FTC - CYK Implementation (Lange, Leiss) Implementation of the conversion of a GLC to Chomsky's Normal Form and Binary Normal Form. Along with the implementation of the CYK algorithm and Modified CYK proposed in the (Lange, Leiss) paper.
Danniel Henrique, João Amorim
Grammar files are read from the grammar folder. If wanting to input sentences by file, use the folder sentence. Output folder shows the result from using the algorithm.
python main.py CYK grammar_3 "" grammar_3_input.txt True # Default config
python main.py CYK_Mod grammar_3 "" grammar_3_input.txt True # CYK by Lange & Leiss
# run with sentence input from terminal:
python main.py CYK_Mod grammar_5_large 000011111 "" False
# Sentence
How to use:
Run main.py with or without parameters.
If with parameters, the following is the order:
python main.py [CYK, CYK_Mod] [filename] [single sentence] [filename of sentences] [True, False depending on Testing time]