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App Store Connect API


The App Store Connect API (which Apple announced at WWDC18 and is continuously working on) is an official public API used to manage app metadata, pricing and availability, provisioning, and more. This API follows the JSON API spec and introduces a new authorization option using API Keys to generate a JSON Web Token (JWT).

fastlane has historically used Apple IDs with username and password to authenticate using a cookie-based web session. fastlane will continue using this same cookie-based web session to authenticate with an unofficial version of the App Store Connect API.

However, it is recommended to use the API Key authentication when you are able to. The benefits include:

  • No 2FA needed
  • Better performance
  • Documented API
  • Increased reliability

Supported Actions/Tools

The App Store Connect API has not been integrated into all tools and actions yet.

Below are the statuses of each tool:

Name Apple ID API Key
pilot Yes Yes
deliver Yes Yes
sigh Yes Yes
cert Yes Yes
match Yes Yes
produce Partial No
pem Yes No
precheck Yes (except for IAP) Yes (except for IAP)
download_dsyms Yes Yes
app_store_build_number Yes Yes

Creating an App Store Connect API Key

  1. Create a new App Store Connect API Key in the Users and Access page
  • For more info, go to the App Store Connect API Docs
  • Open the Integrations tab, select App Store Connect API, and create a new "Team Key" using the + button
    • Note that if you can't see the App Store Connect API tab, this means you don't have permission yet. Please refer to the docs above to know how to get this permission
  • Give your API Key an appropriate role for the task at hand. You can read more about roles in Permissions in App Store Connect
  • Note the Issuer ID as you will need it for the configuration steps below
  1. Download the newly created API Key file (.p8)
  • This file cannot be downloaded again after the page has been refreshed

Using an App Store Connect API Key

The API Key (located in the .p8) file, the key id, and the issuer id are needed to create the JWT token for authorization. There are multiple ways that these pieces of information can be input into fastlane.

Note: The App Store Connect API does not yet have the ability to determine if the team is App Store or Enterprise. The app_store_connect_api_key action and the fastlane API Key JSON file format allow for an optional in_house key as a temporary workaround.

Using app_store_connect_api_key action

There is a new app_store_connect_api_key action which takes the key id, the issuer id, and API Key file (.p8) to generate a dictionary/hash used for JWT authorization. This action can be used in two ways:

Use return value and pass in as an option

lane :release do
  api_key = app_store_connect_api_key(
    key_id: "D383SF739",
    issuer_id: "6053b7fe-68a8-4acb-89be-165aa6465141",
    key_filepath: "./AuthKey_D383SF739.p8",
    duration: 1200, # optional (maximum 1200)
    in_house: false # optional but may be required if using match/sigh

  pilot(api_key: api_key)

Use the shared value in lane context

The app_store_connect_api_key action sets Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY] and actions (like pilot) will automatically load the API Key from Actions.lane_context

lane :release do
    key_id: "D383SF739",
    issuer_id: "6053b7fe-68a8-4acb-89be-165aa6465141",
    key_filepath: "./AuthKey_D383SF739.p8",
    duration: 1200, # optional (maximum 1200)
    in_house: false # optional but may be required if using match/sigh

  # Automatically loads Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY]

Using fastlane API Key hash option

Keys and values that can be used in hash in api_key parameter in actions (e.g. upload_to_testflight) and tools (e.g. cert) are described in fastlane API Key JSON file format below. The only difference when using hash is that you could use filepath instead of key.

Below is an example of API key being used with CLI:

$ bundle exec fastlane match appstore \
    --api_key "
            \"filepath\": \"/Users/bartek/Downloads/AuthKey_TJP2GMDZCI.p8\",
            \"key_id\": \"TJP2GMDZCI\",
            \"issuer_id\": \"57246542-96fe-1a63-e053-0824d011072a\"

Please note that key_content and key_filepath described in app_store_connect_api_key action are invalid both in hash and in JSON file. View Token code on GitHub

Using fastlane API Key JSON file

Below is an example of the fastlane API Key JSON file format that tools and actions will also be able to read. The JSON file requires:

  • key_id
  • issuer_id
  • key (the content of the .p8 file)

The JSON file allows optional:

  • duration (session length in seconds, maximum 1200)
  • in_house (boolean value if team is Enterprise or not)
  "key_id": "D383SF739",
  "issuer_id": "6053b7fe-68a8-4acb-89be-165aa6465141",
  "key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIGTAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBHknlhdlYdLu\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
  "duration": 1200, # optional (maximum 1200)
  "in_house": false # optional but may be required if using match/sigh

Below is an example of a JSON file being used by an action:

lane :release do
  pilot( api_key_path: "fastlane/D383SF739.json" )

Below is an example of a JSON file being used with CLI:

$ fastlane pilot distribute --api_key_path fastlane/D383SF739.json