- feat: Support for Dart sass (90e4225)
- chore(editor): add editorconfig (dc20a54)
- chore(package): remove package lock (f046f82)
- chore(release): 2.0.0 (1f7cc43)
- build(dep): upgrade chai@4 (7f98676)
- build(dep): upgrade cz-c-c@2.1 (d561205)
- build(dep): upgrade mocha@4 (88c3ed9)
- build(package): remove node-sass as hard dependency (1091bea)
- feat(parse): replace scss-extract with gonzales-pe (b1f26b5), closes #18
- feat(plugin): add plugin options support and a bundled filter plugin (198a98a)
- feat(process): modify processing order and dependent declarations injections to better handle dynami (aedd820)
- feat(serialize): generalize list separator and serialize lists with known separator (0eb3443)
- feat(struct): add separator info to list (2e44151)
- test: add test for ie type hacks (3f7498f)
- test: add tests against entire foundation-sites scss source tree (d7a9594)
- test: add tests for variable arguments (80d1924)
- test(appveyor): retry npm install in test script (bbd3a54)
- test(function): add tests for combinations of functions with nested blocks, default values and overr (0ff9893)
- test(mixin): add tests for combinations of mixins with default values and overrides (2777abd)
- test(win): add tests for windows line endings (257db5f)
- fix(dependencies): add missing scss-parser dependency (c97153a)
- fix(inject): remove implicit invocation of mixin and function dependencies (ed90fbd)
- fix(parse): fix declaration dependency parsing with gonzales-pe (4bfa93c)
- fix(parse): fix parsing flags and stringify (64c7219)
- refactor(deps): remove lodash from stringify (bb8e560)
- Fix typo in code example (e0531e5)
- chore(release): 1.0.1 (1eb9af1)
- docs: update plugins doc (1ce284a)
- feat(plugins): allow plugin to be applied by module name (d755564)
- test: fix rounding issue across sass versions (c1421de)
- test: fix tested order of map test (6f3a454)
- test: fix windows compat in order test (9ead430)
- chore(release): 1.0.0 (518411b)
- docs: add tests for mutliline comments (0bb6fef)
- docs: added docs for plugins (62a1963)
- feat(parse): add support for explicit global declarations within mixin and function blocks (9780f13)
- feat(parse): use AST for parsing declarations, removing usage of regex (dfc9796)
- feat(plugins): add bundled plugins for alternative formatting (b923f4d)
- feat(plugins): added basic plugin support (a86528e)
- feat(serialize): serialize map keys to support maps with arbitray key data types (847d1bb)
- fix(extract): properly handle multiple overriding declarations in the same source file (0216f20)
- fix(serialize): serialize lists space separated without parenthesis unless nested (5789815)
- fix(struct): make sure colors are properly rounded (8cad631)
- test: add previously failing sass examples mentioned in #12 (b4551f3)
- test: add tests for default flag behavior (223961f)
- the structure of returned declaration metadata has been changed, only affects the
previously available
field on extracted variables
- chore: 0.5.3 (bbf6694)
- fix(extract): fixes undefined ordering behavior on extraction (bb0c34c), closes #13
- chore: 0.5.2 (023ca1b)
- docs: add appveyor badge (72ae503)
- ci: config type (f1bad5c)
- ci: globally install node-gyp (a4cae31)
- ci: update version matrix (60064ed)
- test: add appveyor windows tests (c21a9e9)
- test: fix appveyor yaml (2004cd5)
- test: supress npm warnings and update tested versions (ee86a08)
- test(compat): ci compatibility fix (89efb83)
- fix(compat): fix window path resolution compatibility issues (835f542)
- chore: 0.5.1 (a5d49e6)
- fix(importer): fix @import of partials without leading underscore in url (c1fce2b), closes #9
- fix(parse): reduce complexity of comments expression, prevent freeze (f074c04), closes #2
- chore: 0.5.0 (277df0a)
- docs(readme): fix badge (3b70eb7)
- fix(deps): node-sass peer dependency updated include all major 4 (b8dbacb)
- fix(importer): ensure relative included paths are normalized (f2bc8b1)
- feat(extract): allow existing custom defined functions (23090de)
- feat(importer): extend support for includePaths lookup in custom importer (398659b)
- test: add udf to basic tests (cc79568)
- chore: 0.4.0 (98605ee)
- chore: update changelog (60a8ab8)
- fix(extract): normalize paths from rendered stats (65566ba)
- fix(importer): path compatibility (7e05980)
- fix(parse): regex platform compatibility (3c01dce)
- fix(test): normalize paths in tests (9c3032d)
- docs: add repo to package.json (d880120)
- chore(release): 0.3.2 (1bd314b)
- build(do not include tests and ci config in package): (29e5880)
- build: narrow old version requirement on node-sass (1462516)
- build(node-sass): update requirements on node-sass version (76b5d36)
- ci: rename travis config (afcef88)
- ci: update ci tested node-sass versions (11c6f7f)
- chore: Npm ignore docs assets (2279b6a)
- chore(project): Add license file (613c702)
- chore(release): 0.3.0 (0de5770)
- docs(changelog): Added changelog automation (5aec55d)
- docs(readme): Added commit and release guidelines (386b5a6)
- docs(readme): Include demo gif in repo (3128a4e)
- 0.2.0 (0982419)
- Add basic tests (edcc898)
- Add compile documentation (76fd377)
- Add explicit test (a70de3c)
- Add mixed test (73793b6)
- Add support for comments (c05685e)
- Add tests for boolean and null types (cd995f1)
- Add todo (7a88879)
- Add travis configuration (d6cb10d)
- Added read (f7a5df3)
- Added support for raw data rendering with imports (51fe92c)
- Added tests for inline sass extraction (08f4c4a)
- Added variables to readme (4557247)
- Change module name (6bdb5b7)
- Change to import statements (55e51d2)
- Cleanup (36205c0)
- Cleanup and comments for process and importer (1d23ea8)
- Cleanup render (a909d43)
- Fix extension and sync error handling (f545999)
- Fix multiline parse (ac782d2)
- Fix readme toc and highlighting (80a290d)
- Further refactoring of extract (9f2e454)
- Include babel compilation for compatibility (906f8a8)
- Include tests for nested files (40c7882)
- Increase node-sass min version (f6ed728)
- Initial commit WIP (ed5b7db)
- Make node-sass a peer dependency (b312fa6)
- Move files (d4c9463)
- Move struct (c78ffcf)
- Refactor extract (4157e92)
- Refactor struct (101b90d)
- Refactor to add async API variant (90c5797)
- Refactored inject (02e283d)
- Refactoring of parser (53156dd)
- Remove anonymous exported functions (3a16fb7)
- Remove debug (de9dbaa)
- Remove debug files (abd67a9)
- Remove todos (8c31262)
- Update demo link (b50daad)
- WIP extraction result aggregation (648604e)