This is a list of potential (or planned) TODO items for "Learning Bitcoin from the Command Line". Many are drawn from issues found at the previous locale of this repo.
Replace our current scripts with Bitcoin Standup (which was based on those scripts)
Fix Verification errors in Bitcoin Standup Scripts6/10Fix IPADDR error in Bitcoin Standup Scripts6/10
Upgrade Bitcoin Standup Scripts to Debian 106/16Upgrade Bitcoin Standup Scripts to Bitcoin 0.206/16Ensure Bitcoin Standup covers everything else in previous scripts6/16Rewrite the StackScript chapter6/16Rewrite the "by-hand" chapter to match Bitcoin Standup7/27Write New Appendix 17/27Revise All Chapter Ordering for Cut §2.17/27
Reintroduce aliases after setup6/19Figure out what to do about the oldNo Known Solution on Testnetbtcblock
on testnet, where there seems to be no CLI way to determine blockheight.
Walk through chapters 1-6, making sure all commands work with Bitcoin Core 0.20 (and changing them if not). Redo the output of all examples.6/19, 6/23, 6/30Edit Chapter 06/19Edit Chapter 16/19Re-edit Chapter 26/19Edit & Check Chapter 36/19Edit & Check Chapter 46/23Double-check fee calculator in 4.2I with a more complex example6/19Integrate older Curl Interlude6/19
Edit & Check Chapter 56/23Edit & Check Chapter 66/30Update for change in importaddress7/7
- Update Scripting & Integrate
Edit & Integrate Chapter 97/15Fix P2PKH Example7/15Write P2WPKH Chapter7/15
Edit & Integrate Chapter 107/15, 7/21Write P2WSH Chapter7/21
Edit & Integrate Chapter 117/21Edit & Integrate Chapter 127/21Edit & Integrate Chapter 137/21- Turn off verbose info on btcdeb?
- Get sigs working right on btcdeb?
Add and document the following new concepts:
Add SegWit Transactions. The majority of Bitcoin transactions now use this signing methodology, so it needs to be fully explained and incorporated, alongside its newer bech32 addresses.6/23
Add definitions of Segwit and bech32 addresses to 3.36/23Do we still have to use "bitcoin-cli getnewaddress "" legacy" on CLI? If not, run back through chapters that use legacy in their examples, starting in 3.3Gonna leave it for now. A future version might shift to P2SH-SegWit as default.Integrate discussions of SegWit into early parts of chapter 4.6/23Write chapter 4.66/23
Add PSBT. Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions are a powerful new interchange format that should be fully included in our discussions of multi-sigs and escrows (which instead fell back on older methodologies in v1.0).7/2, 7/7, 7/10
Research PSBTs7/2Update Outlines7/2Write 7.1: Creating a PSBT7/7Create Illustrations for 7.17/7
Write 7.2: Using a PSBT7/7, 7/10Multisigs7/7Redo with correct math7/10
Fund Pooling7/10CoinJoins7/10
Add Wallet Updates.6/30, 7/2, 7/7
Bitcoin Descriptors6/30Show what a SegWit descriptor looks like7/2Show what a multi-sig descriptor looks like7/2Revise based on comments7/7
Key Ordering (sortedmulti)7/2 Partially Supported in 0.20
Consider HWI.7/14
Write 7.3: Using HWI7/14Edit All of Chapter 6-87/14
- Consider splitting up Chapter 6 (definitely if we get an HWI chapter)
Break apart Chapter 67/2Rewrite all section links in early chapters (1-5, 6, 8)7/7Update Script Chapters7/15Update Tor Chapter7/22- Update Programming Chapters
Edit & Integrate Tor Chapter.7/22Edit & Integrate all "C" work8/5 - 8/26
Edit & Update Chapter 158/5Write the Libwally section8/5 - 8/2616.1: Intro8/516.2: BIP398/1116.3: BIP328/1116.4: PSBTs8/1216.5: Scripts8/1216.6: Other Functions8/1816.7: Integration8/25, 8/26
- Edit & Integrate all "Other Languages" work
- Write Swift Chapter
- Setup Swift Environment
- Look at Wallets
- Create Transaction
Edit & Integrate Appendices work7/27, 8/4
Edit & Integrate A2: Compiling7/27Edit & Integrate A3: RegTest8/4
- Edit & Integrate Lightning Chapters
- Write or request Lightning/C chapter
- Take out warnings for all old chapters
- Add new first chapter, indicating places to start for people of different levels
- Know CL? Have a node? Need to read the new stuff? Skip Lightning?
- Decide where to place current first chapter in relation to that (before? after? glossary?)
- Re-edit everything