- Add Jinja templates in favor over standard library for string formatting
- Add problems pulled from Neetcode solutions GitHub
- Add Neetcode 250
- Fix linting error
- Fix issue in querying NeetCode videos
- Remove support for Python 3.7 (Cannot properly test for Mac)
- Add support for Python 3.12 and 3.13
- Add difficulty
- Add color for difficulty in excel
- Query more Neetcode videos and update video dictionary
- Fixed issue with Neetcode titles including semicolons, resulting in ill-formatted Anki cards
- Added Neetcode 150 and Neetcode All to presets
- Added support for exporting to Excel
- Added TQDM progress bar to reflect progress of card generation
- Added support for using presets of questions, including the Grind 75, Grind 169, and the original Blind 75. This argument is an optional argument instead of inputting urls or a file of questions.