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File metadata and controls

79 lines (73 loc) · 2.33 KB

chrisweb utilities.js 0.2.0

Javascript utilities belt for very specific tasks. Testing, fixes and comments are welcome.

main goal(s):

  • console log wrapper for colored log messages
  • utilities belt: javascript collection of useful functions that are useful for specific situations, so a lot more specific than underscore
  • should work in the browser as well in nodejs

sub goal(s):

  • create UMD build using grunt



Colored console log messages for the browser and or nodejs (iojs)

  utilities.log('foo', 'bar', 'fontColor:red', 'backgroundColor:blue');

**Suppported colors**
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • white
  • black

    logging in floating html div (client) If you are on mobile device and wan't to show the messages in a floating div over the page then set logSpecial to true
utilities.logSpecial = true

**logging in a file (server)** If want every message to logged in file, then enable logSpecial (currently only winston is supported) ``` utilities.logSpecial = true ```
**logging in a file (server) but not in the console** ``` utilities.logSpecial = true utilities.logVerbose = false ``` ### removeElements removes html elements from a sting (and their content) from strings set second parameter "removeTextBetweenTags" to false to keep the text between the opening and closing html tag ### generateUUID returns a universally unique identifier ### filterAlphaNumericPlus filters a string
removes everything that is a not an alpha or numeric character and also optionally the characters that got specified as second argument ### decodeUri decode uri ### encodeUri encode uri ### arrayRemove remove an something at an unknown index from an array ### capitaliseFirstLetter capitalise first letter of a string ### getUrlParameters get url parameters ### stringContains does a string contain another string ### getSubstringIndex get the index of a substring in a string with optional nth time it occurs ### isServer does the script run on the server ### isClient does the script run in a client ### replace placholder(s) first parameter is a string and second parameter an object where the keys are the placeholder that need to get replaced and the value is the replacement (replacement can be a string or number) ### remove the content between two "markers"