This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n directory and then run go run scripts/cheatsheet/main.go generate
from the project root.
e: edit lazydocker config o: open lazydocker config m: view logs enter: focus main panel [: previous tab ]: next tab
�: copy container id d: remove e: hide/show stopped containers p: pause s: stop r: restart a: attach m: view logs E: exec shell c: run predefined custom command b: view bulk commands w: open in browser (first port is http) enter: focus main panel [: previous tab ]: next tab /: filter list
u: up service d: remove containers s: stop p: pause r: restart S: start a: attach m: view logs U: up project D: down project R: view restart options c: run predefined custom command b: view bulk commands E: exec shell w: open in browser (first port is http) enter: focus main panel [: previous tab ]: next tab /: filter list
c: run predefined custom command d: remove image b: view bulk commands enter: focus main panel [: previous tab ]: next tab /: filter list
c: run predefined custom command d: remove volume b: view bulk commands enter: focus main panel [: previous tab ]: next tab /: filter list
c: run predefined custom command d: remove network b: view bulk commands enter: focus main panel [: previous tab ]: next tab /: filter list
esc: return
+: next screen mode (normal/half/fullscreen) _: prev screen mode