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Releases: joeyates/imap-backup

Implements a bugfix to correctly accept logging options when running `migrate` and `mirror` commands.

19 Feb 13:32
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Trap backup errors so other accounts get backed up

18 Feb 15:41
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Fixes a problem when a single account throws an error, capture log it and keep running, so other accounts get backed up.

Optional --reset on Migrations, Source and destination delimiter options for Migrate and Mirror and Bugfixes

13 Feb 11:05
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From the changelog:

9.0.2 - 2023-01-09


  • BUGFIX: When an account has folder_blacklist set but no list of
    configured folders, it now backs up all folders.

9.0.1 - 2022-12-29


  • Made --reset option on migrate optional. Now, existing emails
    in destination folders are kept.

9.0.0 - 2022-12-29


  • Options for setting source and destination delimiters for the migrate and mirror commands.

8.0.1 - 2022-09-24


  • Filtered out non-standard flags from migrate and restore.

Folder blacklist/whitelist toggle, optional JSON output, custom config paths and more

24 Sep 13:51
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From the changelog:

[8.0.0] - 2022-09-24


  • An account option 'folder_blacklist'. When set the user chooses
    which folders to exclude from backups. Otherwise, the folders
    chosen by the user are the ones to include,
  • Provision of JSON output for the 'remote folders' command,
  • A 'remote namespaces' command to help with configuration of
    the 'migrate' and 'mirror' commands.


  • Removed 'Experimental' warning from 'migrate' command,
  • Removed 'Experimental' warning from 'export-to-thunderbird' command,
  • Renamed Folder#*_flags methods,
  • Improved setup account menu ordering,
  • An account's connection_options can now be cleared by entering an empty string.


  • Deprecated folders command, replaced by remote folders.

[8.0.0.rc1] - 2022-09-19


  • --config parameter to allow for non-default placing of the configuration file


  • Deprecated status command, replaced by stats.

[7.0.2] - 2022-09-17

  • Changed logging behaviour:
    • Made info the normal logger level,
    • Removed configuration 'debug' setting,
    • Added a --verbose flag,
    • Add a --quiet flag.
  • Corrected handling of account connection options after changes.

Flag backups and the Mirror Command

16 Sep 13:06
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This major release includes three major changes:

  1. it introduces a new metadata format,
  2. email flags are now backed up,
  3. it introduces a 'mirror' command.

Below is the information form the CHANGELOG.

New Metadata Format

  • Introduced a new metadata format.
  • Included data about message offsets and lengths in the new metadata to
    facilitate for future integrity checks.
  • Added a migrator to transform the old (version 2) metadata files
    into the newer (version 3) files.

Flags Backup

  • Added backup and restore of IMAP flags (e.g. "Seen", "Draft").


  • Added a 'mirror mode' to account configuration that changes backup behaviour:
    • removes local folders that are no longer to be backed up,
    • removes emails that are no longer present on the server,
    • updates flags on the local backup to match those on the server.
  • Added a 'mirror' command that takes a 'mirror mode' backup and copies
    it to another server.
  • Added a '--refresh' option to the backup command that, updates flags
    on the local backup to match those on the server, even for accounts
    that are not in 'mirror mode'.

Fix Setup Error for New Accounts

27 Aug 12:42
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Versions since 6.1.0 had a bug that broke setup for new accounts. This version fixes that problem.

Handle Providers That Set the '\Seen' Flag When Emails are Fetched

11 Jul 15:29
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Added a workaround option for providers that set the '\Seen' flag when emails are fetched.

Avoid Unnecessary Re-connections to Server

09 Jul 11:42
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Memoize connections to reduce unnecessary reconnections and the risk of exceeding server connection limits.

Add New 'stats' Command

04 Jul 07:41
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[6.0.0] - 2022-06-04


  • Deprecated the 'status' command, in favour of the new 'stats' command.
  • Added new 'stats' command, with optional JSON output.
  • Resolved long running CI problem with feature specs failing due to
    too many active IMAP connections.