The compactness of kdb+ and the terseness of q means that the language is focused on a small number of high-performing native built-in functions rather than extensive libraries. As a result users often develop libraries of their own often-used algorithms and functions relevant to their specific domains for convenience and to support reuse. In this paper, we outline examples of commonly used functions in finance that are built on native q functions.
The code is developed on version 3.6 2019.03.07 of kdb+. Cryptocurrency data for Bitcoin and Ethereum from multiple exchanges is used in the examples provided. Charts are displayed using Kx Analyst.
All code used in this paper is contained in the following git repository: Generating-Trend-Indicators-in-kdb.
This whitepaper has 2 main parts:
- Data Extraction
- Technical Analysis
Data was captured in a similar process to the one used in Eduard Silantyev's blog “Combining high-frequency cryptocurrency venue data using kdb+”1 . Trade and Quote tick data for Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC) denominated in the US dollar (USD) was collected from four exchanges:
- Bitfinex
- HitBtc
- Kraken
- Coinbase
which span across May, June and July 2019. There is just over 2 months of data.
A python script was created which connected to exchange feeds and extracted the relevent data which was then published to a kdb+ tickerplant. The tickerplant processed the messages and sent them to an RDB. At the end of the day this data was then written down to a HDB where the data could be accessed for analysis. Such details will not be elaborated on as the main focus of this whitepaper is on implementing Trend Indicators using kdb+. Please view the following resources for help with tick capture:
- Kdb+tick profiling for throughput optimization
- Disaster-recovery planning for kdb+ tick systems
- Query Routing: A kdb+ framework for a scalable, load balanced system
To make it easy to follow through this paper and execute the functions/indicators created there is a sample of close data located in the git repository. This is a small binary flat file which can be loaded into kdb+/q. The close data contains the daily high/low/open/close and volume of trades for bitcoin trading on Kraken and the table is called "bitcoinKraken". This table will be used throughout the paper to show how you can apply the functions/indicators to an in-memory kdb+ table.
/- To get started please start a q session
q)bitcoinKraken:get `:bitcoinKraken
q)\l cryptoFuncs.q
"loading in cryptoFuncs"
date sym exch high low open close vol
2019.05.09 BTC_USD KRAKEN 6174 6037.9 6042 6151.4 1808.803
2019.05.10 BTC_USD KRAKEN 6430 6110.1 6151.4 6337.9 9872.36
2019.05.11 BTC_USD KRAKEN 7450 6338 6339.5 7209.9 18569.93
2019.05.12 BTC_USD KRAKEN 7588 6724.1 7207.9 6973.9 18620.15
2019.05.13 BTC_USD KRAKEN 8169.3 6870 6970.1 7816.3 19668.6
2019.05.14 BTC_USD KRAKEN 8339.9 7620 7817.1 7993.7 18118.61
2019.05.15 BTC_USD KRAKEN 8296.9 5414.5 7988.9 8203 11599.71
2019.05.16 BTC_USD KRAKEN 8370 7650 8201.5 7880.7 13419.86
2019.05.17 BTC_USD KRAKEN 7946.2 6636 7883.6 7350 21017.35
2019.05.18 BTC_USD KRAKEN 7494.2 7205 7353.9 7266.8 6258.585
Technical analysis is the process of identifying trading opportunities based on past price movements using different stock charts. Trend/technical traders use a combination of patterns and indicators from price charts to help them make financial decisions. Investors analyse price charts to develop theories about what direction the market is likely to move. Commonly used in technical analysis tools are the Candlestick chart,Moving Average Convergence Divergence and Relative Strength Index. These tools are created using q/kdb+'s in-built functions such as mavg/ema/min/max/avg. The tools discussed don't predict future prices but provide the investor information to determine their next move. The indicators create buy and sell signals using moving averages, prices, volume, days since previous high or low. The investor can then make his financial decision based on the signals created.
The candlestick chart is used for describing price movements in a particular security. The chart illustrates the open/high/low/close of a security and is used by traders to identify patterns based on past movements.
candlestick : {
fillscale : 01b!(.gg.colour.Red; .gg.colour.Green);
.qp.theme[enlist[`legend_use]!enlist 0b]
.qp.stack (
// open/close
.qp.interval[x; `date; `open; `close]
.qp.s.aes[`fill; `gain]
,.qp.s.scale[`fill; fillscale]
,.qp.s.geom[`gap`colour!(0; .gg.colour.White)];
// low/high
.qp.segment[x; `date; `high; `date; `low]
.qp.s.aes[`fill; `gain]
,.qp.s.scale[`fill; fillscale]
,.qp.s.geom[enlist [`size]!enlist 1])
.qp.title["Candlestick chart BTC"]
candlestick[update gain: close > open from select from wpData where sym=`BTC_USD,exch=`KRAKEN]
Figure 1: Bitcoin Candlestick Chart using Kraken data |
Each candle shows the high/open/close/low and if our security closed higher than the open. This can be useful in predicting short term price movements.
The price of a security can be extremely volatile and large price movements can make it hard to pinpoint the general trend. Moving averages "smooth" price data by creating a single flowing line. The line represents the average price over a period of time. Which moving average the trader decides to use is determined by the time frame in which he or she trades.
There are two commonly used moving averages: Simple Moving Average (SMA) and Exponential Moving Average (EMA). EMA gives a larger weighting to more recent prices when calculating the average. In Figure 2 you can see the 10-Day moving average and 20-Day moving average along with the close price.
Traders analyse where the current trade price lies in relation to the moving averages. If the current trade price is above the Moving average (MA) line this would indicate over-bought (decline in price expected), trade price below MA would indicate over-sold (increase in price may be seen).
It should be noted that a signal/trend indicator would not determine a trading strategy but would be analysed in conjunction with other factors.
Now using the previously defined "bitcoinKraken" table we can start to apply our own simple moving averages. In the example below the 2 and 5 day moving averages are calculated on the close price. This can be updated to get the moving average of any of the numeric columns like high price for example or you could alter the number of periods used. In Figure 2 the 10 an 20 day moving averages is used. This can be adjusted depending on your needs. Short term traders would be interested in relatively short time periods where as long term investors who want an overall picture of a security would compare large periods like 100 and 200 days.
q)10#update sma2:mavg[2;close],sma5:mavg[5;close] from bitcoinKraken
date sym exch high low open close vol sma2 sma5
2019.05.09 BTC_USD KRAKEN 6174 6037.9 6042 6151.4 1808.803 6151.4 6151.4
2019.05.10 BTC_USD KRAKEN 6430 6110.1 6151.4 6337.9 9872.36 6244.65 6244.65
2019.05.11 BTC_USD KRAKEN 7450 6338 6339.5 7209.9 18569.93 6773.9 6566.4
2019.05.12 BTC_USD KRAKEN 7588 6724.1 7207.9 6973.9 18620.15 7091.9 6668.275
2019.05.13 BTC_USD KRAKEN 8169.3 6870 6970.1 7816.3 19668.6 7395.1 6897.88
2019.05.14 BTC_USD KRAKEN 8339.9 7620 7817.1 7993.7 18118.61 7905 7266.34
2019.05.15 BTC_USD KRAKEN 8296.9 5414.5 7988.9 8203 11599.71 8098.35 7639.36
2019.05.16 BTC_USD KRAKEN 8370 7650 8201.5 7880.7 13419.86 8041.85 7773.52
2019.05.17 BTC_USD KRAKEN 7946.2 6636 7883.6 7350 21017.35 7615.35 7848.74
2019.05.18 BTC_USD KRAKEN 7494.2 7205 7353.9 7266.8 6258.585 7308.4 7738.84
The graph in Figure 2 was created using Kx Analyst. A sample for this code can be seen below. All graphics of grammer code can be found in the git repository for this project. The following is a example:
.qp.title["SMA BTC Kraken"]
.qp.line[x; `date; `sma10]
.qp.s.geom[enlist[`fill]!enlist .gg.colour.Blue]
,.qp.s.scale [`y; .gg.scale.limits[6000 0N] .gg.scale.linear]
,.qp.s.legend[""; `sma10`sma20`close!(.gg.colour.Blue;.gg.colour.Red;.gg.colour.Green)]
.qp.line[x; `date; `sma20]
.qp.s.geom[enlist[`fill]!enlist .gg.colour.Red]
,.qp.s.scale [`y; .gg.scale.limits[6000 0N] .gg.scale.linear]
.qp.line[x; `date; `close]
.qp.s.geom[enlist[`fill]!enlist .gg.colour.Green]
,.qp.s.scale [`y; .gg.scale.limits[6000 0N] .gg.scale.linear]
/- code used to execute
sma[update sma10:mavg[10;close],sma20:mavg[20;close] from select from wpData where sym=`BTC_USD,exch=`KRAKEN]
Figure 2: 10 and 20 day Simple Moving Averages for Bitcoin |
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is an important and popular analysis tool. It is a trend indicator that shows the relationship between two moving averages of a securities price. MACD is calculated by subtracting the long term EMA (26 periods) from the short term EMA (12 periods). A period is generally defined as a day but shorter/longer timespans can be used. Throughout this paper we will consider a period to be one day. EMAs place greater weight and significance on the more recent data points and react more significantly to price movements than SMA. The 9-day moving average of the MACD is also calculated and plotted. This line is known as the signal line and can be used to identify buy and sell signals2.
The code for calculating the MACD is very simple and leverages kdb+/q's built in function of ema. An example of how the code is executed, along with a subset of the output is displayed.
/tab-table input
/id-ID you want `ETH_USD/BTC_USD
/ex-exchange you want
/output is a table with the close,ema12,ema26,macd,signal line calculated
macd:{[x] ema[2%13;x]-ema[2%27;x]}; /macd line
signal:{ema[2%10;x]}; /signal line
res:select sym,date,exch,close,ema12:ema[2%13;close],ema26:ema[2%27;close],macd:macd[close] from tab where sym=id,exch=ex;
update signal:signal[macd] from res
// -Sample output of macd function
sym date exch close ema12 ema26 macd signal
BTC_USD 2019.05.09 KRAKEN 6151.4 6151.4 6151.4 0 0
BTC_USD 2019.05.10 KRAKEN 6337.9 6180.092 6165.215 14.87749 2.975499
BTC_USD 2019.05.11 KRAKEN 7209.9 6338.524 6242.599 95.92536 21.56547
BTC_USD 2019.05.12 KRAKEN 6973.9 6436.274 6296.769 139.505 45.15338
BTC_USD 2019.05.13 KRAKEN 7816.3 6648.586 6409.327 239.2588 83.97447
BTC_USD 2019.05.14 KRAKEN 7993.7 6855.527 6526.688 328.8385 132.9473
BTC_USD 2019.05.15 KRAKEN 8203 7062.83 6650.859 411.9708 188.752
BTC_USD 2019.05.16 KRAKEN 7880.7 7188.656 6741.959 446.6977 240.3411
BTC_USD 2019.05.17 KRAKEN 7350 7213.478 6786.999 426.4797 277.5688
BTC_USD 2019.05.18 KRAKEN 7266.8 7221.682 6822.54 399.1421 301.8835
Figure 3 graphs the MACD for ETH_USD using data from HITBTC.
Figure 3: Moving Average Convergence Divergence for Ethereum using HITBTC data |
From the above graph, you can see how the close price interacts with the short and long EMA and how this then impacts the MACD and signal line relationship. There is a buy signal when the MACD line crosses over the signal line and there is a short signal when the MACD line crosses below the signal line.
Figure 4: Relative Strength Index for Ethereum using HITBTC data |
Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. It oscillates between 0-100. It is said that security is overbought when above 70 and oversold when below 30. It is a general trend and momentum indicator. The default period is 14 days. This can be reduced or increased - the shorter the period the more sensitive it is to price changes. Short term traders sometimes look at 2 day RSIs to look for overbought readings above 80 and over sold ratings below 20 3.
The calculation For RSI is as follows: $$ RSI=100 - \frac{100}{1+RS}$$ $$ RS=\frac{Average Gain}{Avergae Loss}$$
The first calculation of the average gain/loss are simple 14 day averages.
- First Average Gain=Sum of Gains over the past 14 days/14
- First Average Loss=Sum of Losses over the past 14 days/14
The subsequent calculations are based on the prior averages and the current gain/loss : $$ AvgGain=\frac{(prev Avg Gain)*13 + current Gain}{14}$$ $$ AvgLoss=\frac{(prev Avg Loss)*13 + current Loss}{14}$$
Below is the code used for calculating the RSI. It consists of two functions rsiMain and relativeStrength. relativeStrength is a helper function that calculates the relative strength at each point.
//Relative strentgh index- RSI
//close-close price
/n-number of periods
diff:-[close;prev close];
rs:relativeStrength[n;diff*diff>0]%relativeStrength[n;abs diff*diff<0];
/- sample query
update rsi:rsiMain[close;14] by sym,exch from wpData
It is useful to use both RSI and MACD together as both measure momentum in a market, but, because they measure different factors, they sometimes give contrary indications. Using both together can provide a clearer picture of the market. RSI could be showing a reading of greater than 70, this would indicate that the the security is overbought, but the MACD is signaling that the market is continuing in the upward direction.
Figure 5: Money flow Index for Ethereum where n=14 |
Money Flow Index (MFI) is a technical oscillator that is similar to RSI but instead uses price and volume for identifying overbought and oversold conditions. This indicator weighs in on volume and not just price to give it relative score. A low volume with a large price movement will have less impact on the relative score compared to a high volume move with a lower price move. You see new highs/lows and large price swings but also if there is a price swing is there any volume behind the move or if it is just a small trade. The market will generally correct itself. It can be used to spot divergences that warn traders of a change in trend. MFI is known as the volume-weighted RSI4 . We leverage the relativeStrength function used in the RSI calculation below.
TP:avg(h;l;c); /typical price
rmf:TP*v; /real money flow
diff:deltas[0n;TP]; /diffs
mf:relativeStrength[n;rmf*diff*diff>0]%relativeStrength[n;abs rmf*diff*diff<0]; /money flow leveraging func for rsi.
mfi:100*mf%(1+mf); /money flow as a percentage
/-sample query
update mfi:mfiMain[high;low;close;14;vol] by sym,exch from wpData
Figure 6 shows the comparison between MFI graph and the RSI graph:
Figure 6: MFI versus RSI |
It can be useful to use both RSI and MFI together to make sure there is volume behind the price move and not just a price jump. Here is another good example to show the output of the update columns after applying the indicators to the in memory table defined above as bitcoinKraken. The table below shows bitcoinKraken updated with the output columns attached on to the end. This is an example of how easy it is to compare statistical outputs. In Figure 6 the 14 day period rsi and mfi are compared but below 6 day period is chosen.
q)10#update rsi:rsiMain[close;6],mfi:mfiMain[high;low;close;6;vol] from bitcoinKraken
date sym exch high low open close vol rsi mfi
2019.05.09 BTC_USD KRAKEN 6174 6037.9 6042 6151.4 1808.803
2019.05.10 BTC_USD KRAKEN 6430 6110.1 6151.4 6337.9 9872.36
2019.05.11 BTC_USD KRAKEN 7450 6338 6339.5 7209.9 18569.93
2019.05.12 BTC_USD KRAKEN 7588 6724.1 7207.9 6973.9 18620.15
2019.05.13 BTC_USD KRAKEN 8169.3 6870 6970.1 7816.3 19668.6
2019.05.14 BTC_USD KRAKEN 8339.9 7620 7817.1 7993.7 18118.61
2019.05.15 BTC_USD KRAKEN 8296.9 5414.5 7988.9 8203 11599.71 90.64828 81.06234
2019.05.16 BTC_USD KRAKEN 8370 7650 8201.5 7880.7 13419.86 78.60196 85.19688
2019.05.17 BTC_USD KRAKEN 7946.2 6636 7883.6 7350 21017.35 62.25494 62.04519
2019.05.18 BTC_USD KRAKEN 7494.2 7205 7353.9 7266.8 6258.585 59.91089 62.10847
The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is another tool used by technical analysts. Its primary use is for spotting new trends. It measures the current price level relative to an average price level over time. The CCI can be used for any market and is not just for commodities. It can be used to help identify if a security is approaching overbought and oversold levels. Its primary use is for spotting new trends. This can help traders make decisions on trades whether to add to position, exit the position or take no part.
When CCI is positive it indicates it is above the historical average and when it is negative it indicates it is below the historical average. Moving from negative ratings to high positive ratings can be used as a signal for a possible uptrend. Similarly, the reverse will signal downtrends. CCI has no upper or lower bound so finding out what typical overbought and oversold levels should be determined on each asset individually looking at its historical CCI levels5.
CCI calculation:
In order to calculate the Mean Deviation it was necessary to create a helper function called maDev(moving average Deviation)
((n-1)#0Nf),{[x;y;z;num] reciprocal[num]*sum abs z _y#x}'[(n-1)_tp-/:ma;n+l;l:til -[count tp;n-1];n]}
This was calculated by subtracting the Moving Average from the Typical Price for the last n periods, summing the absolute values of these figures and then dividing by n periods.
/- sample query
update cci:CCI[high;low;close;14] by sym,exch from wpData
Figure 7: Commocity Channel Index and close proce for Bitcion using Kraken data |
Figure 8: Bollonger Bands for Bitcoin using KRaken data and n=20 |
Bollinger Bands are used in technical analysis for pattern recognition. They are formed by plotting two lines that are two standard deviations from the simple moving average price, (one in the negative direction and one positive)6 . Standard deviation is a measure of volatility in an asset, so when the market becomes more volatile the bands widen. Similarly, less volatility leads to the bands contracting. If the prices move towards the upper band the security is seen to be overbought and as the prices get close to the lower bound the security is considered oversold. This provides traders with information regarding price volatility. 90% of price action occurs between the bands. A breakout from this would be seen as a major event. The breakout is not considered a trading signal. Breakouts provide no clue as to the direction and extent of future price movements.
/tab-input table
/n-number of days
/id-id to run for
tab:select from wpData where sym=id,exch=ex;
tab:update sma:mavg[n;TP],sd:mdev[n;TP] from update TP:avg(high;low;close) from tab;
select date,sd,TP,sma,up:sma+2*sd,down:sma-2*sd from tab}
The Force Index is a technical indicator that measures the amount of power behind a price move. It uses price and volume to assess the force behind a move or a possible turning point. The technical indicator is an unbounded oscillator that oscillates between a negative and positive value. There are three essential elements to stock price movement-direction, extent and volume. The Force Index combines all three in this oscillator7.
Figure 9: Force Index and Close Price for Bitcoin using Kraken data |
The above graph is the 13-day EMA of the Force Index. It can be seen that the Force Index crosses the centre line as the price begins to increase. This would indicate that bullish trading is exerting a greater force. However, this changes towards the end of July where there is a significant change from a high positive force index to a negative one and the price drops dramatically. It suggests the emergence of a bear market.
The Force Index calculation subtracts today's close from the prior day's close and multiplies it by the daily volume. The next step is to calculate the 13 day EMA of this value. The code used is shown below:
//Force Index Indicator
/n-num of periods
//ForceIndex1 is the force index for one period
update ForceIndex:forceIndex[close;vol;13] by sym,exch from wpData
Ease of Movement Value (EMV) is another technical indicator that combines momentum and volume information into one value. The idea is to use this value to decide if the prices are able to rise or fall with little resistance in directional movement.
The scale factor is chosen to produce a normal number. This is generally relative to the volume of shares traded.
//Ease of movement value -EMV
/n-num of periods
(n#0nf),n _mavg[n;distMoved%boxRatio]
/- Sample Query
update EMV:emv[high;low;vol;1000000;14] by sym,exch from wpData
Figure 10: Ease of Movement ,Close and Volume for Ethereum using Kraken Data |
The Rate of Change (ROC) indicator measures the percentage change in the close price over a specific period of time.
//Price Rate of change Inicator (ROC)
/n-number of days prior to compare
prevP:_[neg n;c];
/- sample query
update ROC:roc[close;10] from bitcoinKraken
A positive move in the ROC indicates that there was a sharp price advance. This can be seen on the graph in Figure 11 between the 8th and 22nd of June. A downward drop indicates steep decline in the price. This oscillator is prone to whipsaw around the zero line as can be seen in the graph. For the graph below n=9 is used, which is commonly used by short term traders.
Figure 11: Rate of change for Bitcoin using Kraken data |
Figure 12: Stochastic Oscillator with smoothing %K=1,%D=3 for itcoin using Kraken data |
The stochastic Oscillator is a momentum indicator comparing a particular closing price of a security to a range of its prices over a certain period of time. You can adjust the sensitivity of the indicator by adjusting the time period and by taking the moving average of the result. The indicator has a 0-100 range that can be used to indicate overbought and oversold signals. A security is considered overbought when greater than 80 and oversold when less than 20. For this case n will be 14(14 days) 8 . It is calculated using the following :
$$ %K = \frac{C-L(n)}{H(n)-L(n)} $$
where C=Current Close,
L(n)=Low across last n days,
H(n)=High over the last n days.
%K= slow stochastic indicator
%D= fast stochastic indicator which is the n day moving average of %K (generally n=3)
//null out first 13days if 14 days moving avg
//Stochastic Oscillator
/n-num of periods
/c-close price
/k-smoothing for %D
/for fast stochastic oscillation smoothing is set to one k=1/slow k=3 default
/d-smoothing for %D - this generally set for 3
/general set up n=14,k=1(fast),slow(slow),d=3
/- Sample Query
update sC:stoOscCalc[close;high;low;5],sk:stoOscK[close;high;low;5;2], stoOscD[close;high;low;5;2;3]from bitcoinKraken
Both of these technical indicators are oscillators, but they are calculated quite differently. One of the main differences is that the stochastic Oscillator is bound between zero and 100, while the CCI is unbounded. Due to the calculation differences, they will provide different signals at different times, such as overbought and oversold readings.
The Aroon Indicator is a technical indicator which is used to identify trend changes in the price of a security and the strength of that trend which is used in the Aroon oscillator . An Aroon Indicator has two parts: aroonUp and aroonDown which measure the time between highs and lows respectively over a period of time n (generally n=25days). The objective of the indicator is that strong uptrends will regularly see new highs and strong downtrends will regularly see new lows. The range of the indicator is between 0-100. $$ aroonUp=\frac{n-periodsSinceNPeriodHigh}{n}*100$$ $$ aroonDown=\frac{n-periodsSinceNPeriodLow}{n}*100$$
Figure 13: Aroon Oscillator and Aroon Inicator |
//Aroon indicator
m:reverse each a _'(n+1+a:til count[c]-n)#\:c;
#[n;0ni],{x? y x}'[m;f]}
/- aroon[tab`high;25;max]-- aroon up
/- aroon[tab`low;25;max]-- aroon down
aroonOsc:{[h;l;n] aroon[h;n;max] - aroon[l;n;min]}
/- sample
update aroonUp:aroon[high;25;max],aroonDown:aroon[low;25;min],aroonOsc:aroonOsc[high;low;25] from krakenBitcoin
Aroon Oscillator subtracts aroonUp from aroonDown making the range of this Oscillator between -100 and 100. $$ aroonOsc= aroonUp - aroonDown $$ The oscillator moves above the zero line when aroonUp moves above the aroonDown. The oscillator drops below the zero line when the aroonDown moves above the aroonDown.
This paper illustrates how kdb+/q can be applied to perform commonly used trade analytics that are not out-of-the-box but can be efficiently implemented using primitive functions. The functions outlined range from moving averages to more complex functions like Relative Strength Index And Moving Average Convergence Divergence which are used by quants and traders in building out a much more powerful analytics solution. The common trend indicators outlined are a method of triggering buy/sell signals, while also offering them a clearer image of the current market. This only touches the tip of the iceberg of what can be done in analytics but it emphasises how powerful kdb+ can be in a data analytics solution. Libraries of custom built analytic functions can be created with ease and in a short space of time which can be applied to realtime and historical data. This paper also highlights Kx Analyst, a visualisation tool used to display statistics in a clear graphical manner. Kx Analyst provides the ability to graphically display the output of the functions in the same IDE as they were created. The combination of this library of functions and Kx Analyst provides the user faster development and processing times to gain meaningful insights from the data.
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