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File metadata and controls

596 lines (382 loc) · 45 KB

Python Liquid Change Log

Version 2.0.0 (unreleased)

This major release:

  • Drops support for Python version 3.7 and 3.8.
  • Introduces API changes discussed here.
  • Promotes rendering behavior from liquid.future.Environment to be the default, so as to improve Shopify/liquid compatibility by default.
  • Fixes variable/identifier/path parsing described in issue #39.
  • Improves Liquid syntax error messages and exposes source index, line numbers and column numbers through methods on Liquid exceptions. See #53.
  • Changes comment tag parsing to better match Shopify/Liquid. See #133.
  • Removes BoundTemplate.analyze_with_context(). Shout if you need contextual analysis and we'll restore this feature.
  • Removes the cache_size argument to liquid.Environment and liquid.Template. Template caching is now handled by template loaders.
  • Removes the expression_cache_size argument to liquid.Environment and liquid.Template. Environment-level expression caching is no longer available as it does not play nicely with detailed error messages. If you need to cache parsing of Liquid expressions, it is now recommended to implement a cache per tag, where it makes sense to do so for your use case.
  • Makes markupsafe>=3 a dependency. Previously markupsafe was an optional dependency. Version 3 of markupsafe brings some subtle changes to the replace, replace_first and replace_last filters when they receive a "safe" string wrapped in Markup().
  • Adds new filters reject, has, find and find_index.
  • Adds the new doc tag.

API changes


  • Added liquid.parse(source), liquid.render(source, **data) and liquid.render_async(source, **data). These are shorthand functions that use liquid.DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT.
  • Renamed liquid.Environment.parse to liquid.Environment._parse, which returns a list of nodes, not a template.
  • Aliased liquid.Environment.from_string as liquid.Environment.parse.
  • Added liquid.Environment.render(source, **data) and liquid.Environment.render_async(source, **data). These are convenience methods equivalent to liquid.Environment.from_string(source).render(**data).
  • Renamed liquid.Context to liquid.RenderContext.
  • Change the liquid.RenderContext constructor (previously liquid.Context) to require an instance of BoundTemplate as its only positional argument instead of an instance of Environment. All other arguments are now keyword only.

Template loaders

  • Changed BaseLoader.get_source and BaseLoader.get_source_async to accept and optional context keyword argument and arbitrary keyword arguments as "load context".
  • Removed BaseLoader.get_source_with_args and BaseLoader.get_source_with_context, and their async equivalents. BaseLoader.get_source now accepts optional context and load context arguments.
  • Changed TemplateSource (a named tuple) to be (text, name, uptodate, matter). It used to be (source, filename, uptodate, matter)

Builtin expressions

  • Removed liquid.expression.*. Now built-in expressions live in liquid.builtin.expressions.
  • Renamed Identifier to Path.
  • Removed IdentifierPathElement. Path segments are now list[str | int | Path]].
  • Removed constant versions of True, False, Nil, Empty and Blank. Each of these primitive expressions now require a token, so they can't be constant.

Tag expression parsing

  • Changed liquid.token.Token to be a named tuple of (kind, value, index, source). It used to be (linenum, type, value).
  • Removed legacy expression parsing functions. If you're importing anything from liquid.parse for your custom tags, you'll need to use functions/methods from liquid.builtin.expressions instead.
  • Removed liquid.parse.expect() and liquid.parse.expect_peek() in favour of TokenStream.expect() and TokenStream.expect_peek().
  • Removed liquid.expressions.TokenStream. Now there's only one TokenStream class,, reexported as liquid.TokenStream.
  • All tokens are now named tuples. Previously functions in liquid.expressions would generate and use plain tuples internally.
  • Added the TOKEN_RANGE_LITERAL token kind. The opening parenthesis of a range expression will use this kind to differentiate logical grouping parentheses from range expressions.
  • Split tokens with kind TOKEN_OUTPUT in to two tokens, TOKEN_OUTPUT and TOKEN_EXPRESSION. Previously the value associated with TOKEN_OUTPUT would be the expression, now the expression follows in the next token, just like TOKEN_TAG.

Here's a summary mapping from old expression parsing functions to the recommended new parsing functions/methods.

Old New
tokenize_common_expression(str, linenum) liquid.builtin.expressions.tokenize(source, parent_token)
*.tokenize(source, linenum) liquid.builtin.expressions.tokenize(source, parent_token)
parse_common_expression(stream) liquid.builtin.expressions.parse_primitive(env, stream)
parse_keyword_arguments(expr, linenum) liquid.builtin.expressions.KeywordArgument.parse(env, stream)
parse_identifier(stream) liquid.builtin.expressions.Path.parse(env, stream)
parse_unchained_identifier(stream) liquid.builtin.expressions.parse_identifier(env, stream)
parse_string_or_identifier liquid.builtin.expressions.parse_string_or_path(env, stream)
parse_unchained_identifier liquid.builtin.expressions.parse_name(env, stream)
parse_boolean liquid.builtin.expressions.parse_primitive(env, stream)
parse_nil liquid.builtin.expressions.parse_primitive(env, stream)
parse_empty liquid.builtin.expressions.parse_primitive(env, stream)
parse_blank liquid.builtin.expressions.parse_primitive(env, stream)
parse_string_literal liquid.builtin.expressions.parse_primitive(env, stream)
parse_integer_literal liquid.builtin.expressions.parse_primitive(env, stream)
parse_float_literal liquid.builtin.expressions.parse_primitive(env, stream)
Environment.parse_boolean_expression liquid.builtin.expressions.BooleanExpression.parse(env, stream)
Environment.parse_filtered_expression liquid.builtin.expressions.FilteredExpression.parse(env, stream)
Environment.parse_loop_expression liquid.builtin.expressions.LoopExpression.parse(env, stream)

Template inheritance

  • Added methods variables(), variable_paths(), variable_segments(), global_variables(), global_variable_paths(), global_variable_segments() and their async equivalents to liquid.BoundTemplate. These are convenience methods for reporting variables using static analysis.
  • Added methods filter_names(), tag_names() and their async equivalents to liquid.BoundTemplate.
  • Changed liquid.ast.Node.children() and added expressions(), template_scope(), block_scope() and partial_scope() methods. See docs.

Version 1.13.0


  • Added a shorthand_indexes class variable to liquid.Environment. When shorthand_indexes is set to True (default is False), array indexes in variable paths need not be surrounded by square brackets. See #165.

Version 1.12.2


  • Fixed {% case %} / {% when %} behavior. When using liquid.future.Environment, we now render any number of {% else %} blocks and allow {% when %} tags to appear after {% else %} tags. The default Environment continues to raise a LiquidSyntaxError in such cases.
  • Fixed line numbers in some error messages. When parsing some Liquid expressions, we were always getting a line number of 1 in the event of a syntax error. See issue #162.


  • Changed {% break %} and {% continue %} tag handling when they appear inside a {% tablerow %} tag. Now, when using liquid.future.Environment, interrupts follow Shopify/Liquid behavior introduced in #1818. Python Liquid's default environment is unchanged.

Version 1.12.1


  • Fixed handling of {% else %} tags that include text between else and the closing tag delimiter (%}). Previously we were treating such text as part of the {% else %} block. Now the default behavior is to raise a LiquidSyntaxError. When using liquid.future.Environment, we follow Shopify/Liquid behavior of silently ignoring {% else %} tag expressions, even in strict mode. See #150.
  • liquid.future.Environment now silently ignores superfluous {% else %} and {% elsif %} blocks. The default environment continues to raise a LiquidSyntaxError if {% else %} or {% elsif %} appear after the first {% else %} tag. See #151.

Version 1.12.0


  • Fixed a bug with the LRU cache. We now raise a ValueError at construction time if a caching template loader is given a cache size less than 1. Previously, in such cases, an IndexError would have been raised when attempting to write to the cache. See #148.


  • Added make_choice_loader(), a factory function that returns a ChoiceLoader or CachingChoiceLoader depending on its arguments. (docs, source)
  • Added make_file_system_loader(), a factory function that returns a FileSystemLoader, FileExtensionLoader or CachingFileSystemLoader depending on its arguments. (docs, source)

Version 1.11.0


  • Fixed comparing strings with <, <=, > and >= in boolean expressions ({% if %} and {% unless %}). Previously we were raising a LiquidTypeError, now we return the result of comparing two string by their lexicographical order. See #141.


  • Added CachingChoiceLoader, a template loader that chooses between a list of template loaders and caches parsed templates in memory. (docs, source)
  • Added PackageLoader, a template loader that reads templates from Python packages. (docs, source)


Version 1.10.2


  • Added an additional implementation of the split filter, which resolves some compatibility issues between Python Liquid and the reference implementation. Previously, when given an empty string to split or when the string and the delimiter were equal, we used Python's str.split() behavior of producing one or two element lists containing empty strings. We now match Shopify/Liquid in returning an empty list for such cases. The new split filter will be enabled by default when using liquid.future.Environment, and can optionally be registered with liquid.Environment for those that don't mind the behavioral change. See #135.
  • Fixed unexpected errors from the date filter when it's given an invalid format string. Previously we were raising a liquid.exceptions.Error in response to a ValueError from strftime. We now raise a FilterArgumentError with its __cause__ set to the ValueError.
  • Fixed handling of "%s" date filter format strings. We now fall back to a string representation of datetime.timestamp() for platforms that don't support %s. Note that this is for "%s" exactly. We don't handle the more general case of %s appearing in a longer format string.

Version 1.10.1

Version 1.10.1 was accidentally skipped and not released.

Version 1.10.0


  • Optionally disable automatic suppression of whitespace only blocks with the Environment class attribute render_whitespace_only_blocks. (docs).
  • All built-in and included "extra" tags now have a node_class class attribute specifying the Node type the tag contributes to a templates AST. This is done for easier customization through Tag and Node subclassing.

Version 1.9.4


  • Fixed async loading of templates with the {% extends %} tag. Previously templates were being loaded synchronously, even when using render_async(). See #124.
  • Fixed handling of recursive {% extends %} tags during async static analysis. See #125.

Version 1.9.3


  • Removed is_up_to_date from liquid.BoundTemplate.__repr__. It was causing RuntimeWarnings with Python 3.11 when using an async template loader. Specifically warnings about coroutines that were never awaited.
  • Fixed the map filter. If given a nested array-like input, it now flattens it automatically. See #119.
  • Fixed the behavior of the liquid tag when other liquid tags appear within it. See #123.


  • Added the sum filter, which will return the sum of all numeric values in its input sequence. (docs, source).
  • Added Environment.setup_tags_and_filters() for easier tag and filter registration when subclassing Environment. See #122.

Version 1.9.2


  • Fixed a bug where a class-based filter defining filter_async and setting with_context or with_environment to True would not be awaited. See #117.


  • Fixed some package build issues since moving to hatch. Both version 1.9.0 and 1.9.1 inadvertently included .mypy_cache folders, making the distribution files significantly larger.

Version 1.9.1


  • Force the "wheel" build target to include py.typed.
  • Restore liquid.__version__.

Version 1.9.0


  • Changed FileSystemLoader so that loaded templates can be pickled. See #107.
  • Fixed the liquid.Environment template cache. Now, when given a cache_size of 0, the cache is disabled. See #108.


  • Added context-aware template loader bootstrapping methods. See #109.
  • Added support for async class-based filters. See #115.
  • Added CachingFileSystemLoader, a template loader that handles its own cache rather than relying on the Environment template cache, which can't handle context-aware loaders. See #116.

Version 1.8.1


  • Removed unnecessary wrapping of inline conditional expressions in BooleanExpression.
  • Fixed async evaluation of macro arguments. Previously they were always being evaluated synchronously.
  • Allow macro names to be quoted or unquoted. Quoted and unquoted macro names are now equivalent when defining and/or calling a macro.


Version 1.8.0


  • Added {% extends %} and {% block %} tags for template inheritance. These are extra tags that need to be registered with a liquid.Environment explicitly. (docs, source)
  • Added a new sort_numeric filter. sort_numeric returns a new list with items from the input sequence sorted by any integers and/or floats found in the string representation of each item. (docs, source)


  • Fixed a bug with the cycle tag when using liquid.future.Environment. We were misinterpreting unquoted cycle group names as strings rather than variables to be resolved, and not Liquid stringifying some cycled items before output. We've also rolled back changes to CycleNode.children() from version 1.7.0.
  • Fixed a regression bug that lead to some erroneous filtered expressions tokens to be silently ignored. Specifically any tokens that appear after a valid left value and the first filter or end of expression. We now raise a LiquidSyntaxError in such cases. See #103.
  • Fixed parenthesized conditional expression syntax error reporting. We now raise a LiquidSyntaxError when given unbalanced parentheses. See #101.


  • The {% for %} tag now accepts a string literal as its iterable. Unlike Shopify/liquid, whether a string literal or a variable resolving to a string, the default Environment will iterate over characters in the string. liquid.future.Environment is now consistent with Shopify/liquid, in that it iterates over an "array" where the first an only item is the string. See #102.
  • The round filter is now consistent with Shopify/liquid and Ruby 3 when given non-integer arguments. See Shopify/liquid#1590.

Version 1.7.0


  • Fixed counting of "local" variables (those created with assign, capture, etc.) in templates rendered with the {% render %} tag during contextual analysis. Previously these variables were not reported in the results of BoundTemplate.analyze_with_context(). See #92.
  • Both #43 and #90 have been fixed with the introduction of liquid.future.Environment, an environment that aims for maximum compatibility with Ruby Liquid, without concern for backwards incompatible changes to template rendering behavior. liquid.Environment should be considered the most stable "standard" configuration, liquid.future.Environment sacrifices stability for improved compatibility with Ruby Liquid. See the known issues page.
  • Fixed a bug with AST traversal of cycle nodes. Previously, CycleNode.children() erroneously included a cycle group name expression, if available.


  • Report template filter usage as well as variable usage with BoundTemplate.analyze() and BoundTemplate.analyze_with_context(). See #91 and docs.
  • Report template tag usage when statically analyzing a template with BoundTemplate.analyze(). See #97 and docs.
  • Analyze template tags using Environment.analyze_tags(). This form of tag analysis happens before a template is fully parsed, giving us the opportunity to find unknown, unexpected and unbalanced tags that might cause the parser to raise an exception or skip template blocks. See #98 and docs.

Version 1.6.1


  • Fixed static template analysis fails with {% break %} and {% continue %}. See #89.

Version 1.6.0


  • Fixed the string representation of liquid.expression.Identifier, which is exposed in the results of liquid.BoundTemplate.analyze(). We now represent variable path elements containing a . as quoted strings inside square brackets. See #87.


  • The dictionaries returned by liquid.BoundTemplate.analyze() now use instances of ReferencedVariable for their keys. ReferencedVariable is a str subclass that adds a parts property, being a tuple representation of the variable. See #87.

Version 1.5.1


  • Fixed case and when tag expression parsing. when expressions no longer fail when presented with a string containing a comma. Handling of comma and or separated "sub-expressions" is now consistent with the reference implementation. See #86.

Version 1.5.0


The following non-standard tags and filters are reimplementations of those found in the Python Liquid Extra project, which is now receiving bugfix updates only. Unlike standard tags and filters, which are registered for you automatically, extra tags and filters must be explicitly registered with an Environment`. See

  • Added an if tag that supports a logical not operator and grouping terms with parentheses. (docs, source)

  • Added drop-in replacements for the standard output statement, assign tag and echo tag that support inline conditional expressions. (docs, source)

  • Added macro and call tags that define parameterized Liquid snippets for reuse. (docs, source)

  • Added the with tag that extends the local namespace with block scoped variables. (docs, source)

  • Added the json, index, script_tag and stylesheet_tag filters. (docs, source)


  • for tag arguments can now be separated by commas as well as whitespace. See Shopify/liquid#1658

Version 1.4.7

Hot fix

  • Fixed a bug where use of a local namespace limit would raise a TypeError when unhashable types were found in a render context's local namespace. See #79.

Version 1.4.6


  • The tablerowloop drop now exposes its row property. See #77.
  • for and tablerow tag arguments can now be string representations of integers as well as integer literals and variables that resolve to integers. See #78.


  • The truncatewords filter no longer raises a FilterArgumentError if its argument is greater than 2147483648 and the number of words in the input string is less than the target number of words. This is inline with recent changes committed to the reference implementation of Liquid.
  • The slice filter now clamps its arguments to between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807, as does the reference implementation of Liquid.

Version 1.4.5

Hot fix

  • Fixed a bug where boolean expressions and the default filter would treat 0.0 and decimal.Decimal("0") as False. Python considers these values to be falsy, Liquid does not. See #74.
  • Future-proof str to int conversion limit. We will now use sys.get_int_max_str_digits if it is available and LIQUIDINTMAXSTRDIGITS is not set. Note that sys.get_int_max_str_digits is called once at startup, so Liquid's limit will change with sys.set_int_max_str_digits.

Version 1.4.4


  • Keep comment text for later static analysis when parsing {% comment %} block tags. See #70.
  • Guard against DoS by very large str to int conversion. See python/cpython#95778. (docs)

Version 1.4.3


  • Updated the built-in date filter to support parsing UNIX timestamps from integers and string representations of integers. For consistency with the reference implementation of Liquid, date now returns the input string unchanged if it can not be parsed. See #67.
  • Fixed an issue with the "loop iteration" resource limit. It was failing to carry an existing loop counter more than one level deep when using Context.copy(). See #68.

Version 1.4.2


  • Fixed a potential memory leak from using functools.lru_cache on a class method. See #63.
  • Fixed a bug with the default filter. Liquid zero should not be equal to False. The default filter now returns 0 if its left value is zero. Before it would have return its default value. See #62.
  • Fixed a bug where boolean expressions would consider Liquid 0 and false to be equal and 0 to be falsy. Python Liquid is now consistent with the reference implementation when comparing integers to booleans. See #65.

Version 1.4.1

Hot fix

  • Fixed a bug with the StrictDefaultFilter. It was failing to be strict when accessed by some filter decorators and helpers. Now the default filter will immediately return its default value if its left value defines a force_liquid_default property and that property is truthy. See #62.

Version 1.4.0


  • StrictDefaultUndefined, an undefined type that plays nicely with the default filter, is now built in. (docs)
  • Configure resource limits with class attributes set on a Liquid Environment. Those class attributes are context_depth_limit, loop_iteration_limit, local_namespace_limit and output_stream_limit. (docs)


  • Fixed a bug in StrictUndefined that, when extended, stopped if from looking at its own msg property. See #57.

Version 1.3.0


  • Allow render context customization by subclassing Context and BoundTemplate.
  • Contextual template analysis with BoundTemplate.analyze_with_context(). Complementing static template analysis, released in version 1.2.0, contextual template analysis performs a template render, capturing information about template variable usage as it goes. (docs)

Version 1.2.1

  • Add typing-extensions dependency.

Version 1.2.0


  • New inline comment tag {% # .. %}. See Shopify Liquid PR #1498
  • Template static analysis. BoundTemplate.analyze() and BoundTemplate.analyze_async() traverse a template's abstract syntax tree and report template variable usage. Static tree traversal (without rendering or evaluating expressions) is supported by the new, optional children() methods of liquid.expression.Expression and liquid.ast.Node. (docs)


  • Fixed a bug where the lexer would incorrectly calculate an expression's line number if there were one or more newlines between a tag name and it's expression. Most notable with liquid tags where it is common to put a newline immediately after "liquid".
  • More robust syntax error handling when parsing Liquid expression filters. The refactored expression lexers from version 1.1.3 failed to account for some classes of syntax error.

Version 1.1.7

  • Fixed a bug where double pipe characters (||) in a filtered expression would cause an IndexError. A LiquidSyntaxError is now raised in such cases, including the line number of the offending error.
  • Changed Environment.fromString to catch unexpected parsing errors. A Liquid Error will now be raised with a message of "unexpected liquid parsing error" and its __cause__ set to the offending exception.

Version 1.1.6

  • Fixed a bug where the where filter would incorrectly ignore an explicit false given as the target value. See #51.

Version 1.1.5

  • Prioritise object properties and keys named size, first and last over the special built-in properties of the same names. See #46.
  • Fixed a bug with the uniq filter. It no longer raises an exception when given a key argument and a sequence containing objects that don't have that key/property. See #47.
  • The strip_html filter now removes style and script tag blocks in their entirety, including everything in between. See #45.
  • Added remove_last and replace_last filters.

Version 1.1.4

  • Lazy forloop helper variables. Don't calculate index, rindex etc. unless accessed.
  • Implemented, as per the reference implementation. is the concatenation of the loop variable identifier and the target iterable identifier, or a string representation of a range literal, separated by a hyphen.
  • Fixed a bug with the divided_by filter. Given a float value and integer argument, it was incorrectly doing integer division.
  • Simplified tablerowloop and tablerow HTML generation.

Version 1.1.3

  • Refactored expression lexers. New, subtly different, tag expression tokenizers are now in liquid.expressions. Built-in tags use these lexers indirectly via new specialized expression parsers. Older expression lexers and parsers will be maintained until at least Python Liquid version 2.0 for those that use them in custom tags. See #42.
  • Specialized expression parsers. Each of the three built-in expression types now have a dedicated parser defined in liquid.expressions, whereas before all expression parsing went through liquid.parse.ExpressionParser.parse_expression(). Built-in tags now use these new parsers. The more general parser will be maintained until at least Python Liquid Version 2.0. See #42.
  • liquid.parse.Parser.parse_block() now accepts any container as its end argument. Benchmarks show that using a frozenset for end instead of a tuple gives a small performance improvement.
  • Fixed an incompatibility with the reference implementation where Python Liquid would not recognize identifiers with a trailing question mark. This seems to be a common idiom in Ruby to indicate something returns a Boolean value.
  • Added get_source_with_context() and get_source_with_context_async() to liquid.loaders.BaseLoader. Custom loaders can now use the active render context to dynamically modify their search space when used from include or render, or any custom tag using Context.get_template_with_context(). Context.get_template_with_context() also accepts arbitrary keyword arguments that are passed along to get_source_with_context(). The build-in include and render tags add a tag argument with their tag name, so custom loaders can modify their search space depending on which tag was used. See the Custom Loaders documentation for examples.

Version 1.1.2

  • Fixed a bug where a for loop's limit would be incorrect when using offset: continue multiple times (three or more for tags looping over the same sequence). See #41.

Version 1.1.1

  • Fixed a bug where blocks that contain whitespace only were being suppressed when the whitespace was explicitly output. Automatic whitespace suppression now only occurs in if, unlesss and for blocks that don't contain an output statement or echo tag, even if the output itself is whitespace. See #38.
  • Fixed a bug where the behavior of the special .first and .last properties did not match that of the first and last filters. Now, if given a string, .first and .last will return an undefined, and the first and last filters will return None. See #34.

Version 1.1.0

  • Added new comment syntax. Disabled by default, enable shorthand comments with the template_comments argument to liquid.Template or liquid.Environment. When True, anything between {# and #} will be considered a comment.
  • New expression cache. Distinct from the existing template cache, optionally cache common Liquid expression types (conditions, loops and filtered expressions) to avoid lexing and parsing the same expression multiple times.
  • Fixed a bug where, in some cases, forloop.length would be incorrect when using offsset: continue in a loop expression.

Version 1.0.4

  • A range literal will now use a default of 0 rather than raising a LiquidTypeError if either its start or stop values can't be cast to an integer.
  • Gracefully handle liquid tags that are empty or only contain whitespace.
  • Gracefully handle empty echo tags.

Version 1.0.3

  • Explicit re-export
  • Changed Context._tag_namespace to Context.tag_namespace.

Version 1.0.2

  • Fixed manifest error.

Version 1.0.1

  • Added py.typed

Version 1.0.0

Version bump. First stable release.

Version 0.11.1

  • Template loaders can now include additional template meta data using the matter argument of liquid.loaders.TemplateSource. See the example FrontMatterFileSystemLoader in the README. See #32.
  • Implemented ChoiceLoader, a loader that tries to load a template from a list of loaders.
  • Added a FileExtensionLoader, a template loader that inherits from FileSystemLoader and automatically appends a file extension if one is missing.
  • The built-in date filter now accepts the special input value of "today" as well as "now".
  • The built-in truncate filter now has a default length of 50.
  • The built-in truncatewords filter now has a default number of words of 15.
  • Fixed a bug with the slice filter where it would return an empty string when presented with a negative start index and length that would have exceeded the length of the sequence. See #35.
  • Drops can now define safe HTML string representations using a __html__ method.
  • Removed liquid.mode.error() in favour of liquid.Environment.error()

Version 0.11.0

The following behavioral changes are the result of feedback gained from exporting Python Liquid's "golden" test cases, and running them against Ruby Liquid (the reference implementation). Both Python Liquid version 0.11.0 and Ruby Liquid version 5.1.0 pass all tests currently defined in liquid/golden/.

  • Added support for comma separated when expressions. See #31.
  • The built-in join, concat, where, uniq and compact filters now use the new sequence_filter decorator. sequence_filter coerces filter left values to array-like objects. sequence_filter will also flatten nested array-like objects, just like the reference implementation.
  • The built-in first, last and map filters now operate on any array-like objects. Previously they were limited to lists and tuples. Strings still don't work.
  • The built-in uniq and compact filters now accept an optional argument. If an argument is provided, it should be the name of a property and the left value should be a sequence of objects.
  • The size filter now returns a default of 0 if its left value does not have a __len__ method.
  • The replace and replace_first filters now treat undefined arguments as an empty string.
  • The slice filter now works on lists, tuples and ranges, as well as strings.
  • Fixed a bug where the math_filter decorator would cast strings representations of negative integers to a float rather than an int.
  • Added golden test cases for all filters.

Version 0.10.2

  • Moved and organized "render" test cases into importable "golden" test cases.
  • Change RangeLiteral string representation to match the reference implementation.
  • Add newlines to tablerow output. As per the reference implementation.

Version 0.10.1

  • Range literals can now be assigned, compared and passed as arguments to include or render tags. They can also be filtered as if they were an array.
  • Range literals will accept a float value for start and/or stop values. If a float is given for start or stop, it will be cast to an integer.
  • Fixed a bug where the token stream would return the wrong token when peeking immediately after a push.

Version 0.10.0

  • Changed named counter (increment and decrement) scoping. Unless a named counter is shadowed by an assign or capture, the counter will be in scope for all subsequent Liquid expressions.
  • Changed {% increment %} to be a post-increment operation. {% decrement %} remains a pre-decrement operation.
  • Added forloop.parentloop. Access parent forloop objects from nested loops.

Version 0.9.1

  • unless blocks can now contain else and elsif blocks.
  • Added support for array item access with negative indices. Closes #27.
  • Improved error messages for context lookups that resulting an IndexError or KeyError.

Version 0.9.0

  • Fixed a bug where arguments to Template() where not being passed to the implicit environment properly (again).
  • Fixed a bug where some errors from the sort and map filters were being ignored. Those filters can now raise a FilterError.
  • Removed depreciated class-based filters.

Version 0.8.1

  • Removed @abstractmethod from liquid.loaders.BaseLoader.get_source. Custom loaders are now free to implement either get_source or get_source_async or both. The BaseLoader implementation of get_source simply raises a NotImplementedError.
  • liquid.loaders.TemplateSource.uptodate (as returned by get_source and get_source_async) can now be a coroutine function. This means async loaders can check a template's source for changes asynchronously.
  • Added the cache_size argument to Environment and Template for controlling the capacity of the default template cache.
  • Easier subclassing of liquid.parser.ExpressionParser with END_EXPRESSION.

Version 0.8.0

Version bump. Last release before removing depreciated class-based filters.

Version 0.7.8

  • The default filter now uses __liquid__, if available, when testing an object for truthy-ness.

Version 0.7.7

  • Recursive use of the "render" tag now raises a ContextDepthError if MAX_CONTEXT_DEPTH is exceeded. This is now consistent with recursive "include".
  • Drops (custom classes in a render context) can now mimic primitive Liquid values when used as array indexes or hash keys, or in conditional expressions (including case/when and unless). If defined, the result of calling a drop's __liquid__ method will be used in those scenarios.
  • Added base64_encode, base64_decode, base64_url_safe_encode and base64_url_safe_decode filters.
  • Added asynchronous template loading and rendering. When Template.render_async is awaited, render and include tags will load templates asynchronously. Custom loaders should implement get_source_async.
  • Added support for asynchronous drops. If a class implements __getitem_async__, which is assumed to be an async version of __getitem__, it will be awaited instead of calling __getitem__.

Version 0.7.6

  • Class-based filters are now depreciated in favour of decorated filter functions. Abstract filter classes (such as liquid.builtin.filters.string.StringFilter) will be removed in Liquid 0.9.
  • All built-in filters are now implemented as decorated functions. Legacy, class-based filters are no longer registered automatically and will be removed in Liquid 0.9.
  • Legacy filter "helpers" are now depreciated and will be removed in Liquid 0.9. Use the new decorators, like liquid.filter.string_filter and liquid.filter.with_context, instead.
  • The block argument to the liquid.ast.ConditionalBlockNode constructor is no longer optional.

Version 0.7.5

  • Auto reload. Disable automatic reloading of templates by passing auto_reload=False to Environment or Template. For deployments where template sources don't change between service reloads, setting auto_reload to False can yield an increase in performance by avoiding calls to uptodate.
  • Fixed a bug where, when using the Template API, undefined, strict_filters, and autoescape where not always passed through to the implicit environment correctly.
  • Added support for continuing a for loop using offset: continue. See #14.

Version 0.7.4

.. _MarkupSafe:

  • HTML auto-escaping. If MarkupSafe_ is installed and the autoescape argument to Environment or Template is True, context variables will be HTML escaped automatically.
  • LiquidSyntaxError exceptions now include the offending template source in the source property.

Version 0.7.3

  • The built-in FileSystemLoader now accepts a list of paths to search, in order, returning the first template source found. The search_path argument can be a string or path-like, or an iterable of strings or path-like objects.
  • Added the encoding argument to FileSystemLoader. Files will be opened with the given encoding. Defaults to "utf-8".
  • FileSystemLoader will raise a TemplateNotFound exception if .. appears in a template name.

Version 0.7.2

  • Undefined variables are now represented by the Undefined type, or a subclass of Undefined. Undefined behaves like nil, but can also be iterated over and indexed without error.
  • Attempting to loop over an undefined variable no longer raises a LiquidTypeError.
  • Optionally pass liquid.StrictUndefined as the undefined argument to Template() or Environment() to render in strict variables mode. All operations on an instance of StrictUndefined raise an UndefinedError.
  • Filters can now raise FilterValueError in addition to FilterArgumentError. Where a FilterValueError refers to an issue with the left value a filter is applied to.
  • Applying a built-in filter to an undefined variable no longer raises a FilterArgumentError in most cases.
  • Added the strict_filters argument to the Environment and Template constructors. When True, the default, undefined filters raise a NoSuchFilterFunc exception at render time. When False, undefined filters are silently ignored.
  • The join filter now forces items in its left value to strings before joining them.
  • The join filter's argument is now optional, defaulting to a string containing a single space.

Version 0.7.0

  • New Template API. Create templates from strings without an Environment.
  • The template object is no longer included in every render context automatically.

Version 0.6.4

  • Implemented the blank keyword. Empty string and strings containing only whitespace are equal to blank.
  • Implemented the null keyword. null is an alias for nil.
  • Implemented the ifchanged tag.

Version 0.6.2

  • Refactored the standard expression parser. It's now possible to extend ExpressionParser for use with custom tags.
  • Decoupled boolean expression parsing for easier if, unless and case tag subclassing.

Version 0.6.1

  • Added support for Python 3.7 and PyPy3.7.

Version 0.6.0

  • Added support for named filter parameters.
  • The default filter now accepts the named parameter allow_false.
  • The truncate_words filter now forces a minimum number of words to 1.
  • The newline_to_br filter now replaces \n and \r\n with <br />\n.
  • The strip_newlines filter strips \r\n.