Contributions are very welcome! Please feel free to contribute anything you got, be that simple questions, a friendly chat about algorithmic art, feature requests, bug reports, bug fixes, or even implementations of new algorithms.
There are many great tools to generate digital art with. No software has been able to deliver an all-encumbering experience when it comes to the generation and exploration of algorithmic beauty, algorithm and hardware support, and speed. Mgart definetly does not aim to be the tool that changes that. The goal of Mgart is more modest. Mgart aims to be a tool to generate beautiful digital imagery using a simple, declarative DSL. When you want to contribue source code, please follow these development guidelines:
API-first: The CLI and DSL should be simple, effective and self-explanatory.
Code quality over performance: Quality code that is well abstracted, well tested and readable is valued more than code that is slightly faster but unreadable.
Correctness violations: Mgart tries to, but does not necessarily produce images containing mathematically correct
renderings of an algorithm. Violations of the mathematical constraints in favor of speed or beauty must be specified by the user in the DSL. -
Fast algorithms over fast hardware: Rather than adding support for various GPUs that perform brute-force faster than a CPU, Mgart tries to implement smart algorithms that reduce the amount of computation.
Mgart adheres to the Contributor Covenant v2.1.