We've been collecting some commonly asked questions here. We'll either be updating the guide directly, providing answers here, or both.
One important thing to know about Feathers is that it only exposes the official service methods to clients. While you can add and use any service method on the server, it is not possible to expose those custom methods to clients.
In the Why Feathers chapter we discussed how the uniform interface of services naturally translates into a REST API and also makes it easy to hook into the execution of known methods and emit events when they return. Adding support for custom methods would add a new level of complexity defining how to describe, expose and secure custom methods. This does not go well with Feathers approach of adding services as a small and well defined concept.
In general, almost anything that may require custom methods can also be done either by creating a custom service or through hooks. For example, a userService.resetPassword
method can also be implemented as a password service that resets the password in the create
const crypto = require('crypto');
class PasswordService {
create(data) {
const userId = data.user_id;
const userService = this.app.service('user');
return userService.patch(userId, {
passwordToken: crypto.randomBytes(48)
}).then(user => sendEmail(user))
setup(app) {
this.app = app;
For more examples also see this issue comment.
Normally we find that they actually aren't needed and that it is much better to keep your routes as flat as possible. For example something like users/:userId/posts
is - although nice to read for humans - actually not as easy to parse and process as the equivalent /posts?userId=<userid>
that is already supported by Feathers out of the box. Additionaly, this will also work much better when using Feathers through websocket connections which do not have a concept of routes at all.
However, nested routes for services can still be created by registering an existing service on the nested route and mapping the route parameter to a query parameter like this:
app.use('/posts', postService);
app.use('/users', userService);
// re-export the posts service on the /users/:userId/posts route
app.use('/users/:userId/posts', app.service('posts'));
// A hook that updates `data` with the route parameter
function mapUserIdToData(hook) {
if(hook.data && hook.params.userId) {
hook.data.userId = hook.params.userId;
// For the new route, map the `:userId` route parameter to the query in a hook
before: {
find(hook) {
hook.params.query.userId = hook.params.userId;
create: mapUserIdToData,
update: mapUserIdToData,
patch: mapUserIdToData
Now going to /users/123/posts
will call postService.find({ query: { userId: 123 } })
and return all posts for that user.
For more information about URL routing and parameters, refer to the Express chapter.
Note: URLs should never contain actions that change data (like
). This has always been an important part of the HTTP protocol and Feathers enforces this more strictly than most other frameworks. For example to publish a post you would call.patch(id, { published: true })
This depends on the database adapter you are using. Many databases already support their own search syntax:
- Regular expressions (converted in a a hook) for Mongoose, MongoDB and NeDB, see this comment
- $like for Sequelize which can be set in params.sequelize
- Some database adapters like KnexJS, RethinkDB and Elasticsearch also support non-standard query parameters which are described in their documentation pages.
For further discussions see this issue.
If you get a plain text error and a 500 status code for errors that should return different status codes, make sure you have the feathers-errors/handler
configured as described in the Express errors chapter.
See the above answer.
Custom functionality can almost always be mapped to an existing service method using hooks. For example, findOrCreate
can be implemented as a before-hook on the service's get
method. See this gist for an example of how to implement this in a before-hook.
Feathers works just like Express so it's the exact same. We've created a helpful little guide right here.
Although Socket.io has a concept of rooms that you can always fall back to, other websocket libraries that Feathers supports do not. The Feathers way of letting a user listen to e.g. messages on a room is through event filtering. There are two ways:
- Update the user object with the rooms they are subscribed to and filter based on those
// On the client
function joinRoom(roomId) {
const user = app.get('user');
return app.service('users').patch(user.id, { rooms: user.rooms.concat(roomId) });
// On the server
app.service('messages').filter(function(message, connection) {
return connection.user.rooms.indexOf(message.room_id) !== -1;
The advantage of this method is that you can show offline/online users that are subscribed to a room.
- Create a custom
event with a room id and then filter based on it
app.use(socketio(function(io) {
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
socket.on('join', function(roomId) {
app.service('messages').filter(function(message, connection) {
return connection.rooms.indexOf(message.room_id) !== -1;
The room assignment will persist only for the duration of the socket connection.
If your database/ORM supports a model or schema (ie. Mongoose or Sequelize) then you have 2 options.
You perform validation at the service level using hooks. This is better because it keeps your app database agnostic so you can easily swap databases without having to change your validations much.
If you write a bunch of small hooks that validate specific things it is easier to test and also slightly more performant because you can exit out of the validation chain early instead of having to go all the way to the point of inserting data into the database to find out if that data is invalid.
If you don't have a model or schema then validating with hooks is currently your only option. If you come up with something different feel free to submit a PR!
With ORM adapters you can perform validation at the model level:
The nice thing about the model level validations is Feathers will return the validation errors to the client in a nice consistent format for you.
Similar to validation, it depends on if your database/ORM supports models or not.
For any of the feathers database/ORM adapters you can just use hooks to fetch data from other services.
This is a better approach because it keeps your application database agnostic and service oriented. By referencing the services (using app.service().find()
, etc.) you can still decouple your app and have these services live on entirely separate machines or use entirely different databases without having to change any of your fetching code.
This has been implemented in the populate common hook.
With mongoose you can use the $populate
query param to populate nested documents.
// Find Hulk Hogan and include all the messages he sent
query: {
name: 'hulk@hogan.net',
$populate: ['sentMessages']
With Sequelize you can do this:
// Find Hulk Hogan and include all the messages he sent
name: 'hulk@hogan.net',
sequelize: {
include: [{
model: Message,
where: { sender: Sequelize.col('user.id') }
Or set it in a hook as described here.
If you are using the Sequelize adapter, understanding SQL and Sequelize first is very important. For further information see this documentation chapter and this answer on Stackoverflow.
There are many other Node server frameworks out there like Koa, a "next generation web framework for Node.JS" using ES6 generator functions instead of Express middleware or HapiJS etc. Because Feathers 2 is already universally usable we are planning the ability for it to hook into other frameworks on the server as well. More information can be found in this issue.
See this section.
In short, you shouldn't need to. If you look at the hooks chapter you'll see all the params that are available on a hook.
If you still need something from the request object (for example, the requesting IP address) you can simply tack it on to the req.feathers
object as described here.
It's pretty much exactly the same as Express. More information can be found here.
The hooks workflow allows you to handle these situations quite gracefully. It depends on the promise that you return in your hook. Here's an example of a hook that sends an email, but doesn't wait for a success message.
function (hook) {
// Send an email by calling to the email service.
to: 'user@email.com',
body: 'You are so great!'
// Send a message to some logging service.
// Return a resolved promise to immediately move to the next hook
// and not wait for the two previous promises to resolve.
return Promise.resolve(hook);
It's really no different than debugging any other NodeJS app but you can refer to the Debugging section of the guide for more Feathers specific tips and tricks.
This warning is not as bad as it sounds. If you got it from Feathers you most likely registered more than 64 services and/or event listeners on a Socket. If you don't think there are that many services or event listeners you may have a memory leak. Otherwise you can increase the number in the Socket.io configuration via io.sockets.setMaxListeners(number)
and with Primus via primus.setMaxListeners(number)
. number
can be 0
for unlimited listeners or any other number of how many listeners you'd expect in the worst case.
When you make a call like:
const params = { foo: 'bar' };
client.service('users').patch(1, { admin: true }, params).then(result => {
// handle response
on the client the hook.params
object will only be available in your client side hooks. It will not be provided to the server. The reason for this is because hook.params
on the server usually contains information that should be server-side only. This can be database options, whether a request is authenticated, etc. If we passed those directly from the client to the server this would be a big security risk. Only the client side hook.params.query
and hook.params.headers
objects are provided to the server.
If you need to pass info from the client to the server that is not part of the query you need to add it to hook.params.query
on the client side and explicitly pull it out of hook.params.query
on the server side. This can be achieved like so:
// client side
before: {
all: [
hook => {
hook.params.query.$client = {
platform: 'ios',
version: '1.0'
return hook;
// server side, inside app.hooks.js
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks-common');
module.exports = {
before: {
all: [
// remove values from hook.params.query.$client and move them to hook.params
// so hook.params.query.$client.version -> hook.params.version
// and hook.params.query.$client is removed.
hooks.client('version', 'platform')
If you are using REST and queries with larger arrays (more than 21 items to be exact) are failing you are probably running into an issue with the querystring module which limits the size of arrays to 21 items by default. The recommended solution is to implement a custom query string parser function via app.set('query parser', parserFunction)
with the arrayLimit
option set to a higher value. For more information see the Express application settings feathers-rest#88 and feathers-mongoose#205.
Just like in Express itself, the order of middleware matters. If you registered a custom middleware outside of the generator, you have to make sure that it runs before the notFound()
error midlleware.
The standard Feathers oAuth setup sets the JWT in a cookie which can only be passed between the same domain. If your frontend is running on a different domain you will have to use query string redirects as outlined in this Gist.
Check out the Feathers Express HTTPS docs.
Yes! It's being used in production by a bunch of companies from startups to fortune 500s. For some more details see this answer on Quora.