- Bump versions to 1.3.2
- write deseq2 table to file
- Contrast names in report plots
- Convert species name to lower case also in report
- LogFC is also reported in the report and set in volcano plots
- Bump versions to 1.3.1
- Fix bug plots requested boxplots
- Bump versions to 1.3.0dev
- #74 Add option to provide KEGG pathway blacklist
- #74 Make quote param optional
- #74 Make report options optional (default in assets)
- #74 DE gene and pathway summary table
- #75 Boxplot of normalized counts can also be done from non-DE genes.
- #75 More comprehensive variable names and comments
- #74 Pathway analysis only perfomed if at least 2 DE genes
- Added report_options.yml in assets/.
- Skipping pathway analysis for contrasts with no found DE genes.
- Fixed report pvalue typo.
- Major changes in handling contrasts.
- Major improvements to report.
Initial pre-release of qbic-pipelines/rnadeseq, created with the nf-core template.