Install ZeroMQ (for Libbitcoin), e.g. on macOS: brew install zeromq
Install Postgres, e.g. on macOS: brew install postgresql
Install Redis, e.g. on macOS: brew install redis
and see instructions.
To use Rails cache, install memcacher, e.g. on macOS: brew install memcached
. To toggle cache, use rails dev:cache
Install Python. When using pyenv, use env PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS='--enable-shared' pyenv install VERSION
in order for PyCall to work.
Install Ruby 3.1.4 through a version manager such as RVM or rbenv. Install the bundler and foreman gems, then run bundler:
gem install bundler foreman
bundle config set --local without 'production'
bundle install
You also need Yarn, a package manager for NodeJS. Once installed, run:
Run rake secret
and then edit .env
to add it:
Now run the server (this can take a while the first time, as well as each time you modify javascript):
foreman start -f -p 3000
In order to log in to /admin and add nodes, you need to create an admin user:
rails console
User.create(email: "", password: "1234", confirmed_at:
To check if nodes are reachable:
rake debug:node_info
To poll nodes:
rake nodes:poll
Prefix rake command with debug
or info
to see more progress details:
rake debug nodes:poll
To poll all nodes continuously
rake nodes:poll_repeat
To check inflation, you need to run a mirror node and add it in the admin panel.
rake debug blocks:check_inflation
To run inflation checks continuously:
rake debug nodes:rollback_checks_repeat
The other long running heavy work tasks:
rake debug nodes:heavy_checks_repeat
To manually query a node:
rails c
info = Node.first.client.getblockchaininfo
=> 548121
To get the list of RPC commands and execute an arbitrary command:
Node.first.client.request("getblock", ...)
To communicate with the first Bitcoin Core mirror node:
Node.where.not(mirror_rpchost: nil).first.mirror_client.getchaintips
When switching between a binary and custom Bitcoin Core branch, comment
the binary
and binary_cli
lines in
, update travis.yml
and update the commit hash in
Currently the tests use a downloaded binary and don't require a custom compiled version of Bitcoin Core.
Edit bitcoin/test/config.ini
and replace $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR
with the root path
of this project.
To run Rails tests and monitor for changes:
<hit enter>
Some of the tests require (a specific version of) Bitcoin Core. To install:
cd vendor/bitcoin
cp ../bitcoin-config.ini test/config.ini
test/ -b -t .. v23.0
To debug a test, use:
LOG_LEVEL=info rspec spec/models/block_spec.rb
To run Rails tests in parallel (optionally set PARALLEL_TEST_PROCESSORS
rake parallel:create
rake parallel:prepare
rake parallel:spec
To run Javascript tests and monitor for changes:
yarn test --watch
rubocop && yarn test && rake parallel:spec && git push && cap production deploy
for push notifications:
npm install -g web-push
web-push generate-vapid-keys
Also provide a contact email via VAPID_CONTACT_EMAIL=
To test notifications, open the site in Chrome and give permission, and then:
@subscription = Subscription.last
WebPush.payload_send(endpoint: @subscription.endpoint, message: "tag|title|body", p256dh: @subscription.p256dh, auth: @subscription.auth, vapid: { subject: "mailto:" + ENV.fetch('VAPID_CONTACT_EMAIL'), public_key: ENV.fetch('VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY') , private_key: ENV.fetch('VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY') }, ttl: 60 * 60)