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This repository contains a collection of OpenSCAD objects that I am developing for my own use. Please check them out and let me know if you find them useful. Pull requests are always welcome!

Here's a review of each one:

A tiled grid of AWS Service Icons. The STL files from that repo must be in the same directory as this script. Tiles are scaled by TileScale and then placed SpaceX and SpaceY apart, for a total of CountX columns and CountY rows.

AWS Fabric Tiles

This file is fully customizer-enabled.

An OpenSCAD replica of an interesting pattern that I found and captured in my dentist's office. Dentist Square

A tower of rings supported by round separators, fully customizer-enabled:

Impossible Rings

The math for the tilted separators was challenging, here is a diagram: Impossible Ring Math

Shapes suitable for embedding mirrors. Work in progress.

A 2-piece channel and matching cover for Adafruit NeoPixels, designed to hold the strips tightly and to diffuse the light into a softer glow.

Neo Strip

The channel is sized to fit strips within the weatherproof casing; if you don't plan to use the casing measure your strips and adjust the values of SZ and SY to suit. The cover has a hexagonal hole for each NeoPixel and tabs that snap in to the top of the channel. You can print strips of any length by changing NN, subject to the size of your print bed. After you generate (F6) and save (F7) the STL, open it in your slicer, split the object into two in your slicer and invert the channel (feel free to submit a PR to generate both in the same orientation). In general you will want to print the channel using a transparent color and the cover using an opaque one, but experiment.

The channels are sized so that they can be butted end-to-end. You can set SB to create a half-slot at the beginning of the channel, and SE to create one at the end. Then you can print a cover that spans channels and holds them together.

Here is the original sketch that led to the design:

Neo Strip Sketch

A very flexible way to generate Pride-style hearts for multi-extruder printing. Hearts can be printed on an optional base, and in a grid of any size. The hearts can be overlaid with rainbow stripes or concentric circles, with options to control each one. Fully enabled for the OpenSCAD Customizer.

Pride Hearts Sample

A rectangle built from a grid of rectangles that are gently and randomly perturbed into quadrilaterals:

Quads Sample

Watch this animation to see how the values of RowPert and ColPert affect the generated image. The generated rectangle is a grid measuring Rows by Cols. Each interior rectangle/quadrilateral-to-be measures RectDepth by RectWidth, and there's RectRowGap / RectColGap between each one. The higher that ColPert and RowPert are, the more perturbed each one will be. Practically, these values should probably be no higher than half of RectDepth and RectWidth, but nothing will break if you set a higher value.

The HeightMode is used to determine the height of each quadrilatoral, and it can be either "HM_FIXED" to make them all BaseHeight, or "HM_RANDOM" to make them any one of Heights random heights starting from BaseHeight and incrementing by HeightInc.

The QuadType is used to the type of each quadrilateral. "QT_VERT" creates simple polygons with vertical sides (sample ), "QT_TAPERED" (sample ) creates simple polygons that taper to 50% of the original width and depth, and "QT_TOPO" creates more complex polyhedra that resemble a topological map (sample ).

This file is fully customizer-enabled, and you can play with all of the options to get a better sense of what this code can do:

OpenSCAD Customizer for quads.scad

A grid of hexagons, each hexagon is made from 6 triangles, each of a different height:

Super Hexagons Sample

TriangleSize controls the size of each triangle, and there are CountX columns and CountY rows of hexagons. They are spaced by SpaceX from column to column, and SpaceY from row to row. Shrinkage if non-zero is scaling as the triangles get taller. The base height is BaseHeight, and step between the 6 heights (one per triangle) is HeightInc. If LeftFill is set, the leftmost column has a straight edge. If RightFill is set, the rightmost column has a straight edge.

This file is fully customizer-enabled:

OpenSCAD Customizer for super_hexagons.scad

Nodes and edges in an offset grid:

Nodes and Edges Sample

NodeSize controls the size of each node, and there are CountX rows and CountY columns of nodes. They are spaced by SpaceX from column to column, and SpaceY from row to row. NodeHeight and EdgeHeight set the height of nodes and edges; NodeRimHeight and EdgeRimHeight do the same for the 3-concentric rim on nodes and edges, each of which is RimThickness thick. EdgeWidth is the width of each edge. EdgeLengthXFactor and EdgeLengthXYFactor are percentages that control the length of the X-aligned, and XY diagonal edges.

Here's a sample in black and silver:

Nodes and Edges Black and Silver

This file is fully customizer-enabled.

A variant of nodes_edges.scad with more layout flexibility -- circular (and semi-circular) rings of nodes and edges, axial rays that fill out a square or diagonal, and fringe. Still a work in progress.


Nodes Graphs Sample

Mostly customizer-enabled, choosing the desired output is accomplished by editing the code.

All kinds of scales:


CountX and CountY set the number of scales in the X and Y direction, spaced SpaceX and SpaceY apart. If EvenOddLayout is set, scales on odd values of Y are offset by SpaceX / 2. If EvenOddRotate is set, those scales are rotated 180 degrees on the Z axis.

The only supported ScaleStyle is "Ring". Within that, ScaleRingShape can be "Circle", "Triangle", "Hexagon", or "Octagon". The remaining parameters in this section control the size and thickness of each ring.

Fully customizer-enabled:

Scales Customizer

Spikes on rafts:

Spikes on Rafts

_RaftCount sets the number of rafts, each one separated by _RaftSpaceX and _Raftheight thick. Each raft has a grid of _SpikeCountX by _SpikeCountY spikes, and each spike is _SpikeCylHeight + _SpikeTipHeight high. Spikes can be cylindrical or pyramidal. Each cylindrical spike is _SpikeRadius around. Each pyramidal spike is on a square base _PyrBase wide and deep, and _PyrHeight tall, ith walls _PyrWall thick. Spikes of either type are spaced on the raft based on _SpikeSpaceX and _SpikeSpaceY.

This file is fully customizer-enabled.

A Rhombitrihexagon:


One input value (_HexRadius) controls the size of all of the elements in the XY plane. The heights of the hexagons, squares, and triangles can be set individually. Read this post to learn more about the code.

Rhombitrihexagon Sample

A grid or ring of talons, fully Customizer enabled, lots of parameters.

Sample Talons

Here's the Customizer:

Talons Customizer

There are two layouts, Grid and Ring. If SolidBase is set, then talons are on a solid base that is BaseThickness high. Grid bases surround the talon grid with a border that is BaseBorder wide. Ring bases consist of a ring that has RingBaseOuterRadius, with a RingBaseInnerRadius hole in the center. Each talon is the intersection of two arcs of TalonRadius , with the arcs separated by TalonOffset, and each talon TalonThickness wide. Talons are rotated by TalonRotation, with additional rotation for Ring bases.

Grid bases have CountX by CountY talons, spaced SpaceX and SpaceY apart, with talons on odd rows centered between those on even rows.

Ring bases have the primary ring of MainRingTalonCount talons at MainFirstRingRadius, then stepped by MainRingRadiusStep for MainRingCount times. There's also a secondary "fill" ring of FillRingTalonCount talons, starting at FillFirstRingRadius, then stepped by FillRingRadiusStep for FillRingTalonCount times. The ring itself is rotated by FillRingRotate.