Simple wrapper for Javascript Speech-to-text to add voice commands.
if ( SPEECH.isCapable() ) { // the browser supports speech recognition
SPEECH.onStart(function() {
// fires once browser recognition has started
SPEECH.onStop(function() {
// fires when speech is manually stopped, or on error
SPEECH.min_confidence = .2; // the default minimum confidence you're willing to accept as a command
command: "show help",
callback: function() {
// do something when the user says "show help". Maybe open a help dialog!
min_confidence: .5 // you can set a confidence level for each command individually
command: /next (slide)?/,
callback: function() {
// this would fire when the user says "next" OR "next slide"
// using a regex like that makes the voice command recognition
// a bit more forgiving
command: /go.+(top|home)/, // regex to match commands more dynamically
callback: function() {
// the regex above would match:
// * go home
// * go to the top
SPEECH.onResult(function(result) {
// fires after commands set via addVoiceCommands are parsed.
// result.transcript is the object built by the speech recognition engine.
// result.confidence is confidence in decimals (0.02392)
// gets things going. when speech recognition is ready,
// onStart will be called.
// you can also pass config here
min_confidence: .3,
lang: 'en-US' // defaults to HTML lang attribute value, or user agent's language