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CMake Commands

Apache Celix - CMake Commands

For Apache Celix several cmake command are added to be able to work with Apache Celix bundles and deployments.


A bundle is a dynamically loadable collection of shared libraries, configuration files and optional an activation entry that can be dynamically installed and started in a Celix framework.


Add a Celix bundle to the project.

        SOURCES source1 source2 ...
        [NAME bundle_name]
        [SYMBOLIC_NAME bundle_symbolic_name]
        [DESCRIPTION bundle_description]
        [GROUP bundle_group]
        [VERSION bundle_version]
        [FILENAME bundle_filename]
        [PRIVATE_LIBRARIES private_lib1 private_lib2 ...]
        [HEADERS "header1: header1_value" "header2: header2_value" ...]
        ACTIVATOR <activator_lib>
        [NAME bundle_name]
        [SYMBOLIC_NAME bundle_symbolic_name]
        [DESCRIPTION bundle_description]
        [GROUP bundle_group]
        [VERSION bundle_version]
        [FILENAME bundle_filename]
        [PRIVATE_LIBRARIES private_lib1 private_lib2 ...]
        [HEADERS "header1: header1_value" "header2: header2_value" ...]
        [NAME bundle_name]
        [SYMBOLIC_NAME bundle_symbolic_name]
        [DESCRIPTION bundle_description]
        [GROUP bundle_group]
        [VERSION bundle_version]
        [FILENAME bundle_filename]
        [PRIVATE_LIBRARIES private_lib1 private_lib2 ...]
        [HEADERS "header1: header1_value" "header2: header2_value" ...]


add_celix_bundle(my_bundle SOURCES src/my_activator.c)

There are three variants:

  • With SOURCES the bundle will be created using a list of sources files as input for the bundle activator library.
  • With ACTIVATOR the bundle will be created using the library target or absolute path to existing library as activator library.
  • With the NO_ACTIVATOR option will create a bundle without a activator (i.e. a pure resource bundle).

Optional arguments are:

  • NAME: The (human readable) name of the bundle. This will be used as Bundle-Name manifest entry. Default is the <bundle_target_name>.
  • SYMBOLIC_NAME: The symbolic name of the bundle. This will be used as Bundle-SymbolicName manifest entry. Default is the <bundle_target_name>.
  • DESCRIPTION: The description of the bundle. This will be used as Bundle-Description manifest entry. Default this is empty.
  • GROUP: The group the bundle is part of. This will be used as Bundle-Group manifest entry. Default this is empty (no group).
  • VERSION: The bundle version. This will be used for the Bundle-Version manifest entry. In combination with SOURCES the version will also be used to set the activator library target property VERSION and SOVERSION. For SOVERSION only the major part is used. Expected scheme is "..". Default version is "0.0.0"
  • FILENAME: The filename of the bundle file, without extension. Default is <bundle_target_name>. Together with the BUILD_TYPE, this will result in a filename like "
  • PRIVATE_LIBRARIES: private libraries to be included in the bundle. Specified libraries are added to the "Private-Library" manifest statement and added in the root of the bundle. libraries can be cmake library targets or absolute paths to existing libraries.
  • HEADERS: Additional headers values that are appended to the bundle manifest.
  • DO_NOT_CONFIGURE_SYMBOL_VISIBILITY: By default the bundle library will be build with symbol visibility configuration preset set to hidden. This can be disabled by providing this option.


Add libraries to a bundle.

    lib1 lib2 ...


celix_bundle_private_libs(my_bundle my_lib1 my_lib2)

A library should be a cmake library target or an absolute path to existing library. The libraries will be copied into the bundle zip and activator library will be linked (PRIVATE) against them.

Apache Celix uses dlopen with RTLD_LOCAL to load the activator library in a bundle. It is important to note that dlopen will always load the activator library, but not always load the libraries the bundle activator library is linked against. If the activator library is linked against a library which is already loaded, the already loaded library will be used. More specifically dlopen will decide this based on the NEEDED header in the activator library and the SO_NAME headers of the already loaded libraries.

For example installing in order:

  • Bundle A with a private library libfoo ( and
  • Bundle B with a private library libfoo ( Will result in Bundle B also using libfoo loaded from the cache dir in Bundle A.

This also applies if multiple Celix frameworks are created in the same process. For example installed in order:

  • Bundle A with a private library libfoo ( in Celix Framework A and
  • The same Bundle A in Celix Framework B. Will result in Bundle A from Framework B to use the libfoo loaded from the cache dir of Bundle A in framework A.


Add files to the target bundle.

    files... DESTINATION <dir>
    [FILE_PERMISSIONS permissions...]
    [DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS permissions...]
    [PATTERN <pattern> | REGEX <regex>]
    [EXCLUDE] [PERMISSIONS permissions...] [...]


celix_bundle_files(my_bundle ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/resources/my_file.txt DESTINATION META-INF/subdir)

DESTINATION is relative to the bundle archive root. The rest of the command is based on the file(COPY ...) cmake command. See cmake file(COPY ...) command for more info.

Note with celix_bundle_files, files are copied cmake generation time. Updates are not copied !!


Copy to the content of a directory to a bundle.

celix_bundle_add_dir(<bundle_target> <input_dir>
    [DESTINATION <relative_path_in_bundle>]


celix_bundle_add_dir(my_bundle bundle_resources/ DESTINATION "resources")

Optional arguments:

  • DESTINATION: Destination of the files, relative to the bundle archive root. Default is ".".

Note celix_bundle_add_dir copies the dir and can track changes.


Copy to the content of a directory to a bundle.

    [FILES <file1> <file2> ...]
    [DESTINATION <relative_path_in_bundle>]


celix_bundle_add_files(my_bundle FILES my_file1.txt my_file2.txt DESTINATION "resources")

Optional arguments:

  • FILES: Which files to copy to the the bundle.
  • DESTINATION: Destination of the files, relative to the bundle archive root. Default is ".".

Note celix_bundle_add_files copies the files and can track changes.


Append the provided headers to the target bundle manifest.

    "header1: header1_value"
    "header2: header2_value"


Set bundle symbolic name

celix_bundle_symbolic_name(<bundle_target> symbolic_name)


Get bundle symbolic name from a (imported) bundle target.

celix_get_bundle_symbolic_name(<bundle_target> VARIABLE_NAME)

Example: celix_get_bundle_symbolic_name(Celix::shell SHELL_BUNDLE_SYMBOLIC_NAME)


Set bundle name

celix_bundle_name(<bundle_target> name)


Set bundle version

celix_bundle_version(<bundle_target> version)


Set bundle description

celix_bundle_description(<bundle_target> description)


Set bundle group.

celix_bundle_group(<bundle_target> bundle group)


Get bundle filename from a (imported) bundle target taking into account the used CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE and available bundle configurations.

celix_get_bundle_filename(<bundle_target> VARIABLE_NAME)


celix_get_bundle_filename(Celix::shell SHELL_BUNDLE_FILENAME)


Get bundle file (absolute path to a bundle) from a (imported) bundle target taking into account the used CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE and available bundle configurations.

celix_get_bundle_file(<bundle_target> VARIABLE_NAME)


celix_get_bundle_file(Celix::shell SHELL_BUNDLE_FILE)


Install bundle when 'make install' is executed.

    [EXPORT] export_name
    [PROJECT_NAME] project_name
    [BUNDLE_NAME] bundle_name
    [HEADERS header_file1 header_file2 ...]
    [RESOURCES resource1 resource2 ...]

Bundles are installed at <install-prefix>/share/<project_name>/bundles. Headers are installed at <install-prefix>/include/<project_name>/<bundle_name> Resources are installed at <install-prefix>/shared/<project_name>/<bundle_name>

Optional arguments:

  • EXPORT: Associates the installed bundle with a export_name. The export name can be used to generate a CelixTargets.cmake file (see install_celix_bundle_targets)
  • PROJECT_NAME: The project name for installing. Default is the cmake project name.
  • BUNDLE_NAME: The bundle name used when installing headers/resources. Default is the bundle target name.
  • HEADERS: A list of headers to install for the bundle.
  • RESOURCES: A list of resources to install for the bundle.


Generate and install a Celix Targets cmake file which contains CMake commands to create imported targets for the bundles install using the provided <export_name>. These imported CMake targets can be used in CMake projects using the installed bundles.

    NAMESPACE <namespace>
    [FILE <celix_target_filename>]
    [PROJECT_NAME <project_name>]
    [DESTINATION <celix_targets_destination>]


install_celix_targets(celix NAMESPACE Celix:: DESTINATION share/celix/cmake FILE CelixTargets)

Optional Arguments:

  • FILE: The Celix Targets cmake filename to used, without the cmake extension. Default is <export_name>BundleTargets
  • PROJECT_NAME: The project name to used for the share location. Default is the cmake project name.
  • DESTINATION: The (relative) location to install the Celix Targets cmake file to. Default is share/<PROJECT_NAME>/cmake.

Celix Containers

Celix containers are executables preconfigured to start a Celix framework with a set of configuration properties and a set of bundles to install or install and start.


Add a Celix container, consisting out of a selection of bundles and a Celix launcher. Celix containers can be used to start a Celix framework together with a selection of bundles.

A Celix container will be build in <cmake_build_dir>/deploy[/<group_name>]/<celix_container_name>. Use the <celix_container_name> executable to run the containers.

There are three variants of 'add_celix_container':

  • If no launcher is specified a custom Celix launcher will be generated. This launcher also contains the configured properties.
  • If a LAUNCHER_SRC is provided a Celix launcher will be build using the provided sources. Additional sources can be added with the CMake 'target_sources' command.
  • If a LAUNCHER (absolute path to a executable of CMake add_executable target) is provided that will be used as Celix launcher.

Creating a Celix containers using 'add_celix_container' will lead to a CMake executable target (expect if a LAUNCHER is used). These targets can be used to run/debug Celix containers from a IDE (if the IDE supports CMake).

Optional Arguments:

  • COPY: With this option the bundles used in the container will be copied in and configured for a bundles directory next to the container executable. Only one of the COPY or NO_COPY options can be provided. Default is COPY.
  • NO_COPY: With this option the bundles used in the container will be configured using absolute paths to the bundles zip files. Only one of the COPY or NO_COPY options can be provided. Default is COPY.
  • CXX: With this option the generated Celix launcher (if used) will be a C++ source. This ensures that the Celix launcher is linked against stdlibc++. Only one of the C or CXX options can be provided. Default is CXX
  • C: With this option the generated Celix launcher (if used) will be a C source. Only one of the C or CXX options can be provided. Default is CXX
  • USE_CONFIG: With this option the config properties are generated in a '' instead of embedded in the Celix launcher.
  • GROUP: If configured the build location will be prefixed the GROUP. Default is empty.
  • NAME: The name of the executable. Default is <celix_container_name>. Only useful for generated/LAUNCHER_SRC Celix launchers.
  • DIR: The base build directory of the Celix container. Default is <cmake_build_dir>/deploy.
  • BUNDLES: A list of bundles for the Celix container to install and start. These bundle will be configured for run level 3. See 'celix_container_bundles' for more info.
  • INSTALL_BUNDLES: A list of bundles for the Celix container to install (but not start).
  • PROPERTIES: A list of configuration properties, these can be used to configure the Celix framework and/or bundles. Normally this will be EMBEDED_PROPERTIES, but if the USE_CONFIG option is used this will be RUNTIME_PROPERTIES. See the framework library or bundles documentation about the available configuration options.
  • EMBEDDED_PROPERTIES: A list of configuration properties which will be used in the generated Celix launcher.
  • RUNTIME_PROPERTIES: A list of configuration properties which will be used in the generated file.
    [GROUP group_name]
    [NAME celix_container_name]
    [DIR dir]
    [BUNDLES <bundle1> <bundle2> ...]
    [INSTALL_BUNDLES <bundle1> <bundle2> ...]
    [PROPERTIES "prop1=val1" "prop2=val2" ...]
    [EMBEDDED_PROPERTIES "prop1=val1" "prop2=val2" ...]
    [RUNTIME_PROPERTIES "prop1=val1" "prop2=val2" ...]
    LAUNCHER launcher
    [GROUP group_name]
    [NAME celix_container_name]
    [DIR dir]
    [BUNDLES <bundle1> <bundle2> ...]
    [INSTALL_BUNDLES <bundle1> <bundle2> ...]
    [PROPERTIES "prop1=val1" "prop2=val2" ...]
    [EMBEDDED_PROPERTIES "prop1=val1" "prop2=val2" ...]
    [RUNTIME_PROPERTIES "prop1=val1" "prop2=val2" ...]
    LAUNCHER_SRC launcher_src
    [GROUP group_name]
    [NAME celix_container_name]
    [DIR dir]
    [BUNDLES <bundle1> <bundle2> ...]
    [INSTALL_BUNDLES <bundle1> <bundle2> ...]
    [PROPERTIES "prop1=val1" "prop2=val2" ...]
    [EMBEDDED_PROPERTIES "prop1=val1" "prop2=val2" ...]
    [RUNTIME_PROPERTIES "prop1=val1" "prop2=val2" ...]


#Creates a Celix container in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/deploy/simple_container which starts 3 bundles located at


Add a selection of bundles to the Celix container.

      [LEVEL (0..6)]


celix_container_bundles(my_container Celix::shell Celix::shell_tui)

The selection of bundles are (if configured) copied to the container build dir and are added to the configuration properties so that they are installed and started when the Celix container is executed.

The Celix framework supports 7 (0 - 6) run levels. Run levels can be used to control the start and stop order of bundles. Bundles in run level 0 are started first and bundles in run level 6 are started last. When stopping bundles in run level 6 are stopped first and bundles in run level 0 are stopped last. Within a run level the order of configured decides the start order; bundles added earlier are started first.

Optional Arguments:

  • LEVEL: The run level for the added bundles. Default is 3.
  • INSTALL: If this option is present, the bundles will only be installed instead of the default install and start. The bundles will be installed after all bundle in LEVEL 0..6 are installed and started.
  • COPY: If this option is present, the bundles will be copied to the container build dir. This option overrides the NO_COPY option used in the add_celix_container call.
  • NO_COPY: If this option is present, the install/start bundles will be configured using a absolute path to the bundle. This option overrides optional COPY option used in the add_celix_container call.


Add the provided properties to the target Celix container config properties. If the USE_CONFIG option is used these configuration properties will be added to the '' file else they will be added to the generated Celix launcher.



Add the provided properties to the target Celix container config properties. These properties will be embedded into the generated Celix launcher.



Add the provided properties to the target Celix container config properties. These properties will be added to the in the container build dir.


Celix CMake commands for generic CMake targets

Celix provides several CMake commands that operate on the generic CMake targets (executable, shared library, etc).

Celix CMake commands for generic CMake target will always use the keyword signature (PRIVATE, PUBLIC, INTERFACE) version for linking, adding sources, etc. This means that these command will not work on targets created with an "all-plain" CMake version command.


Add bundles as dependencies to a cmake target, so that the bundle zip files will be created before the cmake target.

add_celix_bundle_dependencies(my_exec my_bundle1 my_bundle2)


Add a compile-definition with a set of comma seperated bundles paths to a target and also adds the bundles as dependency to the target.

        NAME <set_name>
        [<bundle1> <bundle2>..]


celix_target_bundle_set_definition(test_example NAME TEST_BUNDLES Celix::shell Celix::shell_tui)

The compile-definition will have the name ${NAME} and will contain a , separated list of bundle paths. The bundle set can be installed using the Celix framework util function celix_framework_utils_installBundleSet (C) or celix::installBundleSet (C++).

Adding a compile-definition with a set of bundles can be useful for testing purpose.


Configure the symbol visibility preset of the provided target to hidden.

This is done by setting the target properties C_VISIBILITY_PRESET to hidden, the CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET to hidden and VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN to ON.

celix_target_hide_symbols(<cmake_target> [RELEASE] [DEBUG] [RELWITHDEBINFO] [MINSIZEREL])

Optional arguments are:

  • RELEASE: hide symbols for the release build type
  • DEBUG: hide symbols for the debug build type
  • RELWITHDEBINFO: hide symbols for the relwithdebinfo build type
  • MINSIZEREL: hide symbols for the minsizerel build type

If no optional arguments are provided, the symbols are hidden for all build types.


celix_target_hide_symbols(my_bundle RELEASE MINSIZEREL)