First get local copies of the tutorial notebooks:
$ git clone
Or download from:
This tutorial has been tested on:
- bokeh 1.4.0
- pandas 0.25.2
- notebook 6.0.1
- phantomjs 2.1.1
- pillow 6.1.0
- selenium 3.8.0
Other combinations may work also.
The quickest, easiest way to install is to use Anaconda (or Miniconda):
Install anaconda
Anaconda should come with all the dependencies included, but you may need to update your versions.
Install miniconda.
Use the command line to create an environment and install the packages:
$ conda env create
$ source activate bokeh-notebooks
NOTE: Run this in the tutorial
directory where environment.yml
file is.
Once you've got a base install, you can install the remaining dependencies with:
conda install phantomjs pillow selenium
Bokeh has a sample data download that gives us some data to build demo visualizations. To get it run the following command at your command line:
$ bokeh sampledata
or run the following from within a Python interpreter:
import bokeh.sampledata
Some optional sections require the additional packages Flask, Datashader, and Holoviews. These can be installed with:
$ conda install -c pyviz datashader holoviews flask
From this folder run jupyter notebook, and open the [00 - Introduction and Setup.ipynb](00 - Introduction and Setup.ipynb) notebook.
$ jupyter notebook