Check if SAS code works in university edition. If not, add new content to the book.
Continue a discussion about how much to incorporate SQL into this apartment. Options include full lectures, DataCamp practice, short readings, or as little as reading the databases section of Chapter 1.
Investigate using RedHat.
Add section on NoSQL databases and non-tabular data
Add small case study problems, either as examples or for students to complete on their own. For example:
- Build a small relational database.
- Build the bakery relational database and connect to it through the Shiny application associated with this book.
- Pull complex data from an API, manipulate it or subset it, and write to a database. Compare time difference between pulling from API and manipulating it each time, and pulling from database.
- Pull time-sensitive data, such as from the Twitter API, and write to a database. Also, write a script to download new data and add it to the database. Test running this script once the API has new data, and make sure it works.
- Pull data from an API that rate-limits, for example the GitHub API, and write it to a database. Investigate different work-arounds for rate-limiting (e.g. "sleeping" the program until the API will let you back in, creating multiple API keys and switching between them, etc.).