Access to Ensembl REST API.
Including Variant Effect Predictor (VEP):
Also, the BIOMART ID mapping service.
$ python3 -m BioClients.ensembl.Client -h
usage: [-h] [--ids IDS]
[--i IFILE]
[--api_host API_HOST]
[--api_base_path API_BASE_PATH]
[--o OFILE]
[--skip SKIP]
[--nmax NMAX] [-v] [-q]
Ensembl REST API client
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ids IDS Ensembl_IDs, comma-separated (ex:ENSG00000000003), or SNP IDs,
comma-separated (ex:rs56116432)
--i IFILE input file, Ensembl IDs or SNP IDs
--api_host API_HOST
--api_base_path API_BASE_PATH
--o OFILE output (TSV)
--skip SKIP
--nmax NMAX
-v, --verbose
-q, --quiet
Example IDs: ENSG00000157764, ENSG00000160785