1.8.0 (2016-02-03)
Fixed bugs:
- machine resource's 'bootstrap_options --> user_data' no longer has a default value (Windows, Ec2) #384
- add default windows user_data w/ base64 #400 (hh)
Closed issues:
- Unable to access RDS endpoint with aws_object #423
- Improper flow of security group delete action #422
- Unable to connect and ping public IP on AWS #415
- undefined method `driver_url' for nil:NilClass #414
- unable to start new instance using aws_auto_scale #411
- unexpected value at params[:ssh_user] in with_machine_options, add_machine_options , machine_options #409
- Security Group Data Bag Quote Parsing for Port Ranges #398
Merged pull requests:
- Switch to us-west-2 to fix tests #448 (jkeiser)
- Fix chef-provisioning-aws against 12.6 and 12.7 #442 (jkeiser)
- Support for RDS parameter groups. #407 (tylercloke)
v1.7.0 (2015-11-19)
Fixed bugs:
- Transport connectivity is not verified before reporting "is now connectable" #388
- Bug when changing existing routes on aws_route_table converge #367
- aws_eip_address create action breaks without public_ip attribute #366
- Applying chef_server and managed_entry_store to all Provisioning.inline_resources #403 (tyler-ball)
- Adding a Travis workound so AWS_TEST_DRIVER is only exported on Chef repo orgs #399 (tyler-ball)
- Updating all our retry logic to use a standard pattern, fixes #388 #396 (tyler-ball)
- Updating EIPs to fix failing tests, fixes #366 #395 (tyler-ball)
- Adding VGW support to Route Table #391 (joaogbcravo)
- fix a bug where an existing zone with a comment would explode if no comment was given #389 (redterror)
- Adding sticky sessions to the load balancer #386 (raskchanky)
- Use Amazon API version 2 for RDS #365 (josb)
Merged pull requests:
- fix aws_rds_subnet_group example #401 (keen99)
- Don't iterate through CloudSearch index_fields if none were given #397 (stevendanna)
- ElasticsearchService requires aws-sdk 2.1.26+ #387 (stevendanna)
- Add aws_elasticsearch_domain resource #385 (stevendanna)
v1.6.1 (2015-11-03)
v1.6.0 (2015-10-29)
Fixed bugs:
- The action "stop" on a Machine resource does not appear to work with AWS EC2 instances #370
- with_driver "aws::us-west-2" block breaking VPC launch in loop #369
- ready_machine should wait for "Windows is Ready to use" message #355
- Type Error, Can't Dupe NilClass when creating a load balancer #351
- Full documentation of the available :bootstrap_options for a machine #230
- Certain security group rules definitions don't match correctly (not idempotent) #154
- Adding full test coverage for security groups, documenting all the ways rules can be defined, fixes #154 #382 (tyler-ball)
- Changing Windows waiting logic to continue parsing EC2 log until ready message appears, fixes #355 #376 (tyler-ball)
- Working on getting CI tests passing #375 (tyler-ball)
- Passing drivers to the inline_resource #373 (tyler-ball)
- Add stop_machine for action :stop, fixes #162 #163 (jkeiser)
Closed issues:
- Support convergence_options: bootstrap_no_proxy #377
- instance_ids found for machines deleted using EC2 GUI #364
- Would be nice to have :stop action on machines #162
Merged pull requests:
- Fix index field creation during cloudsearch create. #372 (tylercloke)
- Add gemspec files to allow bundler to run from the gem #362 (ksubrama)
v1.5.1 (2015-10-13)
Fixed bugs:
- Fixing iam_instance_profile so it can be passed either a name or an arn #363 (tyler-ball)
v1.5.0 (2015-10-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Route53 Zone #226
- IAM Support: Roles, Role Policies and Instance Profiles #358 (tyler-ball)
- AwsRoute53HostedZone resource #342 (randomcamel)
Fixed bugs:
- lib/chef/provisioning/aws_driver/driver.rb has duplicate rds definition #360
- Error updating Route Table to use a machine as gateway #353
- machine_image recreation fails randomly #311
- Cannot reference machines by ID in a load_balancer #247
- Access DNS_NAME more simply on Load Balancers #242
has no provider #143- Enable ELB attributes to be retrieved from knife or a recipe #27
- IAM Support: Roles, Role Policies and Instance Profiles #358 (tyler-ball)
- Fix deleting of AMIs, fixes #311 #357 (Fodoj)
- Polishing touches for Route 53 #352 (randomcamel)
- Updating ELB specs to match common chef-provisioning acceptance criteria #346 (tyler-ball)
- some specs for elastic ips #344 (redterror)
- add some more routing specs and fix a SDK v1->v2 update for the VpConnectionPerring object #340 (redterror)
- Updating to support chef master #332 (tyler-ball)
Closed issues:
- Add CONTRIBUTING.md to chef-provisioning-aws #229
v1.4.1 (2015-09-22)
Fixed bugs:
- associate_public_ip_address no longer working #338
- Invalid BASE64 encoding of user data in 1.4.0 #325
- Unable to create ec2 instance with multiple IPs #322
- ERROR: :aws_instance_profile bootstrap option expects a hash (between 1.3.1 and master) #309
- Making machine bootstrap_options backwards compatible to the V1 API #339 (tyler-ball)
- Latest tagging refactors depend on chef-provisioning 1.4, updating the gemspec to reflect this #335 (tyler-ball)
- V1 SDK automatically accepted ENV[AWS_CONFIG_FILE] but V2 doesn't, so we need to update to support that #334 (tyler-ball)
- removing non-base64 windows user_data #330 (hh)
- Converting iam profile from a string to a hash to support v1 to v2 migration, fixes #309 #328 (tyler-ball)
- user_data needs to be base64 encoded in SDK V2, fixes #325 #327 (tyler-ball)
- Strip key_path from the bootstrap options #295 (ryancragun)
Closed issues:
- machine :converge_only ignores chef_server param when run via chef-zero #329
v1.4.0 (2015-09-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update resources to allow route tables with pcx #312 (joaogbcravo)
- Add aws_vpc_peering_connection. #305 (joaogbcravo)
- Adding api V2 for machine create and destroy, fixes #216 #293 (tyler-ball)
- Initial commit of aws_rds_subnet_group resource #276 (stevendanna)
- Add support for aws_server_certificate resource/provider. #274 (tylercloke)
- Initial commit of aws_cloudsearch_domain resource #273 (stevendanna)
- Initial commit of aws_rds_instance resource #272 (stevendanna)
Fixed bugs:
- chef-recipe ArgumentError unknown directive: “\n” #298
- Provisoner's IAM roles are not used #292
- Remove dsl_name deprecation warnings introduced by Chef 12.4.0 #288
- Add code coverage metrics for chef-provisioning-aws #285
- Command line is too long. #284
- Better support for tags #281
- Intermittent AWS AuthFailure executing aws_key_pair #268
- Can't connect to EC2 instance in VPC with public IP #267
- AWS::EC2::Errors::InvalidInstanceID::NotFound When creating a
#264 - Investigate AWS::EC2::Errors::InvalidVpcID::NotFound #251
- AWS::EC2::Errors::RequestLimitExceeded: Request limit exceeded - when launching many instances in a batch #214
- cannot build machine using from_image in AWS #193
- Machines and images report connectable even if they time out #122
- Allow specifying health check on ELB #107
- Specified AMI not being used #102
- bootstrap tagging options #21
- Ensuring all V2 aws classes are prepended with :: to limit namespace scope #323 (tyler-ball)
- Tagging Refactor Part 1, fixes #281 #314 (tyler-ball)
- Update resources to allow route tables with pcx #312 (joaogbcravo)
- Adding provides syntax to all providers to get rid of 12.4.0 chef warnings #303 (tyler-ball)
- Renaming actual_instance because I don't think it provides more information than just instance #302 (tyler-ball)
- Adding configurable option for retry_limit on the AWS SDK, fixes #214 #301 (tyler-ball)
- Add recursive_delete attribute to a aws_s3_bucket #300 (stevendanna)
- Add recursive\_delete attribute to a aws\_s3\_bucket #300 (stevendanna)
- Adding api V2 for machine create and destroy, fixes \#216 #293 (tyler-ball)
- Add from_image support #291 (Fodoj)
- Update README.md #282 (larrywright)
- Adding retry logic around tagging for resources which don't have a Name tag #280 (tyler-ball)
- Replacing use_private_ip_for_ssh with transport_address_location, fixes #267 #269 (tyler-ball)
Closed issues:
- Retrieve windows instance passwords via Aws::EC2::Client#get_password_data #313
- Update
version #307 - Introduce the AWS SDK V2 to the code #216
Merged pull requests:
- Make chef a development dependency #321 (ksubrama)
- Adding a CONTRIBUTING document #316 (tyler-ball)
- Generate code coverage with specs. #287 (randomcamel)
- edit strings for consistency, branding (AWS) #283 (jamescott)
v1.3.1 (2015-08-05)
Fixed bugs:
- machine_batch exits with error - NoMethodError: undefined method `encoding' for nil:NilClass #277
- AWS Driver does not return credentials with machine_batch #260
- Elastic Load Balancers: SSL works on create, but not update #258
- Error re signing request when running integration tests #235
- Machine with name that could be instance id is not being destroyed #232
- running bundle exec rake rspec fails without a valid /etc/chef/client.pem #231
- Support Network ACLs #168
- Fix handling of lb server certificates, fixes #258 #275 (stevendanna)
- only update bootstrap_options[:user_data] in windows, if one hasn't been provided #270 (brumschlag)
- Adding exponential backoff when checking taggable status #263 (tyler-ball)
- load balancer example #262 (avleen)
Closed issues:
- Cannot create security groups when creating an ec2 instance. #271
- when an audit-mode recipe is part of the node's specified run_list, provisioning run stack traces #259
- aws_launch_configuration doesn't respect key_name #255
- Ability to tag machines #252
- bootstrap instances to chef-server #246
- Can not create load_balancer with out machines #243
- Load Balancer Destroy does not work with 'internal' load balancers #173
Merged pull requests:
- Expanding machine_options documentation #265 (tyler-ball)
- Adding documentation for key_pair on launch configuration, fixes #255 #261 (tyler-ball)
- yard doc first pass on elasticache code #233 (metadave)
v1.3.0 (2015-07-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support for elasticache #207
- Adding a matcher which doesn't do any CRUD operations #248 (tyler-ball)
- Network acl #241 (dblessing)
- Elasticache support #212 (dblessing)
Fixed bugs:
- Specs fail with stack overflow message #240
- Failure when attempting to tag an aws_vpc #218
- from_image doesnt seem to work #211
- AWS Security Groups cannot be tagged #204
- machine converge instance not found error AWS::EC2::Errors::InvalidInstanceID::NotFound #158
- Should you get t1.micro instances by default? #29
- How about something for creating and assigning an IAM role to the server? #1
- Updating for Chef 12.4.x, fixes #240 #250 (tyler-ball)
- Adding a matcher which doesn't do any CRUD operations #248 (tyler-ball)
- use wait_for_state before tagging VPC's, fixes #218 #245 (metadave)
- Fix security group rule comparison #237 (dblessing)
- Make destroy_aws_object work when using ec2-classic #209 (brainiac744)
- Support elb attributes, fixes #138 #199 (dblessing)
- Query Ubuntu for current AMI #197 (whiteley)
Closed issues:
- S3 Bucket #222
- (basic_chef_client::block line 57) had an error: Net::HTTPServerException: 404 "Not Found" #217
- Cannot find AWS Credentials #210
- Ask Ubuntu for the latest Ubuntu image as the default image instead of hardcoding #196
- NoMethodError: undefined method `id' for "ami-e7f8d6d7" for aws_launch_configuration #160
- ELB attributes not supported #138
- Update of subnet fails due to incorrect comparison #137
- AWS::AutoScaling::Errors::ValidationError: At least one Availability Zone or VPC Subnet is required. #135
- Re-converging instances that were created with driver version < 0.2.0 fails #86
- aws_driver does not honor "with_data_center [region]" setting. #85
- Security Groups #67
- Cleaner handling when trying :disassociate action on an already disassociated aws_eip_address #59
- bootstrap_options need to be clarified #58
- aws_security_group doesn't show (up to date) message #50
- Remove update_load_balancer? #19
Merged pull requests:
- Update README.md #239 (ryancragun)
- additional documentation #236 (brandocorp)
- update README with rspec info #234 (metadave)
v1.2.1 (2015-05-28)
Merged pull requests:
- Fixing #158 and #204 #213 (tyler-ball)
v1.2.0 (2015-05-27)
Fixed bugs:
- Tags are not converging idempotently #205
- Load Balancer no longer accepts security groups by name #203
- security_groups bootstrap option doesn't work with an existing group #174
- Security groups can be referenced by group-name, don't need a data bag entry #194 (tyler-ball)
- Feature: Propagate Virtual Private Gateway Routes for
resource #151 (dblessing)
Closed issues:
- ChefDK 0.6.0 and Client 12.3 with chef-provisioning AWS doesn't work in socketless mode #202
- Invalid value 'Must specify both from and to ports with TCP/UDP.' for portRange. #183
- Unable to destroy on latest master #141
- Creation of aws_security_group fails if run from multiple machines [local mode] #49
Merged pull requests:
- Fixing a myriad of tests #208 (tyler-ball)
- Updating ref files to run correctly #192 (tyler-ball)
- Aws Tags #190 (patrick-wright)
v1.1.1 (2015-04-28)
Closed issues:
- machine :destroy RuntimeError when aws_instance resource has been used in the recipe #189
- Can't provision windows server in a vpc #188
Merged pull requests:
- Updating to use the new *spec.driver_url syntax exposed in chef-provisioning 1.0 #191 (tyler-ball)
- add destroy_an_aws_object #186 (patrick-wright)
v1.1.0 (2015-04-16)
Fixed bugs:
- enhance aws_ebs_volume :availability_zone to accept an AZ letter designation #184
Closed issues:
- Updating chef-provisioning-aws breaks chef-client -z functionality with ChefDK 0.4.0 (current version). #182
Merged pull requests:
- Updating destroy to remove instances and images on non-purge destroy #187 (tyler-ball)
- update aws_ebs_volume :availability_zone to exclude region setting #185 (patrick-wright)
- Updated security group examples to use the correct hash key for ports. #181 (msonnabaum)
- Fixed incorrect resource params in vpc example. #179 (msonnabaum)
- Added version constraint for aws-sdk. #178 (msonnabaum)
- AWS Proxy & Session Token Support #177 (afiune)
- network interface (create, update, destroy) #167 (patrick-wright)
- Better AWS tests #152 (jkeiser)
v0.2.2 (2015-04-10)
v1.0.4 (2015-04-07)
Closed issues:
- Cloning resource attributes warnings at start of chef run #159
Merged pull requests:
- Potential fix for resource cloning showing back up #166 (tyler-ball)
v1.0.3 (2015-04-07)
Merged pull requests:
v1.0.2 (2015-04-06)
v1.0.1 (2015-04-06)
v1.0.0 (2015-04-02)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Load Balancer deletion not working in 1.0.0.rc.1 #171
v1.0.0.rc.1 (2015-04-01)
Closed issues:
- :stop action has disappeared on machine and machine_image #161
- Second run on load balancer fails with AWS::Core::OptionGrammar::FormatError #130
Merged pull requests:
- Changelog and version for 0.5.0 release #153 (tyler-ball)
v0.5.0 (2015-03-26)
Closed issues:
- VPC main route table reference is impossible #146
- OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError connect error on machine converge #140
not able to be referenced byaws\_vpc
resource #139- Add the option to add AWS tags in the machine_options #134
- Error when creating security group on VPC with outbound rule of #129
- Cannot refer to a security group by security_group_id #128
- Converge fails if instance is deleted #125
- aws_security_group out of sync #121
- Unable to set subnet on a load_balancer. #115
Merged pull requests:
- aws_ebs_volume (jk/based on create_update_delete branch) #142 (patrick-wright)
- Standardize create/update/delete #136 (jkeiser)
- Make security groups idempotent, add better syntax #132 (jkeiser)
- Add DHCP options support #127 (jkeiser)
- Used managed entries for data bags, make resources responsible for referencing their object and entry #126 (jkeiser)
v0.4.0 (2015-03-04)
Closed issues:
- Not able to create instance without public IP #120
- with_driver no longer getting region from profile #116
- AWS::Core::OptionGrammar::FormatError updating a load balancer #114
- Exceptions when try to update load balancer #109
- No address associated with hostname" when using a proxy? #103
- AWS Profile not honored for aws_vpc (and possibly others) #75
Merged pull requests:
- Fix #116 and #114 #117 (christinedraper)
- Security groups, subnets and schemes can be updated #108 (tyler-ball)
v0.3 (2015-02-26)
Fixed bugs:
- machine resource not idempotent #15
Closed issues:
- destroying a machine image doesnt delete snapshots #94
- machine provisioning doesn't work for windows target #84
- Error on destroying a loadbalancer #82
- Multiple listeners defined in
#81 - Provisioning only creates t1.micros #63
- machine_file resource not working as the connect_to_machine method is not implemented #60
- Failure when creating security groups #57
- Feature: VPC subnet #38
Merged pull requests:
- Bug fixes for creating load balancers #106 (tyler-ball)
- Fix undefined local variable or method `image_id’ error #105 (schisamo)
verbose_specs (2015-02-16)
Closed issues:
- aws_security_group throws an error on action :delete (No resource, method, or local variable named `existing_vpc') #92
- machine from_image doesnt pick correct image #89
- No resource, method, or local variable named `existing_vpc' when delete security group #74
- Delete action for aws_vpc doesnt work #73
- image_id should be a bootstrap_options instead of machine_option? #46
- driver image methods are empty #42
Merged pull requests:
- Fix specs require #99 (pburkholder)
- Fix VPC example to use aws_subnet #78 (christinedraper)
- Ensure we pass a Hash to aws-sdk instances #72 (schisamo)
v0.2.1 (2015-01-28)
Merged pull requests:
v0.2 (2015-01-27)
Fixed bugs:
- implement connect_to_machine #11
Closed issues:
- Add security_group_names to bootstrap_options #48
- Can't specify ssh_username via machine_options #44
Merged pull requests:
v0.1.3 (2014-12-15)
Closed issues:
- EC2 node attributes not available through ohai #37
- Default key doesn't work when creating machine resource #35
- Support ~/.aws/credentials #33
- :destroy action on load_balancer is a noop #28
- What are the sane defaults for complete and converge in the machine resource? #25
- Default load_balancer security group not working #24
- :destroy does not remove local client and node data #6
Merged pull requests:
- :allocate should ensure instance isn't terminated #40 (lynchc)
- No support for EIP Addresses #36 (lynchc)
v0.1.2 (2014-11-24)
Fixed bugs:
- load_balancer doesn't add machines on create #14
- Thoughts on using aws-sdk-core (Version 2 of the sdk)? #2
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Initial work for security groups and VPCs #34 (johnewart)
- Default key support #26 (johnewart)
- Combine update and create load balancer into idempotent action #22 (jkeiser)
- Make AWS machines convergent #18 (jkeiser)
- rename fog to aws #16 (patrick-wright)
v0.1.1 (2014-11-05)
Merged pull requests:
v0.1 (2014-11-03)
Merged pull requests:
- Require V1 of AWS SDK #5 (jkeiser)
- Add EC2 auto-scaling groups and launch configs #3 (raskchanky)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator