-g.
  • To navigate into the currently selected directory while finding a file: type TAB. (What this actually does is insert the currently selected candidate into the minibuffer, which for find-file has the effect of navigating into a directory.) With a positive prefix argument, insert the candidate at that display position (see selectrum-show-indices). You can also right click on a candidate to insert it into the minibuffer.
  • To copy the current candidate: type M-w or what is bound to kill-ring-save. When there's an active region in your input, this still copies the active region. The behavior of M-w is not modified when Transient Mark mode is disabled.
  • To select multiple candidates: separate them with crm-separator (, by default). To make this workflow more convenient, you can use TAB to complete the currently selected candidate before typing crm-separator (for common values of crm-separator it will be automatically inserted for you). This feature only works in commands that use completing-read-multiple, such as describe-face. (If multiple selection is enabled, it is shown in the minibuffer prompt.)

Selectrum respects your custom keybindings, so if you've bound next-line to M-* for some reason, then pressing M-* will select the next candidate. If you don't like the standard Selectrum bindings, you can change them in selectrum-minibuffer-map.

The keybindings listed above are the only ones changed from standard editing bindings. So, for example:

  • All your standard horizontal motion, selection, insertion, and deletion commands work as usual.
  • To delete your current input, just use C-a C-k or C-S-backspace (bound to kill-whole-line).
  • To edit by word units use M-DEL like usual. To go up a directory you can use C-M-DEL (bound to backward-kill-sexp). Be aware that on some Linux distributions, this binding is used to kill the X server, which can force-quit all programs you opened. Therefore, accidentally killing the X server can cause data corruption and loss of unsaved work. In such cases, you can instead use ESC C-DEL, which Emacs helpfully binds by default.
  • To navigate to your home directory, you can just use C-a C-k ~/. Alternatively, like in default completion, you can type ~/ after a / to ignore the preceding input and move to the home directory.
  • Minibuffer history navigation works as usual with M-p and M-n. M-r will invoke an improved version of history search with completion.

Sorting and filtering

The default sorting and filtering in Selectrum is quite primitive. First candidates are sorted alphabetically, and then they are filtered down to those that contain your input as a substring. The part of each candidate that matches your input is highlighted. This default behavior is intended as a lowest common denominator that will definitely work.

However, it is strongly recommended that you set up prescient.el in order to get more intelligent sorting and filtering. (See the "getting started" section for how to do this.) With prescient.el:

  • Your most recent choices are saved, and those are sorted first. After that, your most frequent choices are saved, and those are sorted next. The rest of the candidates are sorted by length. This algorithm turns out to do very well in practice while being fast and not very magical.
  • Your input is split on spaces into subqueries, each of which must match as either a substring, a regexp, or an initialism (e.g. ffap matches find-file-at-point) in order for a candidate to be included. Again, this algorithm isn't optimal, but it does very well in practice given its simplicity and speed.
  • The part of each candidate that matched your input is highlighted, with the initials of an initialism highlighted in a second color.

It is possible to supply your own sorting, filtering, and highlighting logic if you would like. For that, see the developer guide later in this documentation.

Selectrum adds two special features on top of whatever sorting and filtering is selected:

  • If your input matches one of the candidates exactly, then that candidate is unconditionally sorted first. (So, if you type in find-file, then ido-find-file will never be sorted before find-file, no matter what.) This is intended to reduce frustration in the case that you know what you want and you don't want Selectrum getting in the way.
  • After that, if the caller of Selectrum specified a default candidate (for example, describe-function suggests the function near point as a default) then that candidate will be sorted before the rest. This means you can just press RET immediately to accept the default, like usual.

Selectrum doesn't have any special handling of case-sensitivity, because Emacs includes a system for this by default. The command M-x toggle-case-fold-search toggles globally between case-sensitive matching and case-insensitive matching.

Additional features

  • You can repeat the last command that invoked Selectrum, restoring your user input and selected candidate, using selectrum-repeat. You must bind this command to a key sequence in order to use it, since running selectrum-repeat from M-x will dutifully repeat the last command that invoked Selectrum, which was M-x. For example:

    (global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-z") #'selectrum-repeat)
  • There is experimental support for running Helm commands via the Selectrum interface. The idea is that we install some advices on Helm which translate calls to the Helm API into calls to the Selectrum API. Needless to say, this translation comes at a loss of functionality, since Helm is a behemoth which supports every conceivable kind of completion paradigm while Selectrum is designed to have as few features as possible without seriously compromising user experience. However, this support might allow you to make more convenient use of the extensive Helm ecosystem.

    To use the support, enable selectrum-helm-mode from the selectrum-helm library.


  • By default, ten candidates are shown in the minibuffer at any given time. You can customize that by changing selectrum-num-candidates-displayed.
    • Normally selectrum-num-candidates-displayed acts as just a maximum for the height of the minibuffer. You might prefer for the minibuffer to always have that height, even if there are fewer candidates. This behavior may be achieved by setting selectrum-fix-minibuffer-height to a non-nil value.
  • You can use selectrum-display-action to display candidates in a window or frame outside the minibuffer. If you want to display the whole minibuffer (including the input line) in a separate frame you can use the mini-frame package, see the wiki for setup instructions.
  • The currently selected candidate is highlighted with the face selectrum-current-candidate. If you don't like the color, you can adjust it to taste.
    • By default, only the displayed text is highlighted. If you wish to extend the highlight until the margin, you can set selectrum-extend-current-candidate-highlight to t.
  • By default, the part of each candidate that matches your input is highlighted with the face selectrum-primary-highlight. There is also selectrum-secondary-highlight, which is not used by default but is provided for other packages that may use more complex highlighting schemes (such as prescient.el).
  • By default, the total number of matches are shown before the prompt. This behavior can be customized using selectrum-count-style.
  • You can show the indices of displayed candidates by customizing selectrum-show-indices. This may be helpful in telling you what prefix argument you should pass to selectrum-select-current-candidate and selectrum-insert-current-candidate in order to choose a candidate. Furthermore, if you want do display a custom index (e.g. letters instead of indices, roman numerals, etc.) you can set the selectrum-show-indices to a function that takes in the relative index of a candidate and returns the string you want to display.
  • By default, Selectrum does also handle in buffer completion via completion-in-region. If you would like to disable that you can unset selectrum-complete-in-buffer before activating selectrum-mode.
  • The selectrum-completion-in-region function can display annotations if the completion-in-region-function backend offers them. Customize the face selectrum-completion-annotation to change their appearance.
    • Customize the face selectrum-completion-docsig to change the appearance of function signatures show by completion-in-region.
    • Customize the face completions-common-part to change the appearance of the common prefix in completion-in-region candidates.

As an example of customizing the faces, I use the Zerodark color theme, which includes colors for Ivy, but not for Selectrum. I inspected the theme source code to see what colors were being used for Ivy, and copied them to be used for Selectrum as well:

(require 'zerodark-theme)

(let ((class '((class color) (min-colors 89))))
     ((,class (:background "#48384c"
                           :weight bold
                           :foreground "#c678dd"))))
   `(selectrum-primary-highlight ((,class (:foreground "#da8548"))))
   `(selectrum-secondary-highlight ((,class (:foreground "#98be65"))))))

(enable-theme 'zerodark)

Complementary extensions

Selectrum has a wiki, on which people have contributed handy commands for doing things like finding buffers and recent files at the same time. Many of the commands from the wiki are now maintained in the Consult package. If you write your own commands which are useful for a greater audience, we encourage you to either open a PR on the Consult package or add the command to the wiki. The wiki also contains configuration tips for external packages.

External packages that work well with Selectrum:

  • Useful commands based on completing-read are provided by consult. Consult is designed as the counsel equivalent for Selectrum and Icomplete or more generally any completion system based on completing-read.

  • You can display completions in a child frame using emacs-mini-frame.

  • Imenu completion can be improved by using flimenu which turns the tree based item navigation into a flat completion menu.

  • As an alternative sorting method to prescient.el (although it only works for M-x), there is Amx. It has some extra features specific to M-x, like displaying keybindings, ignoring uninteresting commands, and performing alternate actions (such as C-h f instead of RET to look up docs for a command instead of calling it). It is also reported that Amx may be faster than prescient.el because it uses a different sorting algorithm.

  • As an alternative filtering method to prescient.el, there is orderless. It supports many different matching styles and integrates with completion-styles.

  • For minibuffer actions and occur/export features there is embark. Embark provides features like ivy-actions/ivy-occur in a framework agnostic way.

  • Helpful minibuffer annotations for M-x and describe-* functions are povided by marginalia.

  • For searching and manipulating the kill-ring there is browse-kill-ring. Multi-line candidates aren't well suited for minibuffer completion, thus you might prefer a dedicated buffer for this.

But what is it doing to my Emacs??

By inspecting the source code of selectrum-mode, you will see that Selectrum operates by setting a number of standard Emacs variables (completing-read-function, read-file-name-function, etc.) and installing advice on a number of standard functions (read-library-name, minibuffer-message, etc.).

If you object to these changes being made magically, you can make them yourself and refrain from enabling selectrum-mode. However, backwards compatibility is not guaranteed for this usage, so you will need to review the source code of selectrum-mode after each update of Selectrum.

The autoloads of Selectrum are set up so that you can enable selectrum-mode without actually loading Selectrum. It will only be loaded once you use some of its functionality in an interactive command.

Developer guide

This section is intended for the authors of packages which integrate with Selectrum, or for end users who wish to customize the sorting and filtering behavior of Selectrum.

Usage of Selectrum

In normal usage, there should be no need to use any Selectrum-specific functions. Simply use completing-read and friends, and Selectrum will automatically enhance the experience if selectrum-mode is enabled.

However, Selectrum does expose some internal functions as part of its public API. The main entry point is the function selectrum-read. This function is rather like completing-read, but with a cleaner API. See the docstring for details. The various functions and advice installed by Selectrum just call into selectrum-read with various arguments, after translating whatever Emacs API they implement into Selectrum's least common denominator.

Unless you are extending Selectrum to support some very weird function which (ab)uses the completing-read framework in an interesting way, you shouldn't need to use selectrum-read directly, as all Emacs functions should call into it as appropriate when selectrum-mode is enabled.

In addition to selectrum-read, Selectrum makes available as part of its public API some of the functions that wrap selectrum-read:

  • selectrum-completing-read (for completing-read-function)
  • selectrum-completing-read-multiple (to override completing-read-multiple)
  • selectrum-completion-in-region (for completion-in-region-function)
  • selectrum-read-buffer (for read-buffer-function)
  • selectrum-read-file-name (for read-file-name-function)
  • selectrum-read-directory-name (to override read-directory-name)
  • selectrum-read-library-name (to override read-library-name)

You can use these functions in defining variants of Selectrum-based commands. If you need to do something more complicated than just calling one of these functions with special options, then define your own function and call selectrum-read directly.

Sorting, filtering, and highlighting

Selectrum exposes a very simple API for sorting, filtering, and highlighting. Each of these three tasks is controlled by a separate user option:

  • selectrum-preprocess-candidates-function takes the original list of candidates and sorts it (actually, it can do any sort of preprocessing it wants). Usually preprocessing only happens once. However, if a function is passed to selectrum-read to generate the candidate list dynamically based on the user input, then preprocessing happens instead after each input change.
  • selectrum-refine-candidates-function takes the preprocessed list and filters it using the user's input. This refinement happens every time the user input is updated.
  • selectrum-highlight-candidates-function takes a list of the refined candidates that are going to be displayed in the minibuffer, and propertizes them with highlighting.

For exact specifications of these functions, including whether or not the input list may be modified, please see their docstrings. This information is important, because if you make copies of the candidate list unnecessarily, there will be noticeable lag due to the slowness of Emacs' garbage collector.

Text properties

What has been described so far suffices for most cases. However, some types of candidate selection (in particular, find-file) are more complex. This complexity is minimized by abstracting the essential requirements of the find-file implementation into a simple API.

The API is based primarily on the following three text properties, which may be applied to candidates using propertize:

  • selectrum-candidate-display-prefix: controls how the candidate is displayed in the list shown in the minibuffer. If this property is present, then its value is prepended to the candidate when it is displayed. This is used, for example, to display disambiguating parent directories in read-library-name.
  • selectrum-candidate-display-suffix: same as the display prefix, but it's postpended instead of prepended when the candidate is dispalyed. This is used, for example, to display candidate annotations under completion-in-region.
  • selectrum-candidate-full: controls how the candidate appears in the user input area of the minibuffer. If this property is present, then it specifies the canonical representation of the candidate. This is the value that will be returned from selectrum-read. It is also the value that will be inserted when the user presses TAB. In find-file, the canonical representation of each candidate is its absolute path on the filesystem.

Besides, we have:

  • selectrum-candidate-display-right-margin: if this property is presented, its value is displayed at the right margin after the candidate. Currently Selectrum doesn't make use of this property. It can be used to display supplementary information in user-defined commands.

Note that sorting, filtering, and highlighting is done on the standard values of candidates, before any of these text properties are handled.

To really understand how these pieces work together, it is best to inspect the source code of selectrum-read-buffer and selectrum-read-file-name (an effort has been made to make the code readable).


Selectrum provides two hooks for getting information about what candidates were selected. These are intended primarily for packages like prescient.el which want to record history statistics. The hooks are:

  • selectrum-candidate-selected-hook
  • selectrum-candidate-inserted-hook

For more information, see their docstrings.

Contributor guide

Please see the contributor guide for my projects.

Technical points:

  • When adding a new state variable (like for example selectrum--current-candidate-index), you should think if its value needs to be preserved when entering a recursive Selectrum session. If so, you should add it to the list in selectrum--save-global-state.

  • By default, debug-on-error doesn't work for errors that happen on post-command-hook. You can work around the issue like so:

    (defun force-debug (func &rest args)
      (condition-case e
          (apply func args)
        ((debug error) (signal (car e) (cdr e)))))
    (advice-add #'selectrum--minibuffer-post-command-hook :around #'force-debug)


  • There is no built-in support for alternate actions on minibuffer candidates but you can add those using embark.
  • In Emacs 25 and earlier, M-x ffap is basically completely broken. This is because in old versions of Emacs, ffap worked by calling completing-read directly with a special completion table function, rather than just using read-file-name like would be reasonable. Since Emacs 25 is going to die eventually, I'm not going to bother fixing this, although pull requests would be accepted.
  • In Emacs 26 and earlier, the way that messages are displayed while the minibuffer is active is unworkably bad: they block out the entire minibuffer as long as they are displayed, and then mess up redisplay. This issue has been fixed in Emacs 27, and I suggest upgrading. I think the best solution for people running Emacs 26 would be the development of a small third-party package which backports the improvement from Emacs 27. That way all minibuffer-based packages can benefit from the improvement.

Why use Selectrum?

This section documents why I decided to write Selectrum instead of using any of the numerous existing solutions in Emacs.

I have not used many of these packages extensively. So, if you think I've overlooked an important part or I've written something mean or unfair, please feel free to contribute a correction.

See #23 for discussion.

Why not Ido?

Ido is a package for interactive selection that is included in Emacs by default. It's a great improvement on the default completing-read experience. However, I don't like how it displays candidates in a horizontal instead of a vertical manner. It feels less intuitive to me. Another key issue with Ido is that it hardly supports any commands out of the box (only buffers and files). There is an extension package ido-completing-read+ which adds support for the completing-read interface, but I have been told that even this package does not handle all the cases correctly.

There is a package ido-vertical-mode which makes Ido display candidates vertically instead of horizontally, but I suspect that the problems with completing-read non-compliance remain.

Why not Helm?

Helm is an installable package which provides an alternate vertical interface for candidate selection. It has the advantage of having very many features and a large number of packages which integrate with it. However, the problem with Helm for me is exactly that it has too many features. Upon opening a Helm menu, I am immediately confronted by numerous colors, diagnostics, options, and pieces of help text. It is too complicated for the problem I want solved. Of course, I am sure it is possible to customize Helm so that it is simpler in appearance. But that would take a long time and I would rather use a piece of software which was designed for the use case I have in mind. I also personally prefer using software that I have some hope of understanding, which ideally means that they don't provide a hugely complex array of features of which I only use one or two.

There is also the problem that Helm is no longer maintained.

See #203.

Why not Ivy?

Ivy is the most promising alternative to Selectrum, and it's what I used before developing Selectrum. It is marketed as a minimal alternative to Helm which provides a simpler interface. The problem with Ivy is that its architecture and API are very messy, and as a result the implementation is complex and buggy. Ivy was originally designed to be used as a backend to Swiper, a buffer search package that originally used Helm. Unfortunately, when Ivy became a more general-purpose interactive selection package, its abstractions were not reworked to make sense in this new context. Over time, more and more special cases were added to try to make various commands work properly, and as a result the consistency and correctness of the core functionality have suffered. As a result, the ivy-read API has around 20 arguments and a heap of special cases for particular values (which are completely undocumented). Numerous functions in Ivy, Counsel, and Swiper have special cases hardcoded into them to detect when they're being called from specific other functions in the other two packages. As a result of all this, Ivy is incredibly flaky and full of edge-case bugs like this one. It is these bugs and quirks in UX that led me to develop Selectrum.

Fundamentally, selecting an item from a list is not a complicated problem, and it does not require a complicated solution. That's why Selectrum is around 1,000 lines of code even though Ivy+Counsel (which do basically the same thing) are around 11,000 lines together. Selectrum achieves its conciseness by:

  • working with the existing Emacs APIs for completion, rather than replacing all of them and then reimplementing every Emacs command that uses them (incidentally, this also reduces the number of bugs and inconsistencies)
  • preferring simplicity and consistency over the "best" possible UX for each individual command (which also makes it easier to understand what Selectrum is doing and work around the sharp corners)
  • designing the best possible interface for candidate selection from the ground up, rather than repurposing an API that was used for something else and then just sticking new things onto it every time a bug appears

Selectrum does not support features which break the completing-read API and works with every Emacs command with approximately no special cases, specifically because it focuses on doing the common case as well as possible.

As a final note, when you're using selectrum-prescient.el, there's an easy way to simulate Ivy's alternate actions. Suppose you've typed M-x and found the command you want, but now you realize you want to look up the documentation instead. Press TAB to insert the candidate, which has the side effect of placing it at the top of the recency table in prescient.el. Then C-g out of Selectrum and type C-h f. The same command will automatically be at the top of the list, so you can get the documentation just by pressing RET. I believe that this sort of idea can be extended to get all of the utility out of these extra features without actually implementing explicit support for them (with all of the attendant complexity and bugs).

Why not Icomplete?

Icomplete is another built-in Emacs package for interactive selection. It is basically the same as the standard completing-read framework, except that the available candidates are displayed in the minibuffer as you type. Unlike Selectrum, the candidates are displayed horizontally (by default). This can be changed by some manual configuration, including customizing icomplete-separator, although it is clear that this use case is not an intended one for Icomplete. A serious usability problem of Icomplete is that the way you select a candidate from lower down in the list is very unintuitive: you must "rotate" the entire set of candidates, whereupon the previous candidates become invisible since they have wrapped to the bottom of the list.

With sufficient configuration, it is likely possible to replicate a subset of the features of Selectrum using Icomplete. However, the documentation of Icomplete is basically nonexistent, and to achieve this configuration one must bend Icomplete rather severely away from the interaction model it is designed for. In other words, the configuration is not an enjoyable process, and the results will never be equivalent in user experience to a package that was designed for the desired interaction model in the first place. Selectrum, on the other hand, offers a well-tuned and snappy vertical completion interface that is robust and works out of the box.

There is a package which takes care of some of the manual labor of configuring Icomplete, called icomplete-vertical.

It is worth noting the new Fido mode which will be included in Emacs 27. It is basically a variation of Icomplete that behaves more like Ido. As such, Fido mode does not offer solutions to the problems outlined in the above sections.

To be transparent, there are a few standard Emacs features which are not implemented in Selectrum (mostly because I was unaware they existed) but which do work in Icomplete: for example, many of the completion-* user options such as completion-ignore-case. I do not see any design reason these features cannot all be incorporated into Selectrum eventually.

Why not Icicles?

Because it's maintained on EmacsWiki, enough said.

Why not Snails?

Snails describes itself as a "modern, easy-to-expand fuzzy-search framework". From the README, it seems to provide a similar vertical completion interface to Selectrum. Unfortunately, the package seems to be essentially nonfunctional. I had to fix three bugs in the code before I could even get candidates to show up, and filtering and sorting still did not work.

A deeper problem with Snails is that, like Ivy, it goes the route of wrapping every possible command with a "backend" rather than using existing Emacs interfaces to handle all possible commands. It's also worth noting that Snails is unusable by design in a tty environment.

Why not Sallet?

Sallet describes itself as "a type of light spherical helmet", according to the repo description. However, it also appears to be another vertical completion interface. Although I haven't used Sallet extensively, here are some differences that I can note:

  • Sallet seems to go the route of providing wrappers for all the possible commands, rather than implementing all of them via the existing completing-read interface. I am skeptical of this for the reasons outlined in the Ivy section.
  • Sallet provides a "rich-text" approach to vertical completion, where you are shown an entire buffer with colors and multiple columns. Personally, I would prefer something more minimal that fits neatly into the minibuffer.
  • There is no user-facing documentation, which suggests to me that the package is unfinished.

Why not Raven?

Raven is a little-known package for vertical completion. It looks quite similar to Selectrum, and seems pretty usable to me. The main difference is that Selectrum simply has a more fully-rounded set of features (such as candidate highlighting and a full find-file replacement). I suspect that these features have simply not yet been implemented.

What about Swiper?

As discussed in the section on Ivy, Swiper is a buffer-search package that uses Ivy's interface. The implementation is not well-abstracted at all, and therefore these two packages are a huge mess both internally and in usage.

Does Selectrum attempt to provide a replacement for Swiper in addition to Ivy and Counsel? The answer is no. Rather than blindly porting functionality from the predecessors of Selectrum, I decided to design a better buffer-search interface from scratch. During the design process, I realized that a Selectrum-like interface is not the best way to present buffer search. Instead, I decided on an improved variant of the Isearch interface that takes inspiration from the standard text search interface found in almost every other modern piece of software, such as web browsers. The result is CTRLF.

Note that there is the Consult package, which includes a Swiper-like command.