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File metadata and controls

213 lines (155 loc) · 6.42 KB

More on Storage


Apply pvol000-pv.yaml:

kubectl apply -f pvol000-pv.yaml
kubectl describe persistentvolume/pvol000


Apply pvol000-pv-claim.yaml:

kubectl apply -f pvol000-pv-claim.yaml
kubectl describe persistentvolumeclaim/pvol000-pv-claim

Using a PersistentVolumeClaim

Apply postgres-deployment.yaml:

kubectl apply -f postgres-deployment.yaml
kubectl get pvc,pv,pods,svc,deployment
kubectl describe deployment.apps/postgres
kubectl describe service/postgres
minikube service list


  • Using a SQL client like DBeaver, connect to the database using the password "Use-a-Better-Passw0rd" along with the IP address and port number from the service list above:

A screenshot of the DBeaver connection dialog box

  • Verify this query select * from products; fails with a products table does not exist error.

  • Run this script in a new SQL Editor:

    drop table if exists products;
    CREATE TABLE products (
        product_no integer,
        name text,
        price numeric
    INSERT INTO products (product_no, name, price) VALUES
        (1, 'Cheese', 9.99),
        (2, 'Bread', 1.99),
        (3, 'Milk', 2.99);
  • Verify the table has data: select * from products;

  • Disconnect from the database

  • Scale down to zero to kill the pod:

    kubectl scale deployment.apps/postgres --replicas=0
    kubectl get all --show-labels
  • Scale back to 1 instance:

    kubectl scale deployment.apps/postgres --replicas=1
    kubectl get all --show-labels
  • In DBeaver, reconnect to the database

  • Verify the table still exists and has data: select * from products;

  • Quit DBeaver

Clean up

kubectl get pvc,pv,pods,svc,deployment
kubectl delete deployment.apps/postgres service/postgres
kubectl get pvc,pv,pods,svc,deployment
kubectl delete persistentvolumeclaim/pvol000-pv-claim
kubectl get pvc,pv,pods,svc,deployment
kubectl delete persistentvolume/pvol000

Passing configuration as file data

Using ephemeral volumes

Mount various configuration data using different volumes into multiple directories


Apply ephemeral-vol-test-pod.yaml:

kubectl apply -f ephemeral-vol-test-pod.yaml
kubectl get all,cm,secrets


  • Shell in and look around with kubectl exec -it ephemeral-vol-test -- /bin/sh or run the commands below:

    kubectl exec -it ephemeral-vol-test -- ls -lR /configuration/
    kubectl exec -it ephemeral-vol-test -- find /configuration/ -type f -exec echo "contents of" {} ":" \; -exec cat {} \; -exec echo "" \;
  • Clean up:

    kubectl get all,cm,secrets
    kubectl delete pod/ephemeral-vol-test
    kubectl delete secret db-secrets
    kubectl delete configmap/config-map-demo

Using Projected volumes

Mount various configuration data using projected volumes into a common directory


Apply projected-vol-test-pod.yaml:

kubectl apply -f projected-vol-test-pod.yaml


  • Shell in and look around with kubectl exec -it projected-vol-test -- /bin/sh or run the commands below.

    kubectl exec -it projected-vol-test -- ls -lR /configuration/
    kubectl exec -it projected-vol-test -- ls -lR /configuration/
  • Print the file name and contents of all configuration data:

    kubectl exec -it projected-vol-test -- find /configuration/ -type f -exec echo "contents of" {} ":" \; -exec cat {} \; -exec echo "" \;
  • Examine only the secrets:

    kubectl exec -it projected-vol-test -- cat /configuration/db/password; echo ""
    kubectl exec -it projected-vol-test -- cat /configuration/db/username; echo ""
  • Examine only the config from downwardAPI:

    kubectl exec -it projected-vol-test -- cat /configuration/cpu_limit; echo ""
    kubectl exec -it projected-vol-test -- cat /configuration/; echo ""
  • Examine only the config from the ConfigMap:

    kubectl exec -it projected-vol-test -- cat /configuration/; echo ""
    kubectl exec -it projected-vol-test -- cat /configuration/; echo ""
    kubectl exec -it projected-vol-test -- cat /configuration/
  • Clean up:

    kubectl get all,cm,secrets
    kubectl delete pod projected-vol-test
    kubectl delete secret db-secrets
    kubectl delete configmap/config-map-demo

Passing configuration as environment variables


Apply env-vars-test-pod.yaml:

kubectl apply -f env-vars-test-pod.yaml
kubectl get all,pvc,cm,secrets


  • Shell in and look around with kubectl exec -it environment-vol-test -- /bin/sh or run the commands below.

    kubectl exec -it environment-vol-test -- printenv
  • Clean up:

    kubectl delete secret/db-secrets configmap/config-map-demo pod/environment-vol-test
    kubectl get all,pvc,cm,secrets