Server - always on, always responsive to incoming requests, able to track stock data at will and store it, able to stream data
Interacting with TDA
- Keeping login refresh token up to date HTTP Client
- Maintaining rate limit and traffic shaping WS Client
- Ability to subscribe to TDA streams and record data Order Creation/Cancellation/Tracking
- Create orders for TDA API
- Understand errors
- Track status of orders, filled, partial, pending, cancelled, etc Backtracking/Simulations
- use data from historical database Front end display
- nice charts, respond to new data in real time, display metrics Performance tracking Portfolio management TDA account monitor
- make sure we're not using money we're not supposed to, kill things if we lose too much money Strategy builder/AI Historical data/Database
- Save recorded stream data
- Get past data from TDA API
- Replay through data