Wikidata is a collaboratively edited RDF/Sparql knowledge graph used by Wikipedia. The structured infobox data in Wikipedia is from Wikidata. Not to be confused with DBPedia which is built from Wikipedia.
This module provides access to Wikidata Sparql endpoint. Focus on biomedical entities and particularly GeneWiki.
$ python3 -m BioClients.wikidata.Client -h
usage: [-h] [--o OFILE] [--rqfile RQFILE] [--rq RQ] [-v]
Wikidata utilities
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--o OFILE output (TSV)
--rqfile RQFILE input Sparql file
--rq RQ input Sparql string
-v, --verbose
$ python3 -m BioClients.wikidata.Client list_geneDiseasePairs